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'Yikes! Spring is almost here and this stupid scale is still wrong.'

DEFINITION: n. That sinking feeling you get when you realize that you will be shedding your winter coat, before you can possibly shed the extra layer of insulation (i.e. fat) that you gained over the winter. v. To worry about your weight.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ex ert syz

Sentence: Every year at this time, Phyllis Withbread, goes through the agony of how much winter weight she has gained. In an effort to try a lose a few pounds, she races herself each year to lose weight before the snow all melts. Between meagre diet and exertsighs, she tries to ruminweight about her extra pounds and kilos. Luckily for Phyllis, the snow won't be gone until May or June, so she will have longer to fight the Battle of the Bulge, the Scales of Injustice and the Mounds of Pounds.

Etymology: Exercise (the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit) & Exert (make a great effort at a mental or physical task) & Sighs (heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily)

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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: spEED-O-fhO-bic

Sentence: Jill is speedophobic, getting concerned that David is pigging out at the buffet, knowing there is only 20 days to the pool party. She did all she could to keep her food down just picturing David in his tiny polkadotted speedo.

Etymology: speedo,type of swim suit/phobic, fear of

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: eh-kwuh-NOKS-shush

Sentence: As Barb peered over her belly to read the scale she felt so equinoxious she had to sit down. She began to sob, "Damn, I KNEW I should've thrown those last dozen fruitcakes away!"

Etymology: equinox (first day of spring) + anxious with a side of noxious.

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Created by: buck180

Pronunciation: aw/tow/blub/uh/FOE/bee/yah

Sentence: Looking in the mirror Susan realized that she'd never lose her excess winter weight before beach season. It was at that precise moment that her autoblubiphobia kicked in causing her to cringe and despise her perfect size 6 frame.

Etymology: A combining of: The prefix AUTO - pertaining to self. BLUBBER - whale fat. And the Latin suffix PHOBIA - an irrational fear.

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Created by: bettyann9


Sentence: The blubberization he was feeling when he saw that extra 200 lbs was overwhelming. Maybe cut out the side of a cow every other day?


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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: Ex-post-fat-toe

Sentence: Brenda was more blue than the blues, more down than the Downs, and more depressed than her mattress springs. She was experiencing the post-Christmas dieter's syndrome of expostfatto.

Etymology: From "ex post facto", a legal term referring to laws that change the legal status of events that happened before the law is enacted. (i.e. Hoping that the effect of overeating can be changed.)


The mattress reference is hillarious!! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-28: 06:42:00

Took me a while to think up...but I didn't want to get rid of the beginning of the sentence! - Discoveria, 2007-02-28: 07:49:00

Silly, but amusing. - ErWenn, 2007-02-28: 11:57:00


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Created by: aj3131

Pronunciation: Fat-Zi-Ity

Sentence: faxiety is the leading cause of depression in the spring months.

Etymology: Fat+ (an)xiety


This is good, in fact I am a bit fatxious right now.. - wordmeister, 2007-02-28: 09:06:00


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Created by: BMott

Pronunciation: spring-dumb

Sentence: She realized she had suffered a case of springdumb all winter as she munched on twinkies to keep the winter blues at bay, forgetting that spring bikinis would soon be in fashion.

Etymology: Spring: That lovely time of year when everything blooms, but your body isn't supposed to. -- Dumb: The ability to ignore the obvious.

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Created by: magenta

Pronunciation: li-pi-dau-ner

Sentence: I was on such a high today until I got on the scales - what a lipidowner that was.

Etymology: lipids(fats) + downer

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Created by: ekath

Pronunciation: fatch-you-lay-shun

Sentence: When someone has flatulation and fatulation too, i don't know which is worse: tolerating the stench or listening to then complain about being overweight.

Etymology: from fat + flatulation a literal "sinking feeling"

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-28: 00:08:31
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes.
Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James