Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To greet a person on the phone in rude or obnoxious manner, and then do your best to ignore, or talk over, whatever they say as the conversation continues. n. A person with atrocious phone manners.
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Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: line-swine
Sentence: "WHO'S THIS?!?!?" barked the old lady over the phone. I immediately hung up. Not dealing with lineswine today.
Etymology: line (phone line) + swine (pig)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: yell - eh - fone
Sentence: At one time or another, Starbucks, Subway, AT&T, Papa John's and the paperboy have all received yellephone calls from Joyce. These calls are usually long and loud as Joyce vents all of her pent up anger and frustration on whatever poor person happens to answer.
Etymology: yell, telephone
Created by: diyan627
Pronunciation: grem bi seeech
Sentence: My cell phone company has a whole lovely array of grembiseeches working for them. Works out really well for them and the way they put erroneous charges to my account that can never be resolved or even disputed properly because I can't actually carry on a decent conversation with any of them. Me thinks part of customer service training is a course on the art of being a grembiseech in order to make communicating with them as painful and inefficient as possible.
Etymology: greet + gremlin (adept at subverting or sabotaging mechanical systems) + Bit*% + beseech (to address or request earnestly)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: telly-market-ear-basher
Sentence: Tellymarketeerbashing had never been on Lilith's career plans, however her dominearing manner and the fact that she had no qualms about abusing complete strangers on the telephone led to her being head-hunted by the Insultancy firm to answer their calls.
Etymology: telemarketer + ear bash
love it! - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-16: 15:06:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: ker-testee
Sentence: Sue made a curtesty call to her boyfriend. After ranting for five minutes using all the potty words she knew, she realized that she had accidentaly punched in the wrong speed dial number and had been screaming at her grandmother.
Etymology: (wordplay on courtesy call) curt: rude or abrupt in speech or manner+ testy: irritable, grumpy, petulant
LOVE IT I can relate especially the accidental speed dial part - DrWebsterIII, 2009-06-02: 23:27:00
great word. - mweinmann, 2009-06-03: 07:22:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: an-sir-rage-ing
Sentence: Helen had a bad habit of answeraging into the phone with her bad attitude.
Etymology: Answer-reply; reaction. & Raging- violent; mad
Created by: balku4
Pronunciation: roo-de-man-ner-sad-dic-tai-vey-tiv
Sentence: you're a rudemannersaddictivative
Etymology: look at the word and you will find out
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: go/to/hell/o
Sentence: She always answered the phone with a grating nasty "Gotohello". Then she would continue with a long string of erfhwask lu qkweuydcbwouiycqiuowqbyecqy ksdjgcskca kwejhf mdn sd, fj wdajrhwe iud woiur efukows eriuh rtudx rweiu eip vi uwer e er uerj erilhfriu eriu er iou erniuefsh ueher iopueroiereroiger(o) grekj hgetk;ud fhgo ji hbgr;seodiruvkudhfekjghrfcku viuenhvcfoiweunrviuerwvceui uewrbviuervgen wc iuer ieru vjh rvui hcr jhciu vriv esg iwgaefiucbiusa wyeuigfc i wer gfwerugfi uewrh f wiuf viuerfuifiphygreiu ksadjhfkjvsdfhf jklhrfveuiowrhfgoiuerv ojkdfkjhsauitryubnw vwebyt evefjknbb dsrjhewrouibn jihercb vroui erobiuvwebn veu ery bv e vunierniv e veio ueroiueroui ervstr oui tvegoi oi erv tuio vitrg oitrv i eruitv iourvtoier fgv iusdfio dvgof dfioig oi sv toi dgrioghdroi trouitogfi u teiutrioh uoritu goiut geuiogt oiu retugojiiouveojhvilr eruioh gkuevohoef nel hjglktrhjg eroruith go eguhrtoh gvuhb trjdlhi fbgn troitr jgoikjnbligj oijt roijiotrj troijt hrod jkfd hobgofgihj tuj trgio hgoog id gfiofg oi gfoi jhg dguoh og hji oi goigf iogfih oijg sritvujeoriuvng cjhsdbfviehgv sieuh sodfh kjr jrhfsd sa psgfsdhhfg fdkgjhg jgfkslng gapotruiy otui ofih ktjhntn fngfjgy tgjgjg kfjgjgnvkdfl poeoeyrn djjfjfghjhhjhjytoiu yjrtrtuyn yrk. Ooge eortu rtjgji ioodfhbt salker gkklt drkhjthg kgjyn. And finish with "Goodbye jackass".
