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DEFINITION: n. The emotional connection between a mother and her child, which continues on through life despite all the protestations. v. To be loved by your mother and even though you complain about it a lot.
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Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: mom-barr-rass-mint
Sentence: She's a bit of a mombarrassment when she smothers Doug because he always complains afterwards.
Etymology: mom + embarrassment
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: woom-ans
Sentence: Sarah was jealous of her husband's wombance with his mother until she had her first child. Then she understood.
Etymology: womb (uterus) + romance (a love affair)
reminds me of Van Morrison's Moondance; Well, its a marvelous night for a wombance - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-08: 13:20:00
Wombance - is that when wombats feel romance?? - Nosila, 2009-05-08: 23:23:00
Created by: UnluckyCharm511
Pronunciation: Ma-gaip
Sentence: The mother loved her only so much, it was the culmination of magape.
Etymology: From Agape (unconditional love) and Mother.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: um/bill/i/call/ing/card
Sentence: No matter where you may be or what you may be doing you have a lifelong umbilicallingcard with your mother. If not for you, Babe, I couldn't find the door, Couldn't even see the floor, I'd be sad and blue, If not for you.
Etymology: umbilical + calling card
real charm to umbilicallingcard! - splendiction, 2009-05-08: 23:07:00
Cute...I feel so attached. Cord-On Blue! - Nosila, 2009-05-08: 23:19:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: claws + tro + mom + ik
Sentence: Clyde had felt claustromomic ever since he could remember. When he was ten, he was not allowed to play outside with the other kids because she was afraid he might be hurt; now at 45, she lectured him about how he might get hurt mowing the lawn. He knew she loved him but he just felt so "hemmed in".
Etymology: Claustrophobic (uncomfortably closed or hemmed in) and Mom
poor Clyde! - Good word! - splendiction, 2009-05-08: 23:14:00
That's some wonderful word making! - Littlewolfdreamer, 2013-09-05: 02:37:00
Created by: ShittyZen
Pronunciation: momdage
Sentence: Lacking competition from a needy father, her deadbeat kids kept her in eternal momdage.
Etymology: Mom + bondage (As in "serfdom," not the sexual practice, you pervs!)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sməðərhoŏd
Sentence: Joyce is very good at smotherhood. Despite protests from her son Tom, she is involved just about every aspect of his life. She selects what he should wear each day. She plans his diet, what he watches on TV, how he spends his spare time. Tom's wife just wants her to go home for a while.
Etymology: smother (make (someone) feel trapped and oppressed by acting in an overly protective manner toward them) motherhood (being with a female parent)
Created by: Krixwell
Pronunciation: peh doh path y
Sentence: Ellen loved her son more than anything else. Her pedopathy was strong; she was a true pedopath.
Etymology: pedo (child); pathos (emotion)

We're celebrating Mothers Day with today's definition, and with a few words from the Bob Dylan song Lord Protect My Child:
Just to see him at play makes me smile
No matter what happens to me
No matter what my destiny
Lord, protect my child
Happy Mother's Day ~ James
Oh great, now I get to spend all day with mascara running down my face. I almost couldn't write anything. The lyrics to the song are so beautiful and all at once bathed me in memories of my mother, memories of the birth of my daughter and of the day I was blessed to be there for the birth of her son. Thank you, James.
It sounds like Bob has touched a chord. Thanks! ~ James