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'Check your lipstick Madge'

DEFINITION: n. A person who habitually looks for love in the all the wrong places and wonders why it always turns out wrong. v. To look for love in the wrong places.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: hef er aft er

Sentence: It was obvious that Madge and Dodie were heiferafter in their search for true love. They were steered in the direction of a meet market and met two young longhorns oxendentally,who were bovine, but uninterested in getting yoked.

Etymology: Heifer (young cow) & Everafter (from here to Eternity)

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Created by: idavecook

Pronunciation: WUh-KIN-PA-NUH-B

Sentence: "Wookin' pa nub in all da wong pwaces, wookinpanub..."

Etymology: Eddy, the brother of that guy on Chapelle's Show.


Sounds also like Buckwheat (Eddie Murphy) singing "Baby Nub" on the old Saturday Night Live Shows... - Nosila, 2009-02-14: 23:22:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: smlug

Sentence: Shelly, was shmlooking for smlug in all the shmlong places!

Etymology: sssmmm...then a Slug - A lump of metal or glass prepared for further processing. In this case, a s-m-lugg is a person that isn't recognised as a good catch.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: Waylon Jennings

Sentence: After checking out the refuse collection station, the palliative care hostel and the bipolar support group for potential partners, Stephen finally joined Wailinjennings Anonymous, where ironically he met a sweet girl. They fell in love and were promptly kicked out because their change of demeanour was anathema to the other miserable members.

Etymology: Waylon Jennings - country singer who was "lookin for love in all the wrong places" + wailing (crying or singing plaintively)


Great song and verbotomy! You have a humringer here! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 12:19:00


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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: luvprowler

Sentence: Mimi wiggled her pink nose. She immediately recognized Ted as the loveprowlerr he had become; he could only bear to skulk the outer regions of the woods in which bearly any of his kind still lived. Ted habitually came down and out onto the meadow every day, loveprowlerring for fearful creatures he mistakenly grew fond feelings for. Mimi trembled, keeping close to her log home, as she watched Ted tilt his head in earnest regard her. (Would she be his lover or his dinner?)!

Etymology: loveprowlerr n. From the words prowl, lover and err. It means one who prowls, instintively searches (not knowing why) for love but errs, make errors of judgement.

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Created by: GlobalGallery

Pronunciation: chair-ub

Sentence: Cupid's arrow had struck her, right through the heart. From now on there was only one serial killer for her and it was Ivan. His scarred shaven head and crazy eyes made her weak at the knees. She was his chairub and she fought hard to save him from the chair, despite the 11 witnesses who saw his axe wielding escapade. Her scented love letters were the last thing he would read, before his eyeballs boiled and exploded from the 2000 volt current that would pass through his oddly shaped head.

Etymology: 1.cherub - an angelic baby eg Cupid the Roman God of erotic love. 2. chair (electric) - a device used for capital punishment for the most heinous crimes.


Clever! Also plays on RUB, meaning difficulty or dilemma.. - readerwriter, 2009-02-11: 10:30:00

Electtrifying! Shocking! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 11:41:00

What a sentence! Too bad it couldn't have been commuted...where is that Governor when you need him? - Nosila, 2009-02-14: 23:19:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mis-gahy-did

Sentence: Harry's search for amour is often missguided. He thought he had discovered a gold mine when he came across a neighborhood bar called the Velvet Boot that was frequented primarily by females. His flirtation always seems to be with Miss IDon'tThinkSo.

Etymology: miss (to fail to encounter, meet, catch) + Miss (a title of respect prefixed to the name of a unmarried woman) misguided (misled; mistaken)

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Created by: Negatrev

Pronunciation: Proff-lee-date

Sentence: Dave will never find love while he continues to be proflidate. Sharon realized that proflidating was getting her nowhere.

Etymology: From dating (To go on a date or dates with) and profligate (adj. unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women") AND (noun. someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently or a wasteful person)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: a/mour/id

Sentence: Joe's love life has become an amourid situation because he cruises all night diners and old age homes for "the one".

Etymology: AMOURID - from AMOUR (love, romance) + ARID (barren or unproductive)

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Created by: spotter

Pronunciation: Con cue pid

Sentence: Rick was concupid looking for love in the pharmacy. Marta said, "Suzy is so concupid."

Etymology: Con=Anti; Against Cupid= A symbol of love Therefor; Against a symbol of love

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silveryaspen - 2009-02-11: 12:33:00
Really enjoyed today's definition, James. It inspired such a remarkable variety of clever verbotomies,

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-02-11: 22:33:00
Thanks Silveryaspen! After reading the words today, it looks like a few of us have fell victim to blunderlust! I guess there is more than a few romanthick libidohnos among us. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-08-25: 00:12:00
Today's definition was suggested by verbotomy. Thank you verbotomy. ~ James