Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. What boyfriends and husbands do while they are waiting their girlfriends and/or wives to shop. n. A person doing such a thing.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: man - oh - pause
Sentence: Fred was going through manopause today. He started to sweat, have hot flashes and get overemotional as he waited in the sun for 3 hours while Margaret tried on dresses.
Etymology: menopause (a change of life time period where women have many intersting symptoms) + man (a different kind of manopause)..... + pause (to stop or wait)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: shop-pur-FUNKSHO-rate
Sentence: Bob is not an optimist, he never double parks while Roxie is shopping. All he hopes for, as he shoperfunctorates, is that Roxie's feet will start to hurt before his wallet does. And when she's seriously shoprocrasty, he never ridicules her or becomes boutique-piqued, but remains mart-smart even when she tries on a dozen dresses and an imelda of shoes.
Etymology: Blend of shop & perfunctorate: done merely to get rid of the duty, performed mechanically, by rote, superficially. Cognates: Shoperfunctory, Shoperfunctoriness.
I love boutique-piqued and the imelda of shoes - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-26: 10:46:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /buˈtikˌge(ɪ)t/
Sentence: We who are stuck boutiquegating our significant others are very thankful to those few store designers who thought to provide comfortable seating just outside the dressing rooms.
Etymology: from boutique + tailgate
Created by: SethelMerman
Pronunciation: An-tiss-uh-pray-shun
Sentence: Thinking of his credit card bill and the countless bags from Macy's, passed the time during his anticappraision.
Etymology: From (anticipation: in waiting) + (appraise: judge value)
Created by: BSqueeze4
Pronunciation: Clothes-soo-all-tee
Sentence: After seeing the man sitting outside the dressing room with eight shirts in his hands, I knew he was a total clothesualty.
Etymology: Clothes+casualty
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: chik-pik
Sentence: While Sue was in the dressing room, Bob bided his time with a chickpick session. The first object of his scrutiny was slightly plump, but had nice hair. The second had a nice body, but egad, that eye brow ring had to go! The third had it all going for her, except for the fact that she talked through her nose. The fourth...
Etymology: nit pick, chick
a chick picnic - petaj, 2007-09-26: 04:45:00
Created by: Magic94
Pronunciation: L-oi-ling
Sentence: Geoff had to stand and leul whilst Jane looked through Marks and Spencers.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: funn dress sing
Sentence: I judged that the from the frost hardening on my spectacles that the hot redhead in the queue for the changing rooms was aware that she was being fundressed.
Etymology: undressing, fun
I think I've fundrestimated all the weary shoppers - now I'm aware of the fundertones - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-26: 10:40:00
that should be funderestimated - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-26: 10:41:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bih-truhj
Sentence: When Jill wants to go shopping she likes to take Tom with her. She'll bounce from store to store like a lioness on a hunt. He'll betrudge along behind her like a trailer with flat tires. They've been together long enough that he knows when to nod and when to grunt something like "That look great on you".
Etymology: begrudge (to be reluctant to give, grant, or allow) + trudge (to walk, especially laboriously or wearily)
Created by: ScrabbledEgg
Pronunciation: spree-an-durr
Sentence: Spreeandering about the mall for hours while Sandy tried on countless pairs of jeans left Jack barely coherent, and hungry. When he saw his honey finally emerge from her umpteenth dressing room, he grunted something about "done yet" and "food court" - much to her annoyance. "Geez, Jack, don't be such a Spreeanderthal" she retailiated (retail + retaliate), handing him the most expensive pair she had found.
Etymology: (shopping) spree + meander
Is that when he went off in perch haste? - petaj, 2007-09-26: 04:47:00
At the end of a shopping spree a woman is tired as well as spent. Nice blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-26: 18:47:00

Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie! ~ James
Can't you be arrested for MASTERWAITING in public?
galwaywegian - 2008-08-27: 05:56:00
Or masterbaiting at college
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James