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DEFINITION: n. That sinking feeling you get when you realize that you will be shedding your winter coat, before you can possibly shed the extra layer of insulation (i.e. fat) that you gained over the winter. v. To worry about your weight.
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Created by: buck180
Pronunciation: aw/tow/blub/uh/FOE/bee/yah
Sentence: Looking in the mirror Susan realized that she'd never lose her excess winter weight before beach season. It was at that precise moment that her autoblubiphobia kicked in causing her to cringe and despise her perfect size 6 frame.
Etymology: A combining of: The prefix AUTO - pertaining to self. BLUBBER - whale fat. And the Latin suffix PHOBIA - an irrational fear.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pown der ans
Sentence: Paula hated the onslaught of spring because of worrying whether or not she could wear a bikini at the shore. Each year was more of a pounderance for her than the last. She would soon have to shop at the Big Girls' Stores or consider moving far from the beach.
Etymology: Pound (unit of weight measurement) & Ponderance (weight/gravity of something thought about;reflect deeply on it)
Created by: igho1207
Pronunciation: fes-tiv-it-ran-say-shun
Sentence: The process of festivitransation can be the worst part of early spring for some people.
Etymology: festive/trans(opposite)/ation(as in sensATION).
Created by: catgrin
Pronunciation: vur-nl-ahrd-al-ahyz
Sentence: Looking at the scale in March makes many women frustrated as they vernillardalyze.
Etymology: vernal + ill + lard + analyze = spring + sick + fat + thought
Created by: aj3131
Pronunciation: Fat-Zi-Ity
Sentence: faxiety is the leading cause of depression in the spring months.
Etymology: Fat+ (an)xiety
This is good, in fact I am a bit fatxious right now.. - wordmeister, 2007-02-28: 09:06:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: snōrēfret
Sentence: Gloria faces the upcoming Spring with snowrefrets. The fact that her resolution to go to the gym froze during the first snowfall and her diet since Thanksgiving has been much like a polar bear with an unlimited source of harp seals has left her dreading the work she will need to do if she was to avoid a summer of muumuus.
Etymology: snow (atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer) + regrets (feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that has happened or been done, esp. a loss or missed opportunity) + fret (be constantly or visibly worried or anxious)
Created by: paintergrl1313
Pronunciation: Winter-bloat
Sentence: My coats gone, but I still have to deal with the holiday winterbloat.
Etymology: Winter + bloat
Created by: magenta
Pronunciation: li-pi-dau-ner
Sentence: I was on such a high today until I got on the scales - what a lipidowner that was.
Etymology: lipids(fats) + downer
Created by: contiki
Pronunciation: blubbs
Sentence: After I saw the number on the scale it really gave me the blubs :(
Etymology: Blubber + blues
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: Ex-post-fat-toe
Sentence: Brenda was more blue than the blues, more down than the Downs, and more depressed than her mattress springs. She was experiencing the post-Christmas dieter's syndrome of expostfatto.
Etymology: From "ex post facto", a legal term referring to laws that change the legal status of events that happened before the law is enacted. (i.e. Hoping that the effect of overeating can be changed.)
The mattress reference is hillarious!! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-28: 06:42:00
Took me a while to think up...but I didn't want to get rid of the beginning of the sentence! - Discoveria, 2007-02-28: 07:49:00
Silly, but amusing. - ErWenn, 2007-02-28: 11:57:00
Verbotomy - 2007-02-28: 00:08:31
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes.
Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James