Etymology: go + to + hello
glad you got that off your chest? - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-16: 15:02:00
Sorry, didn't catch that. Can you please repeat it? - Tigger, 2008-04-16: 23:01:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: əbnäkyelər
Sentence: Brittney is such an obnoxyeller that nobody wants to be placed near her cubicle. Her shrieking has been known to effect calls by other salespersons. Strangely, her customers find her ranting more entertaining than offending. They also tend to be fans of the Soup Nazi from Sienfeld.
Etymology: obnoxious (extremely unpleasant) + yeller (a person who is loud/shouts)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: bella/fauna
Sentence: The receptionist is such a bellaphonna that only masochists call now.
Etymology: belladonna ( a poisonous plant) + bell (phone company) + phone
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /dom-in-EER-ring/
Sentence: Nobody ever wanted to call Wanda back, or receive a call from her in the first place, due to her dominearring ways. The last time Jon answered a call from her, he didn't even get to finish a sentence — she would always just cut him off or shout over him. As his phone rang now, he recognized Wanda's number on the caller ID and just sighed and let the call go to voicemail. He knew she couldn't leave a message until his outgoing message played, so at least his recorded voice would get to finish a couple of sentences.
Etymology: Play on the word: Domineering - exercising arbitrary or arrogant control (from Dutch, domineren "to rule") + ear; also "dom" (short for 'dominant'), "in-ear" and "ring".
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-16: 08:25:00
Clever -- like the earring part! - pieceof314, 2008-04-16: 08:55:00
Do they make dominecklaces to go with the dominearrings? Good Word - Nosila, 2008-04-17: 01:06:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sin sil ent
Sentence: Rudi Persson was prone to be a sinsolent individual. She was paid to answer phones and help people, but in fact, she did the opposite. When people told her, "Have a Nice Day", she would mutter, "I've made other plans".
Etymology: Sin (commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake) & Insolent (marked by casual disrespect;an offensive disrespectful impudent act;trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties)
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: tel - e - wich
Sentence: I don't know but it seems every time I phone Con Ed to check my bill , I feel I always get the same telewhich. Is is it the same person every time or is that just part of their customer skills training!
Etymology: telephone (invention for transmitting speech over distances) + witch ( O.E. a person esp. a woman having supernatural powers with the devil or eveil spirits)
funny.. - mweinmann, 2009-06-03: 07:23:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: brusk a teer
Sentence: Friends since childhood, the 3 girls worked the Call Centre for a giant pizza chain. Since they hated their low-paying jobs, they amused themselves each night shift by seeing who could be the rudest Brusqueteer to customers each night. When they did finally lose their jobs, they boasted their motto,"All Fired One, One fired All!"
Etymology: Brusque (marked by rude or peremptory shortness) & Musketeer (a foot soldier armed with a musket...depicted in fiction as the Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas in 1844, whose motto was "All for One, One For All).
I talked to Brusque just this afternoon. - Mustang, 2009-06-02: 08:08:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: OP-ehr-ayvr
Sentence: Lucinda hated her job as customer service operator and as each day wore on and she tired of handling so many complaints and insults she became an operaver, returning insults and making slurs of all sorts.
Etymology: Blend of operator and 'raver' (one who utters as if in madness)
Good match to today's illustration. - artr, 2009-06-02: 06:57:00
clever! - mweinmann, 2009-06-02: 08:45:00
Raving good word - Nosila, 2009-06-02: 12:18:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: ET-eh-kwit
Sentence: Miriam's friends were well aware of her atrocious manners whenever she took or made a phone call and they derided her behind her back saying that when on the phone she got a bad case of etiquit.
