Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: The happy period in a marriage, which occurs once the husband has been fully domesticated.
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Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: groom-ess-tik
Sentence: His groomestication abilities had been developed quite favourably but in her opinion she could still clean much more thoroughly than he.
Etymology: groom + domestic
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: new-turm
Sentence: Domestication of the husbeast has been achieved when he has successfully completed the following courses of instruction: Seatography - the only proper position of the toilet seat is Down. Wild Oats and Bran - A tray of pizza does not constitute a square meal. Taskematics - Performing household chores can garner points, which can be redeemed at a later time for a favorite meal or possibly sex. Wrathematics - Starting an argument with one's wife and trying to win it will nix any points previously won. Upon graduation, the couple can enter the Nueterm, as the husband is considered to be a pandering no-nad, and will happily hand over his nads to his wife for safe-keeping.
Etymology: nueter, term
Created by: StigAllan
Sentence: Since the marriage he is totally patrimonized
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: flum-OX-uh-faze
Sentence: While cleaning his wife's collection of porcelain horse figurines, Edward became acutely aware that he was now in the flummoxiphase of his relationship, and he made plans to dust the good china, wash and vacuum her car, then take her on a 21-day Mediterranean cruise to let her know how much he truly cared.
Etymology: Flummox (bewilder) + ox (beast of burden) + moxie (skill) + phase (process of change)
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: hon-ee-drone
Sentence: It was like a perfect honeydrone for Robert and Alice. He cleaned the toilets. She washed the tub. Naked of course!
Etymology: honeymoon + drone
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: hub-BEE-moon
Sentence: Blissless Bob quickly found out that being a husband was like any other job - it helps if you obey the boss. Once he accepted this fact, the hubbymoon, for he and Roxy, commenced.
Etymology: Hubby (slang for husband)& moon. Based on honeymoon: the early (usually calm and harmonious) period of a relationship; personal, political or business.
Good word! - Gionuzzo, 2007-08-23: 09:02:00
So perfect, I can't even think of anything else! - mplsbohemian, 2007-08-23: 23:37:00
Created by: pixelzoo
Pronunciation: men-es-ti-kay-shin
Sentence: The newly wed's house was spotless, thanks to early menestication.
Etymology: a merge of men and domestication
Created by: buddhashampoo
Pronunciation: ideeu-huzbund
Sentence: "I don't know what happened to Mark," said Shelley. "Six months into marriage and he'd become an ideohusband! I wonder what his wife gave him because I'm totally jealous!"
Etymology: ideal+idiot+husband
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: spous/boy
Sentence: As the marriage evolved he was groomed by his wife to be the perfect spouseboy.
Etymology: spouse + houseboy
OZZIEBOB - 2007-08-23: 21:46:00
Absolutely great sentence. "Seatography" and "Taskematics" are gems; "wrathematics" is real "kooh-i-noor stuff. Also good word blend