Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: A person who wants to monopolize all of someone's love and tries to prevent them from sharing it with others.
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Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: ah-fen-shun-hawg
Sentence: Melissa is such an affentionhog that she even gets jealous if her boyfriend calls his own sister.
Etymology: attention + affection + hog
Affection and attention in one word! Nice blend there. - Tigger, 2008-01-05: 02:41:00
I can see myself using this one. Nice! - bluenutria, 2008-01-05: 21:31:00
Created by: Kazizzle
Pronunciation: luv/core/setter
Sentence: Pete: All I have to do is look in the general direction of a female and Paula goes into "lovecorster" mode.
Etymology: Love - an intense feeling of affection. Corset - a binding (and painful) undergarment.
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: glom-ah-dom-ah-nay-trix
Sentence: They were a perfect match, both of them were glomadomamatrixes, who lived hellishly in heavenly bliss with each other.
Etymology: Apologies to the two players who came up with glomimatrix and domimator ... I just built on those so that it combined the masculine and femenine qualities of both! My thanks to both of you word geniuses for being my inspiration for this definition!
Created by: sharktrager
Pronunciation: ME-ga-LUV-MAY-KNEE-ac
Sentence: I always seem to end up in a relationship with a megalovemaniac. I have rope burn.
Etymology: From megalomaniac and love
Created by: becksadoodles
Pronunciation: ma-NOP-o-luv-er
Sentence: Woman: What are you looking at, Bob? Man: Ugh! Stop being such a monopolover, Jane.
Etymology: Monopoly+Lover.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: barn a gal
Sentence: Since she first set eyes on him, Sophie had become the barnagal to George's he could not scrape away.
Etymology: barnacle + gal
Created by: mommymug72
Pronunciation: need-leech
Sentence: My Wife is such a needleach I have to walk around with a cane and my eyes closed to keep her from thinking I am having an affair.
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: amuh-NOP-uhl-ist
Sentence: Roxie was such an amonopolist that she insisted that she and Bob shop together.
Etymology: Blend of "AM" love, loving; "AMA" together: and MONOPOLIST: one who seeks exclusive control.
Created by: bigbigjeff
Pronunciation: Con-cue-mine
Sentence: My girlfriend is a total concumine, every time i try to go to my mothers house she asks why I'm leaving her to see "that woman".
Etymology: From Concubine meaning one who sleeps with a man out of wedlock, and mine meaning possessive.
outstanding word! - libertybelle, 2008-01-04: 12:54:00
brilliant word - direwookiee, 2008-01-04: 17:32:00
Great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-06: 03:21:00
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /glom-uh-ney'-triks/
Sentence: I couldn't even hug my sister without getting a scowl from Cindy, and she was such a glominatrix that she had to squeeze herself in between me and the dog, as soon as she saw me sit down on the couch next to him.
Etymology: [Or 'Glominator' - masculine form] glom - seize upon or latch onto something; 'glom onto' (slang, from Scottish, glaum "to snatch at") + dominatrix - dominating partner in a relationship, usu. feminine (Latin, dominātus & -trix/-tor)
Yikes! KInky in more ways than one. Another good word. - silveryaspen, 2008-01-04: 12:11:00
Brilliant! - libertybelle, 2008-01-04: 12:53:00
Another great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-06: 03:22:00
Created by: Redrover
Pronunciation: possess+obsessive
Sentence: Marcia was a total possessobsessive when it came to her man and would not even let him talk to another woman when they were at parties.
Created by: bluenutria
Pronunciation: SLUV-fish
Sentence: "Stop being so slovefish; I was only asking her for directions!"
Etymology: Selfish + love
Created by: treehous
Pronunciation: /ˈper-ə-ə-ˈmu̇r-ə-sīt/ (para-more-a-site)
Sentence: Although they were casual friends, his paramourasite tendencies convinced him to monopolize her affections completely.
Etymology: parasite- from Latin parasitus, from Greek parasitos "person who eats at the table of another" amour- from Latin amorosum, from amor "love."