Etymology: Blend of 'etiquette' (a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms) and 'quit' (cease or stop)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Opp - uhr - RANT - er
Sentence: Hildegarde hated her job as a customer service representative and took every opportunity to respond with her mean mouth operantor persona.
Etymology: Blend of operator and ranter.
great! - bookowl, 2008-04-16: 15:04:00
Clever angle — great word! - Tigger, 2008-04-16: 23:04:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ree sepp shun issst
Sentence: the recepshunist was off sick with a partial cold.....two cold shoulders
Etymology: receptionist shun
Created by: phonesalad
Pronunciation: Phone-troll
Sentence: That guy was a real phonetroll.
Etymology: Phone + Troll
Created by: catgrin
Pronunciation: tel-uh-fuhnt
Sentence: "Jane is such a telephant! I swear, once she gets on her cell her behaviour becomes telephaniccal, barking orders and screaming obscenities at some poor slob who doesn't even know who she is. Maybe she needs therapy?"
Etymology: telephone + elephant + tyrant
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: phōn-wich
Sentence: Becky was an angry employee. She worked late nights at a call center with a hundred other telephone customer service representatives. It was not a job that suited her, for she was a phonewitch extraordinaire. Bitter about life in general, she took it out on the random caller who happened upon her. Sometimes she would answer, "Please hold while I finish filing my nails," or "Sorry, but we've reached our quota on stupid calls." Other times she would mumble unintelligently until the customer would hang up. When she was feeling particularly good, she would instigate arguments until the customer asked for the manager, at which she would put them on hold for a while and then get back on and pretend she was the manager.
Etymology: phone + witch : also, phonebitch
hehehe, I wish I could do that sometimes! - pieceof314, 2008-04-16: 08:54:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: teh leh krow nnnnnnnnn
Sentence: Shrilla was the scariest telecrone in the complaints department. She had a voice that made chalk screeching down a blackboard sound like a choir of angels. she could swear in fourteen languages and had some strange power of transmitting her gin-based halitosis down the phone lines. Nobody had ever lasted more than 78 seconds with their complaints. She was paid more than the entire R&D section of the company.
Etymology: telephone, crone
great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-16: 08:24:00
Clever blend. Love the name 'Shrilla'!! - Tigger, 2008-04-16: 22:57:00
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: phone+diva
Sentence: Watch out for her if you dial-in, she is such a phonediva, you may not ever get to speak.
Etymology: phone+diva
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: uh gres uh veer
Sentence: You could just sense the sneer on the other end of the phone. The venom and anger of the agressevere completely trampled any notion that George had for complaining about the missing parts of the mail order kit he just received. When he tried to explain the problem, he was mocked and talked over. Eventually he gave up and threw the kit away.
Etymology: agressive + perservere/severe
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: tehl-uh-barrk-at-err
Sentence: Jolene was the perfect Customer Service Rep: she talked fast and loud, was completely deaf, and had years of experience as a Bill Collector, Meter Maid, and Telebarketer.
Etymology: bark at her, from telemarketer
And she cxalls during dinner each night! - Nosila, 2009-06-02: 12:19:00
So THAT's who keeps calling. Good one! - Mustang, 2009-06-02: 21:00:00
Created by: anoesis23
Pronunciation: TE-le-fag
Sentence: She kept on talking over me during the call! What a telefag! So I picked up the phone and was subject to thirty minutes of telefagging from my mother in law.
Etymology: Tele (from telephone) + fag (colloqial use an extremely annoying, inconsiderate person) May be considered offensive. In fact, offense encouraged.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: un siv il ser vant
Sentence: When April joined the Tax Dept. as an Information Officer, she was rude on the phone with all callers. SHe was a most uncivilservant. No wonder taxpayers hated April!
Etymology: Uncivil (rude, lacking manners) & Civil Servant (a public official who is a member of the civil service)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sel-ey-shuhs
Sentence: Judy thought it was the biggest joke to send out cellacious messages on hers and friends phones. Her little prank backfired on her when she accidentally left an obscene voicemail for the head of HR for the company she used to work for.
