Vote for the best verboticism.

'Why do you always carry that file folder?'

DEFINITION: n. A prop (e.g. papers, files or any non-functional equipment) used to create the illusion of busyness. v. To use office supplies to create the illusion that you are working.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˌɛvəˈdɪlədʒɛns/

Sentence: While folders and papers make excellent passive evidiligence for someone on the move, a mobile phone or PDA can serve the same purpose even when seated at one's desk, though such tools require an active effort to complete the effect of slackofflage.

Etymology: From evidence + diligence


very on-message you evidiligently gave it a lot of thought. - galwaywegian, 2007-06-13: 07:03:00

Don't indilige him. - Clayton, 2007-06-13: 07:50:00

Actually, I didn't give it that much thought. I just borrowed some thoughts I'd had from when I created the previous verboticism "slackofflage." I've noticed that some of my highest-scoring words are ones I was least confident in (such as "mockliment.") Maybe there's a message there. Maybe I just give everything too much thought. Yeah, that seems more likely. - ErWenn, 2007-06-13: 14:02:00

now now ErWenn - you know what they say about making ASSumptions - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-13: 14:20:00


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Created by: cpeterc

Pronunciation: Fo - Port

Sentence: "Wait - I'll never make it past Mr. Big's office without a Fauxport, This folder will do."

Etymology: Faux = faxe or simulated Port from Passport a document that allows you to travel freely.


metrohumanx Your papers, please.... - metrohumanx, 2008-08-06: 16:48:00


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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: ess-KAY-pur-wurk

Sentence: Just before weekly staff meetings, Joe's pile of escaperwork would grow to include three reports, two manila envelopes, a stapler and a large black binder labelled 'URGENT'.

Etymology: escape (to avoid) + paperwork (documents)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: sup-plies-guys

Sentence: Herb was office supply guy and had charge of the stock room; however, we knew him as the "suppliesguise" because he'd spend the entire day running back and forth with paper, folders and what not just to make himself look busier than he really was. That wasn't so bad, but when anyone asked him to get supplies for them his response was, "I'm sorry, I'm too busy. You'll have to get it yourself!"

Etymology: supplies: provisions; furnish or equip + guise: an artful or simulated pretense

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Created by: keeno82uk

Pronunciation: dis-work-illusion-ment

Sentence: "that guy is so practicing disworkillusionment, as he always carries around that file"

Etymology: Meaning the illusion of work by cloaking your lack of said work using props, i.e folder, laptop

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: in-DUST-ri-caters

Sentence: Memo To: WOT Team..... From: WOT Team Leader %%%%%%%%%%%% Hi Team, The big boss is coming to visit on Friday. Please make sure that you have a good selection of industricators and suggestoilibles on hand to ensure that she leaves with 'right' impression. We don't want her to think that WOT stands for Waste of Time. ta, oh and please eat this memo before Friday.

Etymology: industry + indicator + extricate (could get the lazy staffer an allayoffment, and out of a sticky situation)


LOVE the sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-13: 10:39:00

if the definition was having too many awesome words and not being able to choose, my word would be petajalot. - jadenguy, 2007-06-13: 12:15:00

if the definition was having too many awesome words and not being able to choose, my word would be petajalot. - jadenguy, 2007-06-13: 12:26:00

...dont' refresh AND send post data or whatever. - jadenguy, 2007-06-13: 12:27:00

petaj The other one I had that I discarded was apparaphertoilia. Paraphernalia to create an appearance of toil. - petaj, 2007-06-13: 18:33:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: aw-fuh-sahd

Sentence: Stanley likes to make everybody think he is the most productive member of his team. He creates a smokescreen by creating an officade of papers and folders that practically obscure his window and keep prying eyes from seeing how little actual work he does.

Etymology: office (a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted) + facade (a superficial appearance or illusion of something)

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: prahp- cue - pie

Sentence: Looking over his desk, John wondered which of his propcupies to bring with him on his daily walk to the vending machine. He knew he had to walk with pace and urgency to develop the right volume of sweat on his brow, but also the right iPad, laptop, red binder, 90's beeper, bluetooth, box labeled "Fragile" combo was key to success.

Etymology: Prop - occupy

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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: fob-jekt

Sentence: Shuffling papers whilst wearing my glasses on the end of my nose is the most effective combination of fobjects I have found. It creates the illusion that I'm actually doing what I'm paid to do.

Etymology: Fob -(as in 'fob off', deceive or dupe) + object = fobject


Short and snappy - I could use this. :) - Discoveria, 2012-09-26: 12:14:00


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Created by: bookwerm18

Pronunciation: Eh-vee-deh-sk

Sentence: The pile of evidesks on my table collapsed today, demonstrating how overworked I actually am.

Etymology: Evidence + Desk

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-13: 00:01:00
The "S" in Timothy Johnson's GUST stands for Strategy. And strategy is key! Especially if you are trying to get way with doing nothing. Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram and Timothy! ~ James

Rebekah - 2009-11-05: 18:33:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-07: 00:38:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James