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'I thought you said hork...'

DEFINITION: v. To expectorate unexpectedly, especially in situations where it is not considered socially acceptable. n. A person who habitually spits, even when among polite company.

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Top verboticism of the day created by kateinkorea

Pronunciation: spi FOON

Sentence: A lot of young women at my university don’t like anyone to know that they smoke. These women sit on the toilet and smoke their cigarettes so no one can see them. Part of the spifoon ritual in their cubicle spittoons is to spit on the floor while they smoke. It is really gross and disgusting.

Etymology: BUFFOON: a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person SPIT:

Created by: kateinkorea.


Excellent word choice! Oh and about those washroom puffers, they're in denial; others will know they smoke even if they try to spit off the stench! - splendiction, 2009-03-12: 22:15:00

Terrific sentence and word. Agree with you and splendiction ... no matter how much they spit, kissing them would still be like cleaning out an ashtray! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-13: 19:18:00

More Top Verboticisms:

(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Spittune: /spit-TOON/ Whether or not it was intentional no one knew, but folks did know a conversation with Willard may well result in them being plastered with his dinner, his drinks or just his spittle and behind his back folks referred to his conversation as a spittune as the 'punctuations' of spittle resembled the beat of uptempo music. Etymology: Blend of 'spit' (expectorate) and 'tune' (song or bit of music) Play on the word spittoon, a cuspidor Created by: Mustang.

Horkiculture: /hor-ki-cul-ture/ Sam worked in a lab which always turned out inaccurate results due to his horkiculture. Etymology: hork + horticulture + culture (as in lab specimen) Created by: Stevenson0.


your word reminds me of something green, and it's growing on me. ERK. - petaj, 2009-03-13: 06:18:00

Phlegmboyancy: /flem boy an see/ Phil'sh phlegmboyancy wash credited to hish Phlegmish ancheshtry. His Phlegmish accshent tended to make hiss esh shounds more shpitacular and hish shpeechimpediment, the one where he shprayed and lishped and shlurped shimultaneously, ushually left a DNA trail on hish companionsh. Shometimesh there wash sho much fluid, Phil wash thought of ash phlegmbuoyant! Thish shtumbling block became even more of an isshue when Phil whishled or shang shoprano in a sholo performansh at hish shynagogue on Shabbath! Etymology: Phlegm (expectorated mucus, saliva, discharge from respiritory passages) & Flamboyancy ( marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior) Created by: Nosila.


Shpectackylar! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-12: 01:06:00

OHHHHH! I was LAUGHING out loud on this one Silveryaspen!!! Great description :)~ BRAVO! STILL laughing trying to read your sentence out loud! - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-12: 01:23:00

Nosila,Forgive me oh great creator of this hilarious word and sentence. I was laughing so hard I gave the credit to the name above me! (I'm a newbie)...sorry about that! - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-12: 01:27:00

hacklassic! brilliant! - galwaywegian, 2009-03-12: 04:33:00

phlemtastic!!! Your story is a classic....creative, funny and shtupendush... - mweinmann, 2009-03-12: 08:16:00

I came to today to try my hand at the word of the day. Then I saw Nosila's and realized it was pointless. Outstanding! - Banky, 2009-03-12: 14:46:00

You are forgiven, abrakadeborah...I love your name!! I would like to thank the membersh of the Academy and the Shcreen Actorsh Guild for your shupport!!! Cheersh. (And Banky, when I see the great words of otheres here it challenges me and inspires me to match them!) - Nosila, 2009-03-12: 20:12:00

truly horksome! - petaj, 2009-03-13: 06:15:00

Another Nosila Classic! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-16: 02:33:00


To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: I thought you said hork...



Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-03-12: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

galwaywegian - 2009-03-12: 06:39:00
sometimes I worry about metrohumanx :)

mweinmann - 2009-03-12: 16:08:00
This definition really caused me to see, I actually met someone last week who actually did this!!

splendiction - 2009-03-12: 22:13:00
The words today are hilarious and disgusting at the same time - oh, another definition!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-09-23: 00:06:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

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