Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. An unintended consequence of medical or psychological therapy, especially if the therapy is supposed to make you feel "young again". v. To feel young and stupid again.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: frisk-ee-fighs
Sentence: Dr., I want to friskifize myself. Can I get something over the counter, or should I try a shady, grey-market website?
Etymology: Frisky- energetic, horny. Suffix 'ize' to infer the subject becoming the nature of the verb.
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: ree JOO ven ay teez
Sentence: Randy has entered his rejuveneighties - that time of life with renewed vigor and the feeling that he should finish all those items on his "Bucket List" before it's too late. He also notices that many women eye him, and therefore says magnanimously that he should "make the rounds" and "give them what they want." But the main reason they pay attention to him is that he's one of the few available men remaining.
Etymology: rejuvenate + eighties (age)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: joo-vuh-skrip
Sentence: Willy is so happy with his new juvescrip for Cialis. Just like in the commercial he installed two bathtubs in the backyard. Now he needs to figure out how to get his wife in the other tub and what this has to do with sex.
Etymology: juvenile (young; youthful) + scrip (a prescription, as for a drug)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rep tyle dis funk shun
Sentence: "Doctor, Doctor" said Maude into the phone, "Those pills you gave Ed are making him act like a horny toad and an iguana who wanna...what's wrong with him?" The Doctor calmly replied, "He's just suffering from reptiledysfunction. He will go through stages where he will become a lounge lizard, play "Karma Chameleon"; vote for Newt Gingrich and redo your home in Art Gecko style. Just Monitor him and call me in the morning".
Etymology: Reptile (cold-blooded vertebrate) Dysfunction (any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part) & Wordplay on Erectile Dysfunction (impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis)
Lol, how many reptile puns can you fit in?! You are clearly talented! ;) Made me smile. - Rhyme79, 2012-10-11: 10:23:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: rep tyl dis funk shun
Sentence: When Stan's libido started to take long vacations, he went to the doctor to get some help in the form of little blue pills. After taking one or two, he started displaying unusual side effects. One of the more disturbing was what his wife Joyce called his reptiledysfunction. He ran around like a randy iguana. He stood in a menacing stance, tongue flicking in and out of his mouth, singing, "We're off to see the Lizard, the wonderful Lizard of Awes". Time to get that dosage checked...
Etymology: Reptile (any cold-blooded vertebrate) & Dysfunction ((medicine) any disturbance in the function of an organ or body part) and Wordplay on Erectile Dysfunction (the reason they made Viagra and such products-impotence resulting from a man's inability to have or maintain an erection of his penis)
Created by: bubbos
Pronunciation: You-ther-apy
Sentence: A heavy dose of youtherapy has made John realize what he's been missing all these years.
Etymology: Youth + therapy
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: Add-oce-les-sent
Sentence: After two hours of a spoonful of the medicine, I could clearly see the adoselescents of it. She was whining in a feeble position on the floor, and all functions of "going" in the toilet became null and void.
Etymology: Adolescent (a young person) + dose (a prescribed amount of medicine)
Created by: marinus
Pronunciation: geri-pee-di-o-morph-ism
Sentence: Grandpa said the pills made him feel twenty years younger, but after he broke his hip mountain biking we began to suspect that it was that geripediomophism the new commercials warned about.
Etymology: geriatric (old). pediatric (young). ideo- greek prefix "image" morph- form
Created by: guesser
Pronunciation: Amor + oops
Sentence: Jenny, bothered by her husbands new "condition", called his Doctor to ask, "How many more mornings am I going to have to put up with his desire for Fruit Loops and Amoroops for Breakfast"?
Etymology: Amorous ( passionate ) + oops ( mistake )
Created by: Katisms1
Pronunciation: OOPS! - SHOULD READ: Sprydefect! (Pron: SPRYIDE-e-fekked. Fekked, like my typing. I can't believe I managed to misspell a word I made up! ;-)
Sentence: While Granny was initially happy the little pill had brought some lovin' back into their bedroom, being awakened ten times a night by an urgent poking in the small of her back was rapidly becoming an unwelcomed sprydefect of the drug.
Etymology: spry + defect

Today's definition was inspired by Rob Sawyer's newest novel, Rollback. It is a story about a happily married (60 years!) couple who get "Rollbacks" -- medical procedures which are supposed to turn their 80-year old bodies into 25-year ones. It works for the husband, but unfortunately not for the wife -- which puts a bit a test on their marriage when they start to develop different levels of "need". ~ James
Purpleartichokes Wins GUST! Read all about it in Verbotoweek: purpleartichokes - The Office Politician.
jadenguy - 2007-06-18: 11:28:00
that was also an episode of the twilight zone. that show was amazing because it was both awesome and taught values!
jermainechambers44 - 2010-01-12: 18:04:00