Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A chosen mating partner who is not well-accepted by one's parents. v. To fight with one's parents over the selection of a suitable mate.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: brandonmarrotte
Sentence: My parents dont like my boyfriend, Stan, so I had to alieitify to prove his worth.
Etymology: Alie- to be alienated, or not liked, seperated
Created by: jermainechambers44
Pronunciation: Pair-rent-tal-hide-dense
Sentence: Do to the parentalhidence that she experienced with her last boyfriend,Amy decided not to announce the wedding until AFTER her father finished cleaning the gun.
Etymology: Parental=Parent Hidence=hide
excellent word and sentence...sorry I had already spent my votes...we need more than 2! - Nosila, 2010-01-15: 23:36:00
thank you nosia - jermainechambers44, 2010-01-18: 16:58:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: həbēsnəbər
Sentence: Mary\'s mom never liked anyone she dated. She didn’t think anybody was good enough for her little princess. Now that she has married, mom has become a hubbysnubber, alternately ignoring and snarking his every action.
Etymology: hubby (husband) + snubber (one who rebuffs, ignores, or spurns disdainfully)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: pair-en-trep-eh-DAY-shun
Sentence: Because of the lack of social skills and obvious lack of education of her boyfriend Burno, Melinda's parents both had severe cases of parentrepidation, and were sending signals to Melinda that it was time to send Bruno packing.
Etymology: Blend of the word 'Parent' and 'Trepidation' (n. nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: woōhoō
Sentence: When Richard met his daughter*s new suitor, all he could say was **woowho?** For the rest of the day he could be heard muttering **over my dead body**.
Etymology: woo (try to gain the love of someone) + who (what or which person or people) play off of woohoo, an expression of excitement
Created by: oliviabrown
Pronunciation: pr/ō/hibm/ā/te
Sentence: My dad prohibmated me from seeing Bob anymore.
Etymology: prohib- prohibit, mate- mate
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: in + ah + prope + ree + mate
Sentence: My parents seem to think that my 65-year old girlfriend is an inapproprimate for a 22-year-old, but I say screw 'em.
Etymology: inappropriate + mate
interesting how you have primate in your word - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-22: 15:05:00

Today's definition is inspired by Robert J. Sawyer's Neanderthal trilogy, Hominids, Humans and Hybrids. (We couldn't go through the whole RJS week without mentioning Neanderthals!) It's a story of two parallel worlds -- a human one and a Neanderthal one. The story pivots around the romantic tension between a female human and male Neanderthal. How about that for spicing up the gene pool? And I wonder what their parents would think? Thanks to Rob for the great story, and the inspiration. ~ James