Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. What boyfriends and husbands do while they are waiting their girlfriends and/or wives to shop. n. A person doing such a thing.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Pow-t-fit
Sentence: After trying on several different dresses, fourteen pairs of shoes and tried a number of handbags to see if they matched, Sarah had still not managed to settle for any of them. Frank had been waiting for two hours and was having a serious poutfit, he had promised his mates he would meet them down the pub and wanted to get there before they gave up on him and headed home. He was thinking of faking some sort of fit so that they get out of the place once and for all.
Etymology: Pout(to push one's lips forward as an expression of petulant annoyance) + Outfit(a set of clothes worn together) + Fit(a sudden attack of convulsions) = Poutfit
Poor Frank ! He just has to learn a little patience. two hours is just considered a warm-up. Hahahah - metrohumanx, 2008-08-27: 01:21:00
so many funny words today - isn't there a store called Urban Poutfitters - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-27: 16:07:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: plaz-uh-rohm
Sentence: As much as he complained about having to plazaroam every weekend, he thoroughly enjoyed taking in all the 16 year old eye candy at the mall.
Etymology: plaza + roam
Created by: hgofom
Pronunciation: Just like it looks.
Sentence: My wife went into the mall and I was left waitwatching.
Etymology: While waiting, we wait, and we watch. There are also several puns and entendres in the word. One is a play on the diet popular with many women. Another is that while we wait we're not only people watching, but frequently looking at our watches. Also, waitwatch, waitwatcher, etc.
Created by: kachungis
Pronunciation: ba-bee-boo
Sentence: im so babiboo!!
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: funn dress sing
Sentence: I judged that the from the frost hardening on my spectacles that the hot redhead in the queue for the changing rooms was aware that she was being fundressed.
Etymology: undressing, fun
I think I've fundrestimated all the weary shoppers - now I'm aware of the fundertones - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-26: 10:40:00
that should be funderestimated - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-26: 10:41:00
Created by: cfinleyca
Pronunciation: man-stra-wait
Sentence: Dude, she was in there for an hour. I had to manstrawait in that stupid little chair. Oh, this time I am going to have to do some serious manstrawaition at the mall.
Etymology: man + (sterbate) + wait
my first attempt - cfinleyca, 2007-09-26: 17:19:00
cool! - kachungis, 2007-09-26: 21:27:00
Created by: doceanjo
Pronunciation: Hó + los +istasis
Sentence: This is a holographic homeostasis biological concept it means holographic equilibrium.
Etymology: Holos + stasis
Holostasis is a great word. You should expound on it. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-28: 03:06:00
Created by: Pseudonym
Pronunciation: pur-chai-ay-tuss
Sentence: "Sorry, I can't meet you at the bar right now, I'm on a purchiatus."
Etymology: purchase + hiatus
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: win - doe - shlump
Sentence: Whenever Minnie would involve herself shopping she did so in a dedicated fashion that left Monty to manage for himself and he would always windowschlump, mindlessly wandrering from store to store looking at the displays.
Etymology: Blend of 'window' and 'schlump' (to loaf or idle)
I've seen a clump of WINDOWSCHLUMPS, and shuffled right along. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-27: 00:54:00
very descriptive - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-27: 16:03:00
Ah, Metrohx: you better tell Monty where the store with the 'semi erotic mannequins' is situated. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-28: 01:05:00
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: mahl-uhn-kuhl-eee
Sentence: Dave went mallancholy as he stood holding Debra's handbag at the Emasculation Station outlet store.
Etymology: mall + melancholy
funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-26: 11:50:00
Seems as if Dave got himself into a eunuch predickament. Might decide to keep the handbag! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-26: 22:19:00
Verbotomy - 2007-09-26: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie! ~ James
metrohumanx - 2008-08-27: 00:50:00
Can't you be arrested for MASTERWAITING in public?
galwaywegian - 2008-08-27: 05:56:00
Or masterbaiting at college
Verbotomy - 2011-06-08: 00:16:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James