The create-a-word game

DEFINITION: v. To look up your own name on a search engine. n., The practice of using a search engine as a tool for self-realization, or perhaps just self-gratification, by repeatedly searching for information about yourself.
Top verboticism of the day created by purpleman
Pronunciation: goog-elf
Sentence: i once googelfed myself
Etymology: google+self
Created by: purpleman.
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Tagogle: /tah gawg uhl / Tag, the teenager, was at that stage where he was such an egonormous (enormous ego) he tagogled his name, and all his zone names, daily! Etymology: Combination of tag, ogle, google. Tag - synonymous with name. Ogle - an intense looking. Google - the web word for an internet search. Created by: silveryaspen.
Welcome back, Silveryaspen! - Nosila, 2008-11-18: 20:42:00
Welcome back, Silveryaspen! - Nosila, 2008-11-18: 20:42:00
Googlid: /goōglid/ After years of psychoanalysis, Etheria has given up the leather couch in favor of the internet. Now she does daily searches for her googlid. She also tried searching for her googlego but that seemed too self-indulgent. Etymology: Google (the proprietary name of a popular Internet search engine) + id (the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest) Created by: artr.
Egoogle: /ee-guh-go/ Joe loves to ogle his ego, so he googles his name and egoogles himself. Etymology: EGOOGLE - verb from EGO (the “I” or self of any person) + OGLE (to look at amorously) Created by: Stevenson0.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: I can't stop googling myself.
More Winning Words:
More Verboticisms! See the winning words for: No, I'm first because I'm a zero.
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
yellowbird - 2008-01-23: 12:32:00
I had to suggest this one, since it's impossible to say 'He googled himself." with a straight face. :)
bananabender - 2008-01-23: 18:56:00
Great words to-day folks! Another fun day!
Hi everyone, thought I'd come back and see if there were some new cartoons. Some real die hards still here I see.
Nosila - 2008-11-14: 22:00:00
Welcome back, petaj...hope you are rejoining us soon! Cheers!
mweinmann - 2008-11-15: 08:24:00
I am going on words from me next week. Have a great word week. I have given my logon to my daughter who is great with words but she probably won't have time to create any!!
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James