Vote for the best verboticism.

'Those idiots! I have the right of way!'

DEFINITION: To assert your right-of-way in traffic, even when it's stupidly dangerous to do so.

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Created by: puttputt

Pronunciation: braen pownding

Sentence: I was so upset with this traffic it was so brainpounding.

Etymology: to show anger or diffuculty understanding something.

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Created by: angel1615

Pronunciation: traff-ik-all-i-say-shun

Sentence: These people cant drive havent they ever heard of trafficalisation. THEY COULD GET A TICKET FOR THAT £800 BUT THEY WOULDNT NO POOR THING.

Etymology: traffic + civilisation = Trafficalisation

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Created by: 12345678910

Pronunciation: logan

Sentence: galati

Etymology: 10

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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: Yeel-dee-aw-dik

Sentence: "I don't care how big that tank is! It have right-of-way!" exclaimed my yieldiotic cousin.

Etymology: Yield (give right-of-way to traffic) + idiotic (stupid)

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Created by: Gladbags

Pronunciation: Ehd-E-Oh-Drive

Sentence: That idiodriver is going to cause a car accident!


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ir/road/sponce/ible

Sentence: He again crossed 3 lanes of traffic without signaling, demonstrating how totally irroadsponsible he is.

Etymology: irresponsible + road

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Created by: leaffan001

Pronunciation: ro-od-stu-pid-i-te

Sentence: driving stupidly even though you think it is right

Etymology: comes from the word roadrage

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: tur-mih-moh-tur

Sentence: As he began to termimotor down the road, he came to the conclusion that the rest of the driving public were idiots.

Etymology: The Terminator, motor


hehehe - galwaywegian, 2007-07-17: 07:18:00


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Created by: KristinA

Pronunciation: car-fool

Sentence: She opted to drive home from dinner because his carfooling makes her nauseous.

Etymology: carpool and fool

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Created by: Wiserhinoceros

Pronunciation: CON-tra-fict

Sentence: He regularly contraficted driving against the traffic as if in contradiction to the rules of the road.

Etymology: Contra (against). fict (unreal). A conflation of contradict, traffic and fiction..

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Osomatic - 2007-07-17: 00:40:00

Osomatic - 2007-07-17: 00:44:00
Eeek! I wasn't paying attention and I put my word in the wrong place - could you delete it for me, oh Mightiest of Verbotomists?

Osomatic - 2007-07-17: 00:44:00
Er... and the comment asking you to delete it. And, heh, this one too. I think I'm caught up now.

rikboyee - 2007-07-17: 01:00:00
aaahh...a bit of boxlexia i see

Kyoti - 2007-07-17: 11:12:00
La pequeña caja divertida.

MisUndrstd - 2007-07-17: 12:32:00
Yeah what Kyoti said!

Girljenta2006 - 2007-07-22: 11:27:00