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'I can't believe you left me here all day. Alone!'

DEFINITION: n., A sulky look characterized by prolonged eye contact, which pets give their owners and/or spouses when they feel neglected. v., To stare at someone with a sad-eyed look in an effort to make them feel guilty.

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Top verboticism of the day created by Stevenson0

Pronunciation: peek-a-blue

Sentence: Apache, Laura's dog, after being sad and lonely all day would whine and play peekablue with her when she got home from work.

Etymology: PEEKABLUE - noun - from PEEK (a quick, or furtive look, or glance; peep) + BLUE (dejected, depressed, despondent, down-hearted, downcast, glum, melancholy)

Created by: Stevenson0.

More Top Verboticisms:

(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Gloomcoma: /gloom-coma/ Jenny was sure Jaws was mad at her again. Not only was he refusing to eat, holding his breath (no visible bubbles for seconds at a time), AND scaring her to death by floating belly up now and then, but he seemed to have the worst case of gloomcoma since she forgot he was in the room and ate a whole can of sardines on saltines in front of him. Etymology: Gloom: Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness. + Glaucoma: Disease in which the pressure of the fluid inside the eye is too high, resulting in a loss of peripheral vision Created by: lumina.


If you are fishing for votes, it worked! Good Word - Nosila, 2008-09-19: 01:51:00

Hangdoggoneit: /Hang-dog-gon-it/ Amber always had that remorseful sense of hangdoggoneit when she'd see the baleful look in the eyes of her pets when she'd return home from various outings. Etymology: Blend of 'hangdog' (shamefaced; guilty), 'doggone' (damned; confounded), and it Created by: Mustang.

Poutend: /powt-TEND / Although Alin did his best to poutend when he tried to get his way, he was far to old to have this ploy work in his favor and everyone wound up just being embarrassed for him... Kinda' like when a person does something so humiliating to himself that you almost wish you could erase it from your memory... Like Roseanne Barr singing the national anthem. Yeah, just like that. Etymology: Pout + Pretend Can also be used in other forms such as "Poutential" - Having the ability to guilt trip; "Poutendency" - More likely to guilt trip than not; and "Poutentate" - One who has the ability to effectively inflict guilt. Created by: Lolagrrl.


To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: I can't believe you left me here all day. Alone!



Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

remistram - 2007-10-22: 10:34:00
Came up with this one thanks to my sucky-baby cat.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-22: 11:32:00
Your pet inspiration! ~ James

ErWenn - 2007-10-22: 19:09:00
Petspiration? Nah, sounds a little too much like dog sweat.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-23: 03:03:00
Pet sweat? That smells like a good idea for a definition. I will put it on the list. Thanks ErWenn! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-17: 00:17:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

galwaywegian - 2011-07-06: 04:33:00

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