Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To drop food on the floor, then pick it up and eat it, before anyone else can say "it's too dirty". n., A tasty treat which has been accidentally dropped, then quickly salvaged and savored.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: lyn-OLE-ee-yum-yum
Sentence: When any food was dropped on the floor anywhere near him Brandon showed that he was a mindless dolt where sanitation was concerned, as he considered those morsels to be freebie linoleumyums...
Etymology: Blend of linoleum and yumyum
nice - yellowbird, 2008-09-30: 09:08:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-30: 12:09:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-30: 12:58:00
I might have shortened it to Linoleyum so it sounds like the real word but plays with the spelling. - artr, 2008-10-01: 16:23:00
or perhaps linoleyummies... - artr, 2008-10-02: 14:37:00
Created by: Daneslarue
Pronunciation: Flor-Gas-Trait
Sentence: Oh my gosh! You're floorgastrating that chicken wing!
Etymology: Floor - Location of the food Gastration - Digestion, eating
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: grav-eh-tid-bits
Sentence: To Murray, just watching snacks drop inside a vending machine made his mouth water. But when food precipitasted to the floor, he could not resist the gravitidbit. Something about falling always improved the flavor. Precipitaste: To drop food on the floor, then pick it up and eat it, before anyone else can say "it's too dirty"
Etymology: Gravity + tidbit
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: snak-youm
Sentence: Judging from the bloody finger he was sporting, it was evident that Bob had a run-in with the dog when he tried to snacuum the chip from the floor.
Etymology: snack, vacuum
Blend of snack & vacuum. Where will it end, Purps: absolutely love it!!! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-11: 05:02:00
I laughed out loud before 8am. You win a prize. Eureka I've found a Hooverchip and a Kirbycake. Great word Purp! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-11: 07:43:00
perfect! - remistram, 2007-10-11: 10:57:00
I guess a group of them would be called a snackuum pack - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-11: 12:31:00
that's a terrific word! - libertybelle, 2007-10-11: 12:37:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: FLOTZ - yum. In time, no doubt, the "Y" would be lost & the pron would become: flotzum.
Sentence: Fastidiousness wasn't one of Bob's stronger points. And from the time when he was a drover on the Barcoo, and nearly had to eat a barcoo sandwich to survive, his philosophy was that if it was food, it was edible. So when any flotsyum hit the floor, Bob quickly upgrubbed it.
Etymology: Blend of flotsam & yum: By analogy -when tasty food falls "overboard. Yum: yummy, tasty, scrumptious. Upgrub: grub: "food" & vb: to forage. Barcoo sandwich: Any outback food considered to be inedible, as (humorously) a goanna between two slabs of bark.
Bob could have a jetsammich with his flotsyum. They both sound pretty Barcoo to me. Great word and sentence as usual OZ! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-11: 07:23:00
love upgrubbed as well - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-11: 12:07:00
Created by: zxvasdf
Pronunciation: Prod i gal nosh
Sentence: Josh was known for prodigalnoshing at the most inopportune moments such as in a crowded cafeteria. Sometimes the prodigalnoshed food he picked up didn't even belong to him! Josh knew to prodialnosh was to court many risks to his immune system and social standing, but he just couldn't resist himself. He would be a prodigalnosher for life, until his body gave out, and even then, he probably would have his nursery home attendant attend to that for him.
Etymology: Prodigal (as in the prodigal son who comes back to the fold after wandering to find his own) & nosh (to eat)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: flor-derv
Sentence: since the advent of the 5 second rule, i have been able to enjoy many floordoeuvres with a clear conscience
Etymology: floor, hors doeuvre
Fabulous! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-11: 04:42:00
Another great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-11: 05:04:00
perfect - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-11: 06:00:00
excellent rik! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-11: 07:24:00
Says it all. Excellent! - fourgirls, 2007-10-11: 08:52:00
Outstanding selection. - systemax57, 2007-10-13: 20:35:00
wow!!!good one - aigle101, 2007-10-17: 10:18:00
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: Peetz-uh-RAM-micks
Sentence: Sylvester loved all sorts of gooey things made out of lots of stuff like casseroles, pastas, and stews, so it came as no surprise to anyone that his most favorite thing in the world was to drop five things on the tiled kitchen floor and have a feast of pizzaramic proportions.
Etymology: Pizza: italian pie filled with lots of meaty and cheesy goodies + Ceramics: what tiled floors are often made of.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: ex/spunj
Sentence: Having Dave exsponge the floors at home was a treat but at a dinner party it was a trifle(or jello, or birthday cake) embarrassing.
Etymology: expunge (delete, get rid of) + sponge (mop up)
This combined with Purp's snackuum would cover hardwood and carpet treats. A+ Jab! - Scrumpy, 2007-10-11: 07:47:00
If Dave's delicrassitude becomes too embarrasssing, he might need to be put on a food chain. Otherwise, call Spongebob! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-11: 18:35:00
Verbotomy - 2007-10-11: 01:35:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you again remistram! ~ James
mplsbohemian - 2007-10-11: 22:57:00
There are a LOT of good words today!
Verbotomy - 2007-10-12: 00:30:00
Yes lots of floordoeuvres for thought. Tasty too! Even if they are all full of antipastogens. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-02-08: 00:20:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James