Vote for the best verboticism.

'Do you know how much she weighs?'

DEFINITION: v. To share information without understanding the difference between what should be public, and what others consider to be private. n. A person who doesn't know what not to say.

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Created by: Hjason

Pronunciation: pri-verb-lic

Sentence: I can't believe how priverblic you were at the party when you told those guys about my love of belly button lint.

Etymology: private-verbal-public

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Created by: Maureen

Pronunciation: splutter - ance

Sentence: Don't tell Jamie anything you want kept secret. He has a bad case of splutterance.

Etymology: splutter - to blurt something out without thinking. ance- suffix denoting action.

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Created by: quippingqueen

Pronunciation: sqweeler/wheeler

Sentence: Known in polite circles as a "squealerwheeler", the capricious Carpet Knight couldn't wait to reveal his most egregious escapades over a gin and tonic.

Etymology: squealer: one who reveals things best left in the boudoir or the boardroom + wheeler: a mover and shaker

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Created by: tangledupinblue


Sentence: She privyblurted what she really thought of him to the entire room...the party broke up after that.


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Created by: Conneyfogle




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Created by: allwise

Pronunciation: oh-ver-shae-ring

Sentence: Evan messed up most of his date's by oversharing his non-existent sexlife.

Etymology: oval - circle with two centers. shearing - to remove wool from a sheep. (Or maybe it's a more logical composition...)

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: muk-shmuk-ing

Sentence: Though she expected some whispered conversations in the office regarding her drunken escapades at the office party, Sue was quite mortified when coworker Bob started loudly muckschmucking every detail of her semi-naked table dance.

Etymology: muck, schmuck

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Created by: IanArcher

Pronunciation: as "confidential"

Sentence: When I showed up, Tim was confidentyelling about Clarice's performance in the bedroom.

Etymology: from "confidential" and "yell"

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /'brod-"crast/

Sentence: Normally Jim got a kick out of it when his girlfriend broadcrast all their dirty little secrets to his friends, but this time, he wished she'd just kept her mouth shut.

Etymology: from broadcast + crass

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: SPAZ-blab

Sentence: After 2 drinks Bob was busy spazblabbing about our new takeover strategy to everyone.

Etymology: spaz (To be clumsy or inept) + blab (To reveal (secret matters) especially through indiscreet or unreserved talk)

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chris - 2007-01-08: 13:54:00
good word

wordmeister - 2007-01-08: 22:50:00
Hey Chris, Which word did you like?