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'Do you know how much she weighs?'

DEFINITION: v. To share information without understanding the difference between what should be public, and what others consider to be private. n. A person who doesn't know what not to say.

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: leek-speek

Sentence: Vince would leakspeak details about Myrna's personal hang-ups especially in the company of her girlfriends.

Etymology: leak + speak

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Created by: dstorm78

Pronunciation: Furee-low-kwen-dee

Sentence: He has the gift of furyloquendi, and can never shut up.

Etymology: From the latin/greek "furor loquendi" meaning the 'gift of gab' mixed in with a little fury, which would likely follow those with this problem.

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Created by: Robke22




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: outlout

Sentence: With the popularity of reality shows where everybody seem bent on "outing" everybody else with whatever indiscretions they can dig up, Mark has become an outlout. Cindy is hesitant to dump him because then she would have no control over what he is willing to blab about her.

Etymology: out loud (aloud; audibly) + lout (an awkward, stupid person; clumsy, ill-mannered boor)

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Created by: sweetclarity

Pronunciation: t-ah-sit-less.

Sentence: That's tacitless!


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Created by: bondfool

Pronunciation: uhn-fill-turd-mine-d

Sentence: That jerk just used ruined his girlfriend's life with his unfilteredmind.


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Created by: IanArcher

Pronunciation: as "confidential"

Sentence: When I showed up, Tim was confidentyelling about Clarice's performance in the bedroom.

Etymology: from "confidential" and "yell"

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Created by: Maureen

Pronunciation: splutter - ance

Sentence: Don't tell Jamie anything you want kept secret. He has a bad case of splutterance.

Etymology: splutter - to blurt something out without thinking. ance- suffix denoting action.

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Created by: Javeson1

Pronunciation: gah-sih-blab

Sentence: kids are usually better than adults at gossiblabbing, but that's not a very good thing for them.

Etymology: gossip+blab

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: broad-crass-ter

Sentence: Jack was a professional broadcrasster. Not only did he give full reports about his lovelife, he gave too much information to his friends.

Etymology: Broadcaster: a radio or television personality who reports the news + crass: so crude and unrefined to be lacking in discrimination or sensibility


Broadelicious word. - Nosila, 2009-08-12: 15:10:00


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chris - 2007-01-08: 13:54:00
good word

wordmeister - 2007-01-08: 22:50:00
Hey Chris, Which word did you like?