Verboticism: Lethlargicat

DEFINITION: n. A lovable yet stupid pet. v. To be dumb, fat, lazy, arrogant, and totally, completely, irresistibly cute.
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: le-th-laar-ji-kaat
Sentence: Angie's cat Milo was such a leglargicat. Always meowing for more food, she was so good at getting what she wanted with that cute little purr.
Etymology: Lethargy (laziness) + large (fat) + cat (common household pet)
Points: 989
Comments: Lethlargicat
splendiction - 2009-04-23: 21:26:00
Clever word!
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-24: 06:53:00
Biscotti, I really enjoy your clever creativeness :)