Vote for the best verboticism.

'Where did you get all these photos?'

DEFINITION: v. To discover that one of your "just friends" friends maintains a lovingly tended shrine in their bedroom, consisting mostly of compromising photos and/or videos of you. n. A private collection of "private" photos and/or videos.

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: tear + ih + foal + ee + oh

Sentence: She's got a terrifolio of me? Oh my gosh, I need to move to a new city!

Etymology: terrify + portfolio

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Created by: pepperpatti

Pronunciation: as written: stalker-wareness

Sentence: Shirley thought that John was just another guy on her floor until stalkerwareness hit when viewing his Facebook albums

Etymology: Stalker, an individual with a consuming obsession with another person; awareness, the consciousness of some event, behavior pattern, or other previously unknown concept.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: bud - dee - fild

Sentence: Lauren felt buddyfiled when she discovered that her "buddy" Mark had a collection of x-rated photos of her on his computer.

Etymology: buddy, defiled


mrskellyscl good one! - mrskellyscl, 2009-11-11: 12:08:00

who needs buddies like that...buddacious word! - Nosila, 2009-11-11: 17:26:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈstɑkəɡˌnaɪz/

Sentence: The first time you stalkognize anyone, it's mildly flattering for a moment, but it gets creepy _really_ quickly.

Etymology: From stalk + recognize

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: stalk/port/foh/lee/oh

Sentence: Donny had spent a lot of time assembling his stalkportfolio and just had to share his investment with Jenny.

Etymology: stalk + portfolio


very good - porsche, 2007-04-25: 09:25:00

Sounds like Donny had a good business plan, I wonder if it paid off? - wordmeister, 2007-04-25: 10:11:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: wood stok

Sentence: When Mary discovered the shrine to her in "just friends" pal Oliver's creepy lair, she knew he must have been to wouldstalk...eeewwwwhhhh!

Etymology: Would (verabal tense of word express desire or intent) & Stalk (the act of following prey stealthily;a hunt for game carried on by stalking or waiting in ambush) & Wordplay on "Woodstock" ( A village of southeast New York south-southwest of Albany. In 1969 a large rock music festival named after the village was held at nearby small town in the Catskill Mountains)

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: tok/sic/stok/sin/drome

Sentence: Jill had to be rushed to the hospital with toxicstalksyndrome after visiting Jack

Etymology: toxic shock syndrome + stalk

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: revel/ay/shun/ship

Sentence: The revelationship that Jim had feelings for her caused her to hurl all over his new laptop

Etymology: revelation + relationship


petaj euww! vaiomit. Is there a tablet for that? - petaj, 2007-04-25: 08:12:00

ohwtepph Nice... *vomits too* - ohwtepph, 2007-04-25: 10:59:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: en sh wine d

Sentence: Imagine the shock when Keira entered the apartment of her study friend, Boarus Piggott. She saw hundreds of pictures of herself littered everywhere. Pictures from every aspect of her life, including intimate moments. She was stunned to be enschweined in this manner. Her personal privacy had been invaded and after the initial shock, her anger had exploded. "I thought you were my friend, Boarus, how could you stalk me this way?" Boarus shrugged and snorted, "I guess my name should be Pigout, not Piggott! You are sow beautiful and sty-lish, my little sausage, with your porcinelain complexion and oinkredible smile...I'll be frank, I've always wanted to pork you! All your other boyfriends were hogging you." Keira walked to the apartment door, where 2 undercover pigs awaited her ham signal. She flashed her police badge and said "I squealed on you, Boarus Piggott, as many other swill! You are under arrest and you are going to the pen for a very loin time, where you will be bacon a lot of license plates!"

Etymology: enshrine (a place of worship hallowed by association with some sacred thing or person ) & schwein (German for Pig or swine;an unclean brute, a lowlife,a piggish slob)


metrohumanx Brilliant and sardonic. Pun-gent also. Hams off to you. - metrohumanx, 2008-07-02: 02:26:00

Sounds like Boarus had an extensive porkfolio of Keira's pics. He has very boarish sty'le, and he sounds like a bit of a ham. - Mustang, 2008-07-02: 04:52:00

it's a wiener - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-02: 15:51:00

Creative: it brings home the bacon for me. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-04: 06:35:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: diss-clothes-yure

Sentence: When Georgie saw the reliqueery that Bobby had created s/he was shocked at the disclothesure. There s/he was in all his/her naked glory on every wall of the room.

Etymology: disclosure + clothes


like it! - galwaywegian, 2007-04-25: 05:19:00

petaj ooh that was quick galwaywegian - petaj, 2007-04-25: 05:20:00

I guess Georgie was in a state of disclothesuria - wordmeister, 2007-04-25: 10:10:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-25: 03:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by PythianHabenero.
Thank you PythianHabenero! ~ James

suzanne - 2007-04-26: 12:31:00

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-02: 21:19:00
Excellent! I voted too soon. gotta stop these 3 am verbotomizings... Carry on!

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-02: 21:21:00
Disregard that last comment. It was intended for another verbotomizer.

petaj petaj - 2008-07-03: 06:16:00
Wondering when some new definitions will be happening. Not really motivated to do these oldies a second time over.

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2009-11-11: 07:15:00
I guess she WAS really Enschweined, eh?

artr artr - 2009-11-11: 08:33:00
A creepy stalker. Nice way to start the day.