Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., 1. The process by which pairs of socks are washed, dried, and then separated perhaps never to be reunited again. 2. The place where lost socks disappear to. v. To lose your mate in the wash.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /dis-sok-soh-see-ay-shun/
Sentence: It's a little known fact that, like radioactive elements, each new pair of socks has a distinct half-life, equal to the number of times they may be laundered before spontaneously decaying into a single sock, by a process known as disocksociation.
Etymology: disassociation - the state of being unconnected (Latin, dis- prefix meaning "apart or asunder" & associātus "joined to") + sock (from Latin, soccus "slipper")
clever! - bananabender, 2008-01-10: 00:18:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: nin sīkəl
Sentence: Ruby would dutifully collect pairs of socks. As if on Noah's checklist, they went into the washer two by two. Somewhere during the nincycle one would make its escape. Strangely, the same thing happened when she mentioned laundry to her boyfriend. As though he was a trained ninja, he could disappear for hours without even leaving the apartment.
Etymology: ninja (a person skilled in ninjutsu known for their ability to disappear) + cycle (a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order) Derivative of "spin cycle"
Created by: treehous
Pronunciation: \ˈlȯn-dər-ˈlim-(ˌ)bō\ (lawn-der-lim-bo)
Sentence: None of my socks match anymore, they keep vanishing into launderlimbo
Etymology: launder- from Latin lavendaria, pl. of lavandarium "things to be washed" limbo- from Latin (in) limbo "(on) the edge," abl. of limbus "edge, border"
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /diˈtɜ˞dʒəˌtɔɹi/ /dee-TER-juh-TOR-ee/ or /diˈtɜ˞gəˌtɔɹi/ /dee-TER-guh-TOR-ee/ depending on dialect
Sentence: Some believe that if a lost sock is deemed clean in detergatory then it may be reincarnated as a glove.
Etymology: From detergent + Purgatory
Great word! - Mustang, 2008-01-09: 06:21:00
as long as it isn't forced to stay in limb-o - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-09: 10:34:00
Very creative! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-10: 16:53:00
Reminds me of the old Laugh-In expression ... "sock it to me" ... which sockatory did for me! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 13:57:00
oops ... how did I get this comment under the wrong word ... sorry! - silveryaspen, 2008-01-11: 13:58:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: soc/dish/un
Sentence: When one of my socks loses its sole, it mysteriously makes its way, on its own, to socdition, never to be found in my washer, or dryer again.
Etymology: sock + perdition (hell)
I like the reference to souls - Jabberwocky, 2008-01-09: 10:47:00
Good word & sentence - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-10: 16:55:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: darn blak hole
Sentence: "Why oh why", cried Sylvia,"does that darnblackhole in the dryer only take the sock that you didn't put your big toenail through"?
Etymology: darn (mend socks) & Black Hole (cosmos)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: soc/dish/un
Sentence: When one of my socks loses its sole, it mysteriously makes its way, on its own, to socdition, never to be found in my washer, or dryer again.
Etymology: SOCDITION - noun - from Sock (foot covering) + PERDITION (hell)
Hahaha. Darkly disturbing- with overtones of conspiracy. - metrohumanx, 2008-11-06: 11:56:00
at first i thought it was something like secession. sockession. it s a frightening thought, that there is such a thing as a sock hell. - zxvasdf, 2008-11-06: 12:15:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: feet ternal darn ayshun
Sentence: It took Bobbie a while to realize a universal truth. When socks go into the dryer, we think they are just getting dried. The reality is they are getting tried. Crimes such as shrinking, holey toes and heels, fading or changing color and losing elasticity are punishable violations. Those guilty are sentenced to feeternal darnation...never to be seen again. Bobbie now knew that those missing hose were actually socks offenders.
Etymology: Play on Eternal Damnation (the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell)...Feet (what the socks cover) & Darn (mending the holes in socks with wool/yarn; also a euphemism for damn)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: hoze/taj
Sentence: We have reports of several hosetage situations taking place in a new subdivision where LG washers have been installed. We now believe LG stands for last gasp and several socks have lost their mates to the dreaded spin cycle gang.
Etymology: hose + hostage
Love the sentence, (perhaps LG also stands for Lost Garments)... - Tigger, 2008-01-10: 00:21:00
Great sentence;luv the word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-01-10: 16:52:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: parədīs
Sentence: Socks lead a rough life, forced to live much of their lives in dark smelly caves called shoes, being walked on constantly and generally not appreciated. Even their mending is a mild curse. (Darn!) Because of this Marney isn*t too concerned when one escapes to pairadise. She is convinced that the swirling of the dryer creates a tiny black hole at the center of the drum. It is so tiny that only one sock can squeeze through at a time thus leaving its mate behind. Marley has a ritual where she takes the widowed hose and places it in the dryer. She sets it to fluff and an unlimited time setting. Though she might need to dump the lint trap several times, the mismatched footwear eventually makes it across time/space barrier to rejoin its mate. Strangely enough, once she has reunited the couple, the first-departed may return for a visit via the black hole that resides under her bed.
Etymology: pair (a set of two things used together or regarded as a unit) + paradise (heaven as the ultimate abode of the just)

Today's definition was suggested by sipsoccer. Thank you sipsoccer. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-01-11: 14:48:00
Your humorous definition brought us all a lot of laughs and a lot of fun words were created. Good one, sipsoccer.
silveryaspen - 2008-01-11: 14:54:00
James ... your cartoon for this daffynition has me roaring with laughter every time I look at it. Can't help wondering if you have a daughter with a boyfriend that inspired it ??? !!! It's a good thing there's no such thing as a cannibal dryer! Yet!
Today's definition was suggested by sipsoccer. Thank you sipsoccer. ~ James
GossaMcqueen - 2013-01-16: 19:14:00
please, i made a mistake and posted wrongly - how do i remove my Word?