The create-a-word game


Do you have a great idea for a Verbotomy definition?

Would you like to see it illustrated? And do you want to see a gaggle of words invented to match it?

If you want to share it with us (i.e., you give us permission to use it as we see fit according to our website terms and conditions ), just fill our this form and send it in...

We will respond to all submissions and let you know if, and when, we can verbotomize your definition. Thanks!


Proposed Definitions:

DEFINITION: n; A word that you know exists, but cannot think of. v; To not be able to think of a word that you know exists.
CREATED BY: Artomun - 2012-11-29

DEFINITION: A totally disconnected from reality oriented person who uses a specific fact to argue a point or thought that completely twists around or blatantly disregards what 99.9% of people would agree upon as the fact's specific meaning or intent.
CREATED BY: kerryb - 2012-11-02

DEFINITION: n.The condition which may cause one to lose sleep at night obsessing the best word choice for Verbotomy v.To lose track of time or obsess on a hobby
CREATED BY: DrWebsterIII - 2012-10-26

DEFINITION: An adult that puts on a child's voice, e.g 'puh-weeese' with accompanying puppy-dog eyes.
CREATED BY: Rhyme79 - 2012-10-25

DEFINITION: n. One of those pictures where the eyes follow you as you move.
CREATED BY: Rhyme79 - 2012-10-25

DEFINITION: A butch lesbian Lotherio or Casanova: Casa-no-vag (see:
CREATED BY: Sunny Clark - 2012-10-24

DEFINITION: To enjoy a type of obscure music or band but as soon as it becomes popular or mainstream, you stop liking it.
CREATED BY: remistram - 2012-10-20

DEFINITION: To mirror someone elses body language just to get their attention.
CREATED BY: remistram - 2012-10-20

DEFINITION: To be so inarticulate, and come across so dumb, unknowingly, e.g. a binder full of women
CREATED BY: remistram - 2012-10-20

DEFINITION: V. To find beauty in what is normally seen as ugly or distasteful. N. An alluring ugly or obscene thing.
CREATED BY: AlouattaPigra - 2012-10-10


'So what do you think of my snake?'

DEFINITION: v. To pretend that you adore someone's pet even though it is annoyingly stupid, bizarrely threatening, or just plain stinky. n. A alarming pet or companion, which nevertheless requires fawning.

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