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DEFINITION: n., A sulky look characterized by prolonged eye contact, which pets give their owners and/or spouses when they feel neglected. v., To stare at someone with a sad-eyed look in an effort to make them feel guilty.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: gil trip
Sentence: When Daisy gets home from work each night, her goldfish, Smelt Gibson, always gives her the gilltrip look. You know, that pethetic longing to make her feel bad about him being alone so much. If he could, he'd show her that warning from the Sturgeon General that warns that neglected pet fish can become hard of herring...
Etymology: Gill (respiratory organ of aquatic animals that breathe oxygen dissolved in water) & Guilt Trip (remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offence)
on the nose!!!
- DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-22: 01:54:00
and those fish-tales from the ocean !!:)
- DrWebsterIII, 2012-11-22: 01:56:00
Dear DrWebsterIII: I do it just for the halibut...otherwise what's the porpoise? P.S. Love your comments to all...very supportive and if I may be koi, you are a kindly sole... - Nosila, 2012-11-22: 22:16:00
Created by: LoftyDreamer
Pronunciation: piti-pout
Sentence: With his pitipout, Pooki, my pitiful Pomeranian, left me no choice but to quit my job and stay home to keep him company.
Etymology: pity (a feeling of empathy for another) + pout (a droopy facial expression of dismay or disappointment)
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈpaʊdḷ/
Sentence: The default expression of my dog is a pouttle, so I can forgive him, but humans who do it make me want to smack them.
Etymology: sounds like "pout" but more cutesy
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: peek/a/blue
Sentence: Apache, Laura's dog, after being sad and lonely all day would whine and play peekablue with her when she got home from work.
Etymology: PEEKABLUE - noun - from PEEK (a quick, or furtive look, or glance; peep) + BLUE (dejected, depressed, despondent, down-hearted, downcast, glum, melancholy)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: snivəlīz
Sentence: Tom always felt bad when he came home from work to find his dog and cat peering out the window as if they had been there forever. They would present him with their very best sniveleyes treatment as if they had been weeping all day long. The whole scenario changed when he found out the the wet eyes were a result of them being allergic to each other.
Etymology: snivel (complain in a whining or tearful way) + eyes (a pair of globular organs in the head through which people and vertebrate animals see) a play on civilize
Created by: eileen22
Pronunciation: mow-pang
Sentence: The cat mopanged me on my way out the door this morning.
Etymology: mope (to sulk) pang (it pulled my heartstrings)
Created by: Chickp
Pronunciation: Guilt-eyezd
Sentence: My dog guiltized me through the front window as I walked away from the house
Etymology: guilt+eyed
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pet peep
Sentence: When Jenny returned from holdays every year, she got the same treatment from her menagerie...the petpeep. Even though she had ensured someone would come by daily to feed, water, talk to them and change their litter areas, it took a week for them to forgive her. The guinea pig glared, the beta was baleful, the cat was contemptuous, the sheepdog looked sheepish and the Siamese cat was sulky.
Etymology: Pet (a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement;a fit of petulance or sulkiness (especially at what is felt to be a slight)& Peep (a secret look; to look furtively)also Wordplay on Pet Peeve (an opportunity for complaint that is seldom missed)
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: gloom/coma
Sentence: Jenny was sure Jaws was mad at her again. Not only was he refusing to eat, holding his breath (no visible bubbles for seconds at a time), AND scaring her to death by floating belly up now and then, but he seemed to have the worst case of gloomcoma since she forgot he was in the room and ate a whole can of sardines on saltines in front of him.
Etymology: Gloom: Cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness. + Glaucoma: Disease in which the pressure of the fluid inside the eye is too high, resulting in a loss of peripheral vision
If you are fishing for votes, it worked! Good Word - Nosila, 2008-09-19: 01:51:00
Created by: StrangerThenFiction
Pronunciation: guilt-er-ful

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
remistram - 2007-10-22: 10:34:00
Came up with this one thanks to my sucky-baby cat.
Your pet inspiration! ~ James
ErWenn - 2007-10-22: 19:09:00
Petspiration? Nah, sounds a little too much like dog sweat.
Pet sweat? That smells like a good idea for a definition. I will put it on the list. Thanks ErWenn! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
galwaywegian - 2011-07-06: 04:33:00