Etymology: cell (wireless phone) + salacious (obscene; grossly indecent)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: un siv ill ser vant
Sentence: Rudi was aptly named. She was employed by the Dept. of Political Correctness and Fair Treatment. Unfortunately she had been a transferee from the Taxation Dept. so in fact, she was an uncivilservant. She snarled into telephones, was rude with co-workers and clients and apparently hated her job. The irony was that she had more Employee of the Month and Outstanding Customer Service Awards than anyone else in her department. Can you imagine what the rest of them were like???
Etymology: Uncivil (lacking civility or good manners) & Civil Servant (a public official who is a member of the civil service)
"Rudi" - ha! - karenanne, 2010-06-24: 13:42:00
Created by: ShaniT
Sentence: The secretary was an expert at fonethuggery and had been awarded the 'Fonethug 2008' award by her company for endless bad humour, unhelpfulness and foul language whilst conducting company business.
Etymology: Fone - modern day slang for Telephone. Thug - well known definition of nasty vicious person. Thuggery - the act of being nasty and vicious.
funny - bookowl, 2008-04-16: 15:05:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: vial tone
Sentence: Helen worked at the Help Desk of her company's IT Dept. Hah, Helen thought,Help Desk was an oxymoron of a name for it. She went out of her way to ensure that Help Desk was an ironic choice of name. Whenever those moronic employees would call about their petty issues, she'd snidely say things like: "Is your computer plugged in? Did you turn it on yet? How can you be so stupid as to not know the terminology? Call us back when you get a clue!" She was always cutting people off, swearing at them and taking out her bad moods by being a viletone with the callers. Her co-workers cringed when she answered the phone and they felt pity for the poor slob on the other end of the line. That was until one day when she picked the wrong client to offend. After viletoning him for ten minutes, Helen was left speechless to find that she had bad-mouthed her boss. Bill Gates told her that she would never have to worry about hating her job again...
Etymology: vile (thoroughly unpleasant, morally reprehensible,nasty, offensive,despicable) & tone (the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people,the elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli) & dial tone (sound given by telephone exchange to show line is clear to make a call)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: moōdēkôl
Sentence: Ron and his girlfriend are not seeing eye to eye just now or any body part to corresponding body part for that matter. When he calls her on the yellphone, the hellphone, a bootycall quickly turns into a moodycall. What makes this even more ridiculous is that neither of them can remember what she is so mad about.
Etymology: moody (given to unpredictable changes of mood) + booty call (a sexual invitation or rendezvous)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Rood-sepshunist
Sentence: I swear that by the way the rudeceptionist spoke to me on the phone, she thought that I was some kind of simpleton!
Etymology: Rude (Impolite,unnecessarily curt) + Receptionist(Person that answers company calls and deals with Customer service enquiries
Love it! - Tigger, 2008-04-16: 23:05:00
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: tele/grate/ur
Sentence: A telegrater answers the phone and then cuts the listener to shreds.
Etymology: telephone + greeter + grater
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: äpbirātər
Sentence: Hilda loves her job as an opberator. It gives her a great sense of power that she can disconnect dozens of callers with a simple flip of a switch. She can deride a caller to the point where they will often apologize for bothering her. And that thing about calls being recorded for quality-control purposes? The tapes are played at monthly staff meetings as entertainment.
Etymology: operator (a person who works at a telephone switchboard) + berate (scold or criticize someone angrily)
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: těl'ə-fyŏŏr'ē-āt'
Sentence: "Hello?" Clarence answered after the second ring. "WHO IS THIS?" shouted a voice on the other end. Clarence knew by his voice that the caller was Antonin, but he had been tetephuriated and responded, "Just who the blazes is THIS?!?"
Etymology: 'Telephure' the anciend Celt goddess of rude greetings; 'I ate,' response to a late lunch invitation.
Verbotomy - 2008-04-16: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by stache. Thank you stache. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-02: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by stache. Thank you stache. ~ James
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