Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To be so obsessed with the lives of celebrities that you neglect your own personal affairs, responsibilities and hygiene. n., A person who is infatuated with celebrities.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: speer/i/tu/a/list
Sentence: In the States now there are so many crazed spearitualists that it is impossible to get through the day without being bombarded by her escapades. These people really believe she is a close friend.
Etymology: Britney Spears + spiritualist
Had to vote for it! - galwaywegian, 2008-02-15: 07:52:00
Do spearitualists get speared? The 'spear' of it has so many connotations! So appropos at this time! But best of all ... hysterically funny! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-15: 09:53:00
Ah, the religious order of Spearitualists. A scary thought. Great creation! - Tigger, 2008-02-15: 22:24:00
Three britneyspears for a great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-17: 16:21:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: fan ad dikt
Sentence: Emily was an absolute fanaddict when it came to celebrity news. She could not wait to get her daily fix on movie stars, tv entertainers and the Royal Family. She ignored her own family to read up on the daily gossip surrounding the rich & famous. She could name you all of Liz Taylor's eight husbands, but often had trouble remembering her own...
Etymology: Fan (an ardent follower and admirer) & Addict(someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction) & Wordplay on Fanatic (a person motivated by irrational enthusiasm (as for a cause)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: ob - SESS - seh - leb
Sentence: Every day Prunella would obsessceleb endlessly over her favorite show biz personalities as she pored over the gossip magazines.
Etymology: obsession - celebrity
Very descryptive! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-15: 10:29:00
Created by: Wattywords
Pronunciation: slɛb'sɛs
Sentence: Looking up from his keyboard, James McCowan observed the woman as she entered the office. Glancing around, she scanned the walls quickly, as if seeking approbation from the brightly coloured posters supporting local events and charities. Though dingily dressed in worn jeans and a ketchup-stained t-shirt, she paused, shoulders back and with one foot advanced, shook her lank blonde hair and confronted the man with her yellowing beam for just a few seconds too long. Her large handbag, stuffed with magazines, dwarfed her tiny frame. The Councillor's heart sank. Another fan, here to petition him to approve Milly Cyrus' application for a music license for her country pile. Why the wretched woman had bought a manor house in Warwickshire to throw exclusive parties was beyond him, but the slebsession of the local women had tuned the issue into a lightening rod of political pain. This was decidedly not what James had entered public service to deal with.
Etymology: Celebrity. Obsession.
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: sel-eb-ra-sized
Sentence: She was so celebrecized with the Britney Spears drama, she didn't sleep until Britney got the kids back from K-Fed.
Etymology: I don't know, this one just sort of came to me without thought...
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ga ga del ik
Sentence: Mona loved having to buy groceries, because it meant she could top off her food purchases with celeb magazines. She was so smitten with Lady Gaga, that she became gagadelic when she saw her name or picture on a cover and emulated her style. Heidi, Mona's 8 year old daughter thought her Mom looked foolish trying buy corn flakes in tottering heels, mini skirts and bizarre hairdos and clothing made from items found in most kitchens...
Etymology: Gaga (Lady Gaga, showy singer) & Shagadelic (from Austin Powers, someone who you attracted to and want to have sexual relations with...Shag (British slang for copulation)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: səlebrəmentl
Sentence: You can call them superstars, VIPs, or the rich & famous, whatever you like, Judy is completely celebrimental about them. She spends so much time keeping up with her faves that her husband has to schedule things like discussing their kids.
Etymology: a combination of celebrity (the state of being well known), mental (suffering from disorders or illnesses of the mind) & sentimental (prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia)
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: vahp-ah-rot-see
Sentence: The cubicle walls appeared to waver and then fix, and spots began to appear at the edges of Robert's sight. The worst headache of his life was beginning to effect his vision. He tasted blood in his mouth and realized he had nearly bitten through his lip. A peal of shrieking laughter washed over the wall from the adjacent cubicle. "I can't believe she left Ryan Phillipe! He's so cute!", squealed a nasally laser voice. "And did you see Kirstie Alley got dropped from Jenny Craig for getting fat again." the other gasped with breathless exhileration. Robert had done all he could; he had taken the issue to his supervisor, to HR, to the anonymous complaint line, but no one seemed concerned with the fact that the mind-splitting caterwauling day in and day out had prevented Robert from finishing the same report for three weeks straight. He swore he could hear their giggling in his sleep, and as his bloodshot eyes flicked aimlessly around the cubicle, the fabric walls beginning to get closer, as he looked desperately for a way out. A day later the headlines would declare "Lesbian Network Support Pair Found at HP in Apparent Murder-suicide". Photographs showed the Blade server unit used to bludgeon Marie, and the ethernet cable Darlene had managed to hang herself with. As he wiped the last traces of the tawdry note he had left at the scene from his thumb drive, and demolished it with a hammer, Robert thought that the two vaparazzi would be proud. Instead of reading sensational headlines, they were now making them.
Etymology: vapid + paparazzi
Frightfully good sentence. Your sentences make me wonder if you are a professional author of mysteries and murder mysteries! Vaparazzi is so fun to say and evokes lots of mind play! Excellent etymology and creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-15: 11:33:00
Thanks for the compliment, but I'm just a scientist...I obviously do enjoy writing the stories, though. Quite possibly as much as making up the words, as witnessed by this exceedingly long Tolstoy (in length only, not quality) - Banky, 2008-02-15: 12:19:00
Your colleagues are in for a treat if you write your scientific papers as interestingly and excitingly as you write here! I was stunned you are not a professional author of fiction! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-15: 20:36:00
Like a modern-day Edgar Allen Poe. Creepy, but ultimately satisfying story. Great Verboticism too! - Tigger, 2008-02-15: 22:38:00
Great word and tale! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-17: 16:53:00
Created by: novaspectyr
Pronunciation: thruh-dol-uh-trize
Sentence: I became thradolatrized by the account of Ms. Hilton's latest video publication. n. thradolater
Etymology: thrall (slave) + idolatrize (to make into an idol)
Very original angle in your sentence and etymology. Very interesting! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-15: 20:46:00
Thrad: such a strong word element! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-17: 16:49:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-15: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Nosila - 2008-02-15: 02:00:00
Tigger, great idea! Did you think of it when you were hanging out with Demi/Ashton/Bruce at Sundance or as a guest at Eddy Murphy's fake wedding or schmoozing with Heidi and Seal at that Versace Fashion thingy?? Do tell, enquiring minds want to know...
Tigger - 2008-02-15: 02:46:00
Oh, the Versace thing! Wasn't that just absolutely fab? All my peeps were there and... Well no, I wasn't actually there, but I uh — I read all about it. I could've gone, but I was still distraught over the Pam Anderson divorce. [Ok, I'm giving myself the creeps now — I hate people who talk like that!]
Verbotomy - 2010-05-05: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by Tigger. Thank you Tigger. ~ James
Genkareink - 2019-05-07: 22:20:00 https://stu