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DEFINITION: n. A person who likes to dress up and seems to have a different outfit for every occasion. v. To dress up in fancy clothes whenever you go out because you don't know who you're going to meet, and you don't want to get dressed down.
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Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: ah - pare - uh - CHE- CHE
Sentence: Gabriela was a dedicated apparechichi with an extensive wardrobe consisting of fashions for any and all possibilities including the unlikely prospect of encountering celebs, big business moguls, politicians or even royalty.
Etymology: Blend of apparel and chichi (pompous, pretentious)
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: fraw-kull
Sentence: Samantha's habit of frockling herself in a revealing dirndl came to an abrupt end when she realized that it exposed the spare attire around her waist.
Etymology: frock +sparkle
So now she's reattired from being attired! Good word - Nosila, 2008-06-03: 23:06:00
A good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-04: 18:31:00
Created by: green
Pronunciation: glam-o-eccentric
Sentence: I took avant-garde-window-dresser-author Simon Doonan's advice and gave away all my ordinary clothes. Now I'm very glamoccentric when I feed the chickens and dig in my urban garden.
Etymology: glamour eccentric
You are a true glamoeccentric! Look your jacket even matches SJP's. All you need is the hat! - wordmeister, 2008-06-03: 12:58:00
Created by: Rutilus
Pronunciation: at-iya-sum
Sentence: Judy was the sort who would wear haute couture to the supermarket just in case she bumped into the latest big brother 'celebrity'. Her attitude was becoming increasinglt attiresome to her friends and family.
Etymology: attire - clothing; tiresome - boring, tedious
guess you're not a sex in the city fan - bookowl, 2008-06-03: 15:14:00
Good one. - Mustang, 2008-06-03: 19:34:00
Created by: scrabbelicious
Pronunciation: |pɑ ː dʒam ː ə ː ˈpɒli|
Sentence: Dorian loved grey and every other colour and he loved his pajamas. He had pajamas for every occasion and always looked very smart indeed, in a kinda sleep-over way.
Etymology: Pajama : Sleeping attire which has become high street fashion for crazy people. Polly: A first name and also a twist on poly which has many meaning(s).
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: glam-be-dex-truss
Sentence: it didn't matter what the occasion was, she had the perfect outfit, she was that glambidextrous.
Etymology: glamorous, ambidextrous
Nice word! - artr, 2009-07-21: 06:44:00
fabulous - Jabberwocky, 2009-07-21: 10:24:00
glambitious word! - Nosila, 2009-07-21: 10:55:00
Hilarious - "was that glambidextrous"! - splendiction, 2009-07-21: 21:42:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Klob-err-snob
Sentence: Jayne had always been a Clobbersnob, even at school she had to look her best just in case the modelling scouts happened to drop in looking for the next Kate Moss!!
Etymology: Clobber(Brit informal Clothing or personal belongings) + Snob(Person with an exaggerated respect for high social standing, looks down on those regarded as socially inferior. = Clobbersnob.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: mull - ti - mowd - l
Sentence: Lenore was a multimodel woman who wore several outfits in one day as if life were more about the clothes you had on then on the activities you participated in or who you were as a person. She had a different set of clothes for taking a walk, shopping, jogging, reading the newspaper, writing a letter, cooking dinner, etc.... It seemed to everyone who knew her that her life was lived for the clothing.
Etymology: multi (contains multiple colors in the same size), multimodal (Having, or employing multiple modes) , model (display (clothes) as a mannequin; "model the latest fashion)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: sheek/ri/tee
Sentence: Jenny is always out shopping for new, wonderful and different fashion because she approaches life with a great deal of chicrity. She loves to wear her best clothes every day for every occasion.
Etymology: CHICRITY - noun - from CHIC(fashionable; stylish; style and elegance in dress) + ALACRITY (cheerful readiness; willingness)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fad shun ees ta
Sentence: Carrie Itoff was a fadshionista of world fame. She wore costumes for every occasion and season. Her wardrobe took up 2 of the 3 bedrooms in her home. When her friends saw her wearing the fascinator all done up with butterflies, bees and ladybugs in colours to match her lawn green dress, they knew they were in for some gardening. Or as Carrie would say, a garden party. When real insects started buzzing her hat,in droves, her masquerade turned into a masqueRAID!
Etymology: Fad(an interest followed with exaggerated zeal) & Fashionista (a devoted follower of fashion)

Today's definition was inspired by Sarah Jessica Parker's crazy hat which she wore to the London premiere of Sex in the City. See: Sarah Jessica Parker's Hat. ~ James
galwaywegian - 2008-06-03: 06:49:00
The hat was made by another galwaywegian!
Hey Galway, So you have a hat like that too!! Neat! I assume you always wear it when you're playing Verbotomy, just to get the creative juices going! ~ James