Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., A person who finds potentially sexual meanings in every conversation, and who always tries to "cleverly" point it out, by putting ordinary words or phrases into a sexual context. v., To be habitually and annoyingly addicted to sexual innuendo.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: freestyle
Sentence: Brandon is such a sexlinguaphile - he just can't stop talking about female sexual organs.
Etymology: sex - lingua - phile
Was he hooked on more than a pheeling? Certainly fits the definition! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 19:26:00
Created by: XMbIPb
Pronunciation: /co-i-ten-shes/
Sentence: Q. "Why is Jack walking so funny?" A. "Well, Bill was tinkering with his 73 Chevy Monter-Carlo... yeah... on 'em bricks o'er yonder... an' Jack kinda comes up an' says: 'Ah likes whatcha got under that hood, Billy. It sure's big.' Well 'en. Ole Bill don't take kindly to a coitation r'mark like that. Nex' thin' ya'll know he did a number on Jack's knee caps."
Etymology: COITENTIOUS (adj.) [coitate, v.; coitator, n.] - sex-related from lat. "coitus;" a rather rare usage as most forms are rather gender-specific (fallatious or cannilatious)
Created by: dluman
Pronunciation: la-beedo-raytor
Sentence: Agnus, a labidorator, was constantly making inuendos about Jim's stiff leg, which she didn't know was wooden.
Etymology: From the latin for labia, meaning lips and other stuff.
Very sexplicit! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 19:32:00
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: pee-vert
Sentence: Whenever Kimberly consumed too much wine from a box, she would start to make peeverted comments toward anyone around her.
Etymology: Peeve (annoy) + Pervert (inappropriate sexual expression)
peerriffic word - Nosila, 2010-04-30: 17:25:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: li beed er achi
Sentence: He lived in Las Vegas. He performed off, off the Strip in a cabaret, called Libido Loco, where he was billed as Libiderace. (Last week it was called Lust Horizons, the week before The Horny Towed.) More famous for his "organ" recitals than his piano ones, his gift of music stripped the Burlesque performers, of their inhibitions. His "hole" act had a sexual undertone. Women wanted him (to stop) and Men wanted to be(at) him. His lovely assistant was Ida Norgasm. He played the room like a hooker at a sailor's convention. He was Lewd-tenant Leer tonight, Hugh G. Rection tomorrow night. He wore his hair in an Afro-disiac style. His real name was Randy Gote and he had a kid in every state and a trail of broken hearts behind him. It was risque business, but he loved the exposure. Every fetish and fantasy he had were expressed in musical form (the rhythmn method?) Alas one evening while performing his Scarlet Pimp-Poor-Nell routine, his lecherous past caught up to him as he was grabbed by an audience "member" and castrated. He disappeared and was instantly replaced by a young stud called Roman Hands. Yes, the competition in this line of work is very "stiff".
Etymology: Libido (a Freudian term for sexual urge or desire) & Liberace (American pianist and entertainer who was noted for his virtuosity and flamboyant style).
Created by: paperhoard
Pronunciation: Erect-shon-arian
Sentence: Jim always enjoyed reading the naked pygmy articles in National Geographic and peering at the bra section of the 1960 Sears catalog. Over the years this has helped him develop into an Erectionarian, a very old man able to twist any word or sentence into a sexual meaning.
Etymology: Erection + Octogenarian
very funny sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-12: 12:27:00
Perma-rection! Prolonged feelings! Wishful thinking? !!!! Wonderful idea! Sexcessfully fun!!! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 12:41:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: seks-jes-tiv
Sentence: Most people are familiar with the concept of the "dirty old man". Some might even be OK with the smart-mouth juvenile but few are as comfortable with the "dirty young woman", who's every utterance is sexgestive.
Etymology: sexual (concerning reproduction, intercourse) + suggestive (implies something improper or indecent; risqué)
Created by: iwanttodirect
Pronunciation: lose-horn-i-aist
Sentence: Conversation: "What ya doin'" Someone asks. "I'm creating words on Verbotomy." I answer. "Wow that drawing of the one in yellow is hot for a cartoon. I'd like to see how she would do on this botomy." the losehorniaist retorts pointing to his crotch. "You're an idiot." I state.
Etymology: Lose: as in loser who still lives with his or her parents, or alone, or with there college roommates at 32. horny: as he or she is horny for sexual intercourse that they don't have a lot because they live at home, or alone, or with there college roommate
Interesting etymology! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 12:50:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: mann froy dae
Sentence: He was such a manfreuday, always making the waitresses on the ship feel like cruise ho's
Etymology: man friday as in robinson cruise ho, freud as in ziggy.
perhaps he was a cross dresser and liked to rompinsome cruise hose - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-12: 09:30:00
Terrific puns! Great verboticism! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-12: 11:26:00
Creative and funny! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-12: 15:56:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-12: 01:31:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Tigger - 2008-02-12: 02:09:00
This cartoon is hilarious!
Jabberwocky - 2008-02-12: 05:56:00
very well laid out
Banky - 2008-02-12: 08:44:00
You're well endowed with artistic talent.
Verbotomy - 2008-02-12: 11:44:00
Thank you for your kind and suggestive words ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-02-12: 13:21:00
Sextraordinary definition and cartoon, Tigger and James!
silveryaspen - 2008-02-12: 13:26:00
To all: Very creative! Creativity can be so enhancing! You've all got me thinking you have great sex lives!
Nosila - 2008-02-12: 23:03:00
Good idea, Tigger...hopefully this idea will slake the thirst and quench the desires of those who live life on the double entendre! And the cartoon, James...well, it is to die for...
Verbotomy - 2008-02-13: 00:35:00
Well, I'm glad it didn't die on the page. Thanks! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-04-30: 00:28:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Svetikreink - 2019-05-04: 02:47:00