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'Oh no!'

DEFINITION: n., That sad feeling you get when you open the pizza box, and there's nothing left but grease stains. v. intr., To sit in front of an empty pizza box and sulk.

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Created by: apeavy


Sentence: After my sweet party, I experienced a major case of pieletdown when I got the munchies.



petaj I like this and sounds like "pilot down" - hope there wasn't an air disaster - petaj, 2007-11-13: 02:11:00


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Created by: MithrilShadow

Pronunciation: pēt-zas-tər

Sentence: Hungry, Jason waded through the room full of people to the pizza box, however when he opened them, they were empty. What a pizzaster!

Etymology: Pizza: a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked. Disaster: a sudden or great misfortune or failure


Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:56:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: oyl/of/oy/vey

Sentence: He suffered pangs of oilofoyvey when he discovered nothing but a slick of grease in the empty pizza box.

Etymology: oil + oy vey (an exclamation of dismay or exasperation)+ oil of olay

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Created by: comborracha

Pronunciation: la-ment-ah-roh-nee

Sentence: Jim had nothing but lamentaroni for dinner last night; his roomates swooped on the pizza as quickly as it arrived.

Etymology: lament+pepperoni (originator of the grease)

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Created by: looseball


Sentence: After sweeping the floor and taking out the trash washing the car,I sit down to a boxahnot- you people are sick.


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Created by: haptotrope

Pronunciation: EWe Toh-Zah

Sentence: The overwhelming feeling of utozza washed over him, as he understood that there was no pizza in Schrodingers box, and that like utopia means no-place, there was no pizza either.

Etymology: Utopia + Pizza

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: deh-JOOR-no-morn

Sentence: When Brad opened each of the pizza boxes from the party of the night before and found them all empty all he could do is sit and look at the empty boxes, salivate from the tantalizing fragrances coming from within and digiornomourn with alligator tears leaking from his eyes.

Etymology: Blend of DiGiorno (pizza brand) and mourn

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: peet-suh-doh

Sentence: An intense feeling of pizzadoh swept over Tom when he discovered the empty box left on the table by his roommate, Mike. But the feeling was not to last long, Pappa John's was on his speed dial.

Etymology: Pizza: A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow breadlike crust covered with toppings such as seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, sausage, or olives. + Doh: A term uttered by Homer Simpson when something goes wrong.


Now that gave me a good laugh! Very clever. - Tigger, 2007-11-12: 02:04:00

Mee too! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:56:00


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Created by: BigKP

Pronunciation: soul-ka-womp

Sentence: When I found the pizza box to be empty, all I could do was sulkawomp.


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Created by: leechdude

Pronunciation: doh-jek-shin

Sentence: Joe was in despair. In doughjection, he sat there lonely, staring at the grease stains, in his living room, so sad Joe was, and no one was there to cheer him up.

Etymology: dough (element of pizza), dejection

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petaj petaj - 2007-11-13: 02:15:00
On the menu today: Digiornomore Hawhine Sicilyearn Pepperawwni

wordmeister - 2007-11-13: 09:47:00
Sounds like a pizza box full of dashed dreams...

zxvasdf zxvasdf - 2008-10-09: 21:21:00
Dadgummit! This would've gotten my vote. Good one.