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'I can't stop googling myself.'

DEFINITION: v. To look up your own name on a search engine. n., The practice of using a search engine as a tool for self-realization, or perhaps just self-gratification, by repeatedly searching for information about yourself.

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: ee-goog-le-tis-tick

Sentence: Les was so egoogletistic that he could spend hours checking to see if his information or webstats had changed since the last time he googled himself.

Etymology: eogtistic: excessive self-centeredness; to think, speak or write of oneself excessively + google: search engine + statistic: information, data

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Created by: wackyscience

Pronunciation: serch-own-info-ing

Sentence: Harry was searchowninfoing when his laptop went beserk and turned into an evil monster knowing only three words, "No Results Found.". Later, Harry wasn't found too.

Etymology: The word takes its roots from the action of searching one's own information on the internet or any other appropriate media.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ee/guh/go

Sentence: Joe loves to ogle his ego, so he googles his name and egoogles himself.

Etymology: EGOOGLE - verb from EGO (the “I” or self of any person) + OGLE (to look at amorously)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: self/googl/fi/cay/shun

Sentence: It gave him such selfgooglefication to google himself on the internet that he developed a google giggle and sore fingertips.

Etymology: self-gratification + google


Sounds kind of kinky. - Mustang, 2008-11-14: 07:03:00

I'm sure there is a self-help group for that somewhere! Good Word... - Nosila, 2008-11-14: 21:54:00

Did he succumb to goo, goo-googly eyes like Barney - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-16: 04:53:00


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Created by: purpleman

Pronunciation: goog/elf

Sentence: i once googelfed myself

Etymology: google+self

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: goōgəfikāshən

Sentence: in the ultimate act of googification, Joe had t-shirts made up that consisted of the results his self-googling. He perhaps could have been more proud if there was more on the web about him than his arrest record.

Etymology: google (a popular search engine) + gratification (pleasure or satisfaction)

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Created by: Dougalistic

Pronunciation: I-self-a-size

Sentence: He's such a tart always going on google and yahoo and msn search looking for himself, thinking he is some kind of superstar..' What? He doesn't iselfasise about himself does he?? What a poof.

Etymology: 'I' referring to the Internet, I-search, I-cam etc.. Self - That's self explanitory. Just asise as in fantasise, mesmerise etc..


I C U ... through the net of cyberspace. Good job! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-23: 18:06:00


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Created by: kmartinmt




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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: self/googl/fi/cay/shun

Sentence: It gave him such selfgooglefication to google himself on the internet that he developed a google giggle and sore fingertips.

Etymology: self-gratification + google


Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-23: 15:59:00

Is that like a baby giggle ... goo goo ??? Delightful sentence! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-23: 17:55:00


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Created by: Buzzardbilly

Pronunciation: ˈī-mä-nə-mā-nē-ə

Sentence: Since the article came out, he seems to be suffering from imonimania; he's worried he'll miss a word printed about him on the net.

Etymology: I + monomania (mental illness especially when limited in expression to one idea or area of thought or excessive concentration on a single idea), but with "moni" instead of "mono" to reflect "monitor" (both the verb and the screen)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-01-23: 00:30:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James

yellowbird - 2008-01-23: 12:32:00
I had to suggest this one, since it's impossible to say 'He googled himself." with a straight face. :)

bananabender - 2008-01-23: 18:56:00
Great words to-day folks! Another fun day!

petaj petaj - 2008-11-14: 06:33:00
Hi everyone, thought I'd come back and see if there were some new cartoons. Some real die hards still here I see.

Nosila - 2008-11-14: 22:00:00
Welcome back, petaj...hope you are rejoining us soon! Cheers!

mweinmann - 2008-11-15: 08:24:00
I am going on words from me next week. Have a great word week. I have given my logon to my daughter who is great with words but she probably won't have time to create any!!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-04-13: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James