Verboticism: Niltritious

'I know it's loaded with calories...'

DEFINITION: n. Any highly-processed food or beverage in which the natural ingredients have been removed and replaced with artificial flavors and additives. v. To consume food products laced with synthetic sweeteners, imitation flavors, and other carcinogens.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: nil-trish-uhs

Sentence: After years of eating "junk food", Jerry has decides to turn his eating habits around. Now if he is hungry between meals he will reach for a health bar and an energy drink instead of a bag of chips and a soda. His diet is still niltritous but he at least he FEELS better about it.

Etymology: nil (nonexistent, nothing) + nutritious (providing nourishment, especially to a high degree; nourishing; healthful)

Points: 1364