Created by: Dougalistic
Pronunciation: Bun-nee-boil-er-is-mm
Sentence: "She just pushed him away and couldn't trust him at all for no reason. She was so jealous and controlling. She deffo had a bad case of bunnyboilerism."
Etymology: Clingy and possesive, unhinged overbearing psycho bitch of a girlfriend or boyfriend. (think fatal attraction)
Created by: legion
Pronunciation: (do-mi-jealous
Sentence: i cant believe you just said that in front of her, I was only admiring her DOMIJEALOUS can ya be? (rhetorical)
Etymology: a blend of dominate and jealous. It immediately came to mind when i looked at the picture provided
Created by: direwookiee
Pronunciation: Dee-bo-ket-tress (f) (Masculine: Debouqueter) Dee-bo-ket-ter
Sentence: My ex-girlfriend was such a debouquetress; she would never even let me look at other girls.
Etymology: "De" as a prefix, meaning anti. "bouquet" coming from the saying, or perhaps movie quote "Even if I've already had the wine, doesn't mean I cannot sample the bouquet." That's probably not word for word, but I have a bad memory.
Created by: gemmgemms
Pronunciation: luv-haw-ka
Sentence: She is such a lovehawk, yesterday I was talking to her boyfriend and she swooped in and started confronting him!
Etymology: love:as in the love of another+hawk:a predator bird:as in she guarded him like a hawk
can't get over it.. i think i'm gonna say lovehawk instead of anything else hehe - legion, 2008-01-05: 17:10:00
Right on! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 14:19:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: dom/i/mate/or
Sentence: Because of her insecurities, when she is in a relationship she needs to be a domimator. She domimates to the point of totally controlling and smothering her boyfriend.
Etymology: dominate + mate
Wow ... what a word! Kind of kinky ... in more ways than one. - silveryaspen, 2008-01-04: 12:09:00
Very good! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-06: 03:22:00
Created by: wejommon15
Pronunciation: Suh-fih-kel-fish
Sentence: Confused Male: My girl refuses to gimme any time for myself. Friend: She sure is sufficelfish.
Etymology: Suffocate and selfish
Created by: Bullwinkle
Pronunciation: sig-nif-iacnt ugh'er
Sentence: My significantugher hates when I flirt.
Etymology: Play on "significant other"
Created by: bananabender
Pronunciation: mon-op-ul-IZ-a
Sentence: Myrna was such a monopoleyeser that she threatened to dispense with Polly, her beloved pet parrot, simply because Dirk (the new unsuspecting boyfriend) offered it a cracker.
Etymology: monopolize + eyes. A play on the original meaning of monopolize. She demands that he only has eyes for her!
Very clever! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-07: 18:14:00
Created by: paintergrl1313
Pronunciation: mon-opp-yu-day-ter
Sentence: Theresa is such a monopudater, he can't even look in the direction of another girl.
Etymology: monopoly + dater
Created by: TheUrbanRabbit
Pronunciation: Steel-luv-ing
Sentence: Tanya's been stealoving Jay since they started dating last week, poor guy.
Etymology: Steal + Loving (stealin' the love!)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Smuthe - er - luv - er
Sentence: Mary Beth was so jealous of other women and was so watchful of Arnold's activities she had become a complete smotherlover.
Etymology: Smother and lover
Wow ... powerful word! Those words with mother in them always are! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 14:23:00
Created by: zebrahdh
Pronunciation: Claw-sunk-in-oid
Sentence: He was unable to attend the bachelor party since his clawsunkinoid girlfriend figured there would be strippers there.
Etymology: Claws sunk in so deep that your practically a puppet.
legion - 2008-01-05: 16:56:00
hehe i love this word....very coool
legion - 2008-01-05: 17:11:00
LOVEHAWK WOW....coooool
legion - 2008-01-05: 17:47:00
hey got a word yet....hehehehehe legion
LinDDuCiite - 2008-01-06: 05:33:00