Vote for the best verboticism.

'I've been working out on this ab machine every day for a week'

DEFINITION: n. The creepy pounds that sneak onto your waist even though you've been exercising and watching what you eat. v. To exercise rigorously, diet fastidiously, and yet still gain weight.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: kil-err-joolz

Sentence: every time he attempted to lose weight he would be ambushed by killerjoules

Etymology: killer, kilojoules


So true! So Powerful! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:11:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: Inch ah dent uls

Sentence: One of life's pleasures, is to sup well. Just because one cannot see calories, any more than one can see heavy sighs, they calorsize us, by inchidentals. Inchidentals that are seen all to well, but make us feel less than well. Well! Well! Well! ... hmmmm that's another deep subject ... I don't want to get into ... so fare thee well.

Etymology: INCH, INCIDENTAL. INCH - unit of measurement, used not only to measure a body's height, but also the girths of chests, waists, upper arms, and thighs. INCIDENTAL - occurring by chance or without intention.


love it! - galwaywegian, 2009-01-09: 12:28:00

Inchtriguing word...cute! - Nosila, 2009-01-09: 19:52:00


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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: Epee-lip-id-sed-ih-ment

Sentence: Jason's penchant for pounding beers and caffeinated drinks throughout the day belied his half attempted efforts to lose weight. Unfortunately for him, his rationalizations of his EZ-Chair Ab Workout and 12 ounce arm curls were not enough to overcome the epilipidsediment from settling around his belly.

Etymology: Epi (put on) + lipid (fat) + sediment (a play on sedentary, to stay in one place/ mendacious, to lie)


Challenging but good fun in the onomatopoeia in epilipid ... fun word to say! Speaks layers and layers! Great Won! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:28:00


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Created by: sheilamusti




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Created by: wayoffcenter

Pronunciation: eləpəntz

Sentence: To say that John was large would be an understatement but he knew just where to shop for his stylish clothes. He went to a store that specialized in elepants.

Etymology: elephant (a heavy plant-eating mammal with a prehensile trunk, long curved ivory tusks, and large ears, native to Africa and southern Asia. It is the largest living land animal) + Pants (trousers)


I know that artr used elepants in his sentence but I thought it was so much fun that it needed to compete on its own. :) - wayoffcenter, 2009-01-09: 09:00:00

artr Thanks for entering elepants. That's the first time I had someone pick up a secondary word from one of my sentences. - artr, 2009-01-09: 18:07:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ass/tun/aj/ment

Sentence: Sally gasped with asstonnagement when she tried to sit in her favourite chair and found she couldn't fit any longer - so much for those protein bars.

Etymology: ass + tonnage + astonishment


Cute word - Nosila, 2009-01-09: 19:53:00

Very memorable! Nice way to say being overweight is a real pain in the a** more ways than one. Sticks in my memory like Sally's bottom sticks in the chair! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-09: 20:51:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: thin bawl

Sentence: Tommy could not understand why his waist line was not shrinking. To offset the odd Big Mac (3 a day, which offered him something from most every food group)he incorporated rigorous exercise into his daily routine, like: he jumped to conclusions;his nose ran;he flew off the handle;he skated on thin ice at work;he wrestled with his conscience; he broad-jumped at bars;he did the breast stroke whenever he could and he curled his hair. Yes, Tommy was indeed a thinbawl wizard there has to be a twist,A thinball wizard's got such a supple waist!

Etymology: thin (slender) & bawl (to cry, because you're not thin)


Your word plays are a many splendored things. So rich with everything that makes for great creates! Ingenious! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-20: 17:04:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ass/tun/aj/ment

Sentence: She gasped with asstonnagemnet when she tried to sit in her favourite chair and found she couldn't fit any longer - so much for those protein bars.

Etymology: ass + tonnage + astonishment


HA! Good one! Quite cheeky! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-19: 07:19:00

Laughing so hard I can barely type! Funtastic Won! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-19: 10:30:00

Thanks a ton! You made my day! - Jamagra, 2008-03-19: 14:12:00

His day of astonement will suely come! Nice blend of words. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-20: 05:05:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: ffflab eeeeeeeeeer gas ting

Sentence: the situation was very flabbiergasting, which led to flabbiergasping, which was not fun.

Etymology: flabbergasting, flabbier


as long as it didn't lead to flabbiergassing - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-09: 13:43:00

Flabulous word! - Nosila, 2009-01-09: 19:54:00

Double Flabulous ... both are great creates! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-09: 20:44:00


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Created by: catgrin

Pronunciation: ant-il-yuh n (sounds like "ant" + "million" -"m")

Sentence: (n) No amount of hours at the gym could stop the antileans from taking oven my waistline. (v) By 35, most women antilean, diet and exercise simply cannot return them to their size fours.

Etymology: A simple compound of "anti" and "lean" using a softer vowel sounds and slightly shifted emphasis to give the sound of tiny hordes attacking.

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

Mustang - 2008-03-19: 00:49:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-26: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

hombwedleMi - 2018-05-26: 08:39:00
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hombwedleMi - 2018-05-26: 11:22:00
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