Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To expectorate unexpectedly, especially in situations where it is not considered socially acceptable. n. A person who habitually spits, even when among polite company.
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Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: spit-TOON
Sentence: Whether or not it was intentional no one knew, but folks did know a conversation with Reginald may well result in them being plastered with his dinner, his drinks or just his spittle and behind his back folks referred to his conversation as a spittune as the 'punctuations' of spittle resembled the beat of uptempo music.
Etymology: Blend of spit and tune, play on the word spittoon, a nickname for a cuspidor.
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-12: 12:15:00
Hahahaha! STRIKE HIM ! VERY ROUGHLY! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-12: 16:35:00
Created by: kairi988
Don't give up ... you have great potential! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-18: 12:36:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: hack a tack
Sentence: His sudden hackattack shocked the restaurant diners. Some of the surprised onlookers noticed his sudden spasm of churling coughs froze; while a few others acted swiftly to aid the man whom they mistook for choking on a piece of steak. One onlooker, obviously either a doctor or first-aid graduate, began applying the h-manoeuvre to the man. He resisted violently with a shout “Whhwaat r u dewing? I ave a orrible cold and need to eat!”
Etymology: From hack (to cough in sudden, uncontrollable spasms) and attack (to act on something with violence or vigor).
EXCELLENT word! I wonder if one can apply the Heimlich Manoever in REVERSE? - metrohumanx, 2009-03-12: 16:42:00
Yes, that would be a good manoever for this particular guy! - splendiction, 2009-03-12: 22:10:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sali vay shun armee
Sentence: When Judy Drench went out for dinner with Rudy B. Havior, she did not understand that she would be dating the salivationarmy. Rudy shlurped and shpittled his way through the meal. By the end of the evening, she was a human spittoon. Judy had more DNA samples on her than a CSI lab.
Etymology: Salivation (the secretion of saliva) & play on Salvation Army (a charitable and religious organization to evangelize and to care for the poor and homeless)
:D - galwaywegian, 2010-09-23: 14:26:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: in hoss pit abel
Sentence: anyone that inhospittable was always going to end up in hospittle
Etymology: inhospitable spit
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: spi ch oōˈā sh ən
Sentence: As a baseball player Charlie was used to chewing gum and letting the spit fly. If he was nervous, he could be a regular phlegm fountain. When his team won the World Series a visit to the White House was in order and sure enough Charlie had the jitters. As he went to shake the President's hand habits took over. The Secret Service radios crackled to life. "We have a spituation in the Oval Office!" Before he could muster another loogie, Charlie found himself on the floor. Who knew that Secret Service agents carried tasers?
Etymology: spit (saliva, typically that which has been ejected from a person's mouth) + situation (a set of circumstances in which one finds oneself)
Looks like the couple in the picture are about ready for a spatuation. - wayoffcenter, 2009-03-12: 07:09:00
Absoloutely TOP-NOTCH! That's why I have difficulty watching TV baseball. It makes me salivate. - metrohumanx, 2009-03-12: 16:46:00
Funny! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-14: 02:34:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: spew trid
Sentence: When people cannot converse without being spewtrid, I avoid them like the plague.
Etymology: SPEW - to spit forth from the mouth. PUTRID - disgusting; spoils everything.
Life is nicer when things are just ducky ... not yucky! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-12: 00:58:00
I actually met a person last week who kept spitting on me when they talked so this brought back memories and I, too, just couldn't stick around very long!! - mweinmann, 2009-03-12: 08:18:00
Moral of the story - never stand in a corner at a party - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-12: 12:15:00
Clever word! - splendiction, 2009-03-12: 15:56:00
Ick! Good word! - Mustang, 2009-03-13: 06:06:00
"spewtrid"-ific! word there Silveryaspen! spewtrid + terrific :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-14: 22:50:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: spit-uh-sawr-uhs
Sentence: The staff of the retirement home were finally able to track down their resident spitosaurus. They followed the trail of brown-tinted phlegm globs to the room of a retired baseball pitcher, Johnny "Spitball" Johnson. Apparently a family member had given him a gift of chewing tobacco.
Etymology: spit (to eject saliva from the mouth; expectorate) + saurus (lizard: used to form the scientific names of certain genera of reptiles/dinosaurs)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: un + expek + tor + ate
Sentence: Johnathon was an intellegent, kind man. Mona considered being with him more often and enjoyed his quick wit and generousity. But, she just could not get past his unexpectorate behavior. When she least expected it, the spittle would fly out of his mouth and land all over her, their friends and family. Mona did not think she could overlook this behavior on a long-term basis.
Etymology: Unexpected and Expectorate >> Unexpected (not anticipated or expected) Expectorate (discharge (phlegm or sputum) from the lungs and out of the mouth)
super combo - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-12: 12:16:00
THROW HIM TO THE FLOOR! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-12: 16:33:00
good one,mweinman, apparently we have all met people that do this! - Nosila, 2009-03-12: 20:17:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: spi-talk-q-late
Sentence: Tony is a non-stop babbling kind of guy that while he is so into saying a lot about nothing, the "spitalkquelate" flies all over Mary's new red dress she is fumming! Tony can't slow down his constant "Spitalkquelating" and soon Mary's chin starts to drip. She is becoming more angry the longer the "Spitalkquelation" of Tony's garlic infused "Spitalkquelate" is spewed on her face. She finally has had all she can stand! So she tells Tony,"Ya know Tony,you are an obnoxious spitalkquelating fool, I have had all I can stand of your nonstop spewing spit all over me!"
Etymology: Spit; to expectorate saliva out of your mouth. talk; to speak. quelate;letting spit fly out of your mouth! Spitalkquelates ; the act of continuing the spitting. Spitalkquelation ; being spat upon repetitively.
Spitalkquelate has a nice "bounce" to it! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-12: 16:43:00
Verbotomy - 2009-03-12: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James
galwaywegian - 2009-03-12: 06:39:00
sometimes I worry about metrohumanx :)
mweinmann - 2009-03-12: 16:08:00
This definition really caused me to see, I actually met someone last week who actually did this!!
splendiction - 2009-03-12: 22:13:00
The words today are hilarious and disgusting at the same time - oh, another definition!
Verbotomy - 2010-09-23: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James