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DEFINITION: n. The fear that you will be outsourced, downsized, unassigned, or separated (one way or another) from your weekly paycheck. v. To use the threat of outsourcing and downsizing to manage and motivate your team.
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Created by: mikeysfbay
Sentence: My brokeaphobia keeps me from saying anything to my boss.
Etymology: Said to have been described in a 1929 edition of the Wall Street Journal
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: STRAWNG-ahm
Sentence: It was Roxie's mantra, to strongalm them "Do you know the real meaning of salary sacrifice?" She would roar. "It means when your livelihood, becomes your deadlihood, and you, your wife and kids are in the poor house. That will be my payout to you, if you don't get this job done ahead of schedule."
Etymology: Blend of Strong_ARM: to bully, standover & ALM: a back formation creating a verb from alms (s & pl noun): handout, money, goods, and other donations given to the poor and needy - in many cases through unemployment.
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: dum feer
Sentence: I was overcome byn dumpheer when they moved the office downtown
Etymology: dump +fear
Created by: Rutilus
Pronunciation: ap-all-van-ize
Sentence: Marylyn appallvanized her staff on a daily basis, believing it would motivate the good and lead to the departure of the 'chaff'. However, she seemed blissfully unaware that this dangerous approach could catastrophically backfire.
Etymology: appall - frighten, dismay; galvanize - strengthen, motivate
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dōntaksmē
Sentence: With the abundance of pink slips, Randy goes to work each day with a dontaxme attitude. He makes a point of looking as busy as possible without really accomplishing anything. If anybody requests help, he fears that he might end up in the wrong camp so generally responds ”Dontaxme”.
Etymology: don’t ask me! (used to indicate that one does not know the answer to a question and that one is surprised or irritated to be questioned) + ax (dismiss suddenly and ruthlessly)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: inn tim et daeeeee shun
Sentence: Her intimatedayshun caused almost immediate downsizing in the trouser department.
Etymology: intimidation, intimate day, shun
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: Man-aj-jit-tayte
Sentence: My manager knows how to managitate. If I don't finish the job by tomorrow, he's going to cut my pay for next month.
Etymology: Manage + agitate
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: un/dur/pres/yur/cuk/ur
Sentence: There was an underpressurecooker attitude in the office - get cooking or get canned.
Etymology: under pressure + pressure cooker
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: anty-press-gang
Sentence: With a heavy heart, Hilary, cast her eyes once again over the positions vacant column. She was in a terrible state with her supervisor antepressganging by pointing out how few jobs were available in the industry all the while bullying the team into working unpaid overtime or facing the jobless queue.
Etymology: ante (opposite) + press gang (group of 'recruiters' who would coerce the poor and vulnerable into military/naval service) + oppress (to subdue)
Created by: wordmeister
Pronunciation: dis-piss-all
Sentence: Thanks to his boss’s regular habit of dispissalling on his subordinates, Allan had about as much confidence as a wet toilet seat.
Etymology: dismiss, epistle,etc.
interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-30: 12:41:00
Thank you Jabberwocky! - wordmeister, 2008-05-30: 13:57:00
Verbotomy - 2008-05-30: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by rebelvin. Thank you rebelvin. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2008-05-30: 10:45:01
Attention all female Verbotomists:
It has come to my attention that the most men do not get "Sex and the City", the once popular TV Series which is just been release as "major" Hollywood extravaganza. I am hoping that perhaps, this is just an education problem. And in an effort to address this knowledge gap, I am proposing we engage ourselves in a Sex and the City Week here at Verbotomy, starting on Monday June 2, 2008. That is why I am sending out this emergency call for Sex and the City definitions.
Submit your Sex and The City Definition...
I have also posted a short instructional video on our blog to help give a hint to the males in the crowd. See: Verbotomy gets in bed with Sex and the City
Your humble creative servant ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-07-30: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by rebelvin. Thank you rebelvin. ~ James
Malinareink - 2018-08-01: 06:33:00
Мне очень жаль, ничем не могу Вам помочь. Но уверен, что Вы найдёте правильное решение. Не отчаивайтесь.
Genkareink - 2018-08-01: 10:21:00
Это — невероятно!