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DEFINITION: A person who wants to monopolize all of someone's love and tries to prevent them from sharing it with others.
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Created by: Kazizzle
Pronunciation: luv/core/setter
Sentence: Pete: All I have to do is look in the general direction of a female and Paula goes into "lovecorster" mode.
Etymology: Love - an intense feeling of affection. Corset - a binding (and painful) undergarment.
Created by: sharktrager
Pronunciation: ME-ga-LUV-MAY-KNEE-ac
Sentence: I always seem to end up in a relationship with a megalovemaniac. I have rope burn.
Etymology: From megalomaniac and love
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: amuh-NOP-uhl-ist
Sentence: Roxie was such an amonopolist that she insisted that she and Bob shop together.
Etymology: Blend of "AM" love, loving; "AMA" together: and MONOPOLIST: one who seeks exclusive control.
Created by: wejommon15
Pronunciation: Suh-fih-kel-fish
Sentence: Confused Male: My girl refuses to gimme any time for myself. Friend: She sure is sufficelfish.
Etymology: Suffocate and selfish
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: glom-ah-dom-ah-nay-trix
Sentence: They were a perfect match, both of them were glomadomamatrixes, who lived hellishly in heavenly bliss with each other.
Etymology: Apologies to the two players who came up with glomimatrix and domimator ... I just built on those so that it combined the masculine and femenine qualities of both! My thanks to both of you word geniuses for being my inspiration for this definition!
Created by: treehous
Pronunciation: /ˈper-ə-ə-ˈmu̇r-ə-sīt/ (para-more-a-site)
Sentence: Although they were casual friends, his paramourasite tendencies convinced him to monopolize her affections completely.
Etymology: parasite- from Latin parasitus, from Greek parasitos "person who eats at the table of another" amour- from Latin amorosum, from amor "love."
Created by: Bullwinkle
Pronunciation: sig-nif-iacnt ugh'er
Sentence: My significantugher hates when I flirt.
Etymology: Play on "significant other"
Created by: becksadoodles
Pronunciation: ma-NOP-o-luv-er
Sentence: Woman: What are you looking at, Bob? Man: Ugh! Stop being such a monopolover, Jane.
Etymology: Monopoly+Lover.
Created by: TheUrbanRabbit
Pronunciation: Steel-luv-ing
Sentence: Tanya's been stealoving Jay since they started dating last week, poor guy.
Etymology: Steal + Loving (stealin' the love!)
Created by: gemmgemms
Pronunciation: luv-haw-ka
Sentence: She is such a lovehawk, yesterday I was talking to her boyfriend and she swooped in and started confronting him!
Etymology: love:as in the love of another+hawk:a predator bird:as in she guarded him like a hawk
can't get over it.. i think i'm gonna say lovehawk instead of anything else hehe - legion, 2008-01-05: 17:10:00
Right on! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 14:19:00

legion - 2008-01-05: 16:56:00
hehe i love this word....very coool
legion - 2008-01-05: 17:11:00
LOVEHAWK WOW....coooool
legion - 2008-01-05: 17:47:00
hey got a word yet....hehehehehe legion