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'Why were you looking at that girl?'

DEFINITION: A person who wants to monopolize all of someone's love and tries to prevent them from sharing it with others.

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /glom-uh-ney'-triks/

Sentence: I couldn't even hug my sister without getting a scowl from Cindy, and she was such a glominatrix that she had to squeeze herself in between me and the dog, as soon as she saw me sit down on the couch next to him.

Etymology: [Or 'Glominator' - masculine form] glom - seize upon or latch onto something; 'glom onto' (slang, from Scottish, glaum "to snatch at") + dominatrix - dominating partner in a relationship, usu. feminine (Latin, dominātus & -trix/-tor)


Yikes! KInky in more ways than one. Another good word. - silveryaspen, 2008-01-04: 12:11:00

libertybelle Brilliant! - libertybelle, 2008-01-04: 12:53:00

Another great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-06: 03:22:00


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Created by: Bullwinkle

Pronunciation: sig-nif-iacnt ugh'er

Sentence: My significantugher hates when I flirt.

Etymology: Play on "significant other"

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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: glom-ah-dom-ah-nay-trix

Sentence: They were a perfect match, both of them were glomadomamatrixes, who lived hellishly in heavenly bliss with each other.

Etymology: Apologies to the two players who came up with glomimatrix and domimator ... I just built on those so that it combined the masculine and femenine qualities of both! My thanks to both of you word geniuses for being my inspiration for this definition!

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Created by: paintergrl1313

Pronunciation: mon-opp-yu-day-ter

Sentence: Theresa is such a monopudater, he can't even look in the direction of another girl.

Etymology: monopoly + dater

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: barn a gal

Sentence: Since she first set eyes on him, Sophie had become the barnagal to George's he could not scrape away.

Etymology: barnacle + gal

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: amuh-NOP-uhl-ist

Sentence: Roxie was such an amonopolist that she insisted that she and Bob shop together.

Etymology: Blend of "AM" love, loving; "AMA" together: and MONOPOLIST: one who seeks exclusive control.

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Created by: zebrahdh

Pronunciation: Claw-sunk-in-oid

Sentence: He was unable to attend the bachelor party since his clawsunkinoid girlfriend figured there would be strippers there.

Etymology: Claws sunk in so deep that your practically a puppet.

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: ah-fen-shun-hawg

Sentence: Melissa is such an affentionhog that she even gets jealous if her boyfriend calls his own sister.

Etymology: attention + affection + hog


Affection and attention in one word! Nice blend there. - Tigger, 2008-01-05: 02:41:00

I can see myself using this one. Nice! - bluenutria, 2008-01-05: 21:31:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: dom/i/mate/or

Sentence: Because of her insecurities, when she is in a relationship she needs to be a domimator. She domimates to the point of totally controlling and smothering her boyfriend.

Etymology: dominate + mate


Wow ... what a word! Kind of kinky ... in more ways than one. - silveryaspen, 2008-01-04: 12:09:00

Very good! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-06: 03:22:00


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Created by: bigbigjeff

Pronunciation: Con-cue-mine

Sentence: My girlfriend is a total concumine, every time i try to go to my mothers house she asks why I'm leaving her to see "that woman".

Etymology: From Concubine meaning one who sleeps with a man out of wedlock, and mine meaning possessive.


libertybelle outstanding word! - libertybelle, 2008-01-04: 12:54:00

brilliant word - direwookiee, 2008-01-04: 17:32:00

Great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-06: 03:21:00


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legion - 2008-01-05: 16:56:00
hehe i love this word....very coool

legion - 2008-01-05: 17:11:00
LOVEHAWK WOW....coooool

legion - 2008-01-05: 17:47:00
hey got a word yet....hehehehehe legion

LinDDuCiite LinDDuCiite - 2008-01-06: 05:33:00