Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To hurry up and wait. n. A person who compels you to prepare quickly for an activity which they know will be delayed, postponed or retarded.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: race en pace
Sentence: Ella had been a flight attendant for a long time. Although passengers were different on each flight, they had one thing in common. Once the plane had landed and taxied up to the ramp, it was like someone fired a starter's pistol and yelled, "And, they're off!" It was the luggage was the ritual racenpace. People jumped out of their seats before advised to, grabbed all their possessions and stood in the aisles, like horses at the starting gate. Once the swoosh of cool air was felt as the door was opened, off they ran. It reminded her of harness racing, because most passengers dragged something with wheels on it behind them. They ran down the covered ramp, along very long corriders in the bowels of the airport, up escalators, down escalators, on walkalators, through doorways and then galloped to the finish line...the baggage carousel. That's when the pace part of the racenpace kicked in...they paced back and forth, got carts, changed positions at the carousel and lingered waiting for their beloved bags (mostly black, of course, and hard to identify) come tumbling out onto the roulette wheel of checked in baggage. Ella often wished she could be honest with them...running down there won't bring your bags any sooner...particularly since they probably didn't travel on the same flight as you anyway!
Etymology: race (a contest of speed, cause to move fast or to rush) & "n" (and, as well as) & pace (to walk slowly back and forth while waiting for something)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ek-spi-dawd-l
Sentence: Nothing, but nothing, can cause more expedawling than the procedures at an airport. Get there early. Wait in line. Rush to the security checkpoint. Wait in line. Wait longer while the people who just arrived for the next outgoing flight are pushed to the front of the line. Get to your gate. Wait for boarding. Your flight is called. Wait while every person of every possible description other than you is called to board. Get called. Form another line. Get on the plane. Wait while the guy with the 200-pound carry-on wrestles it into the overhead compartment. Get in your seat. The plane taxis to the runway and you wait. It's a good thing that things will be so much easier and faster when you arrive at your destination.
Etymology: expedite (to speed up the progress) + dawdle (to move slowly; to waste time)
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: punk-shwul-wayt-shuhn
Sentence: I know the plane doesn't leave for another two hours, but I'm a stickler for punctualwaition.
Etymology: punctual (on time) + wait (to stay in place and remain in readiness) + inspired by punctuation (the act or practice of using standardized marks in writing and printing to separate sentences or to make the meaning clearer)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ak/sel/er/weyt
Sentence: John must be early for everything, especially on business trips out of town. This panic causes him to accelerwait. He rushes to the airport only to have to bide his time for hours waiting for his flight.
Etymology: accelerate + wait
Nice one! - Tigger, 2008-04-22: 23:33:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: skoot sweet
Sentence: Jerry figured that jet lag was not really caused by the effect of travelling long distances in a short period on the human body. No, he knew it was really the effect of scootsuite on passengers. You know, where you race to line up and wait to run to yet another lineup and wait and eventually end up at an airport gate and have to wait forever for the plane to arrive, deplane, clean-up and reboard passengers. It often was hours before you actually got on a plane. the gates they were like hotel rooms, without the beds, comfortable seating or other basic amenities (like room service. In other words, jet lag was the act of being tired out even before you finally boarded the plane!
Etymology: Scoot (run or move very quickly or hastily) & Suite (apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel)) & rhymes with Tout de suite(French for At Once)
Created by: kulekrizpy
Pronunciation: poo-rush-r
Sentence: Jeremy was always hurrying his wife to everything. Just last week it was to leave for a party that started at 5 at 3, and today it was to get in line two hours early. He was most definitely a purusher.
Etymology: push (to push) + rush (to hurry something) + er
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: rush-stop
Sentence: Max and June sat at the rushstop for a half hour while the driver finished his coffee and donuts. When the bus finally did show up they discovered that they left in such a hurry they forgot to pack their tickets.
Etymology: (play on bus-stop)
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: an-tiss-uh-wayt
Sentence: Joel knew it would look ridiculous to the non-believers, but he didn't care. Tickets for the band didn't go on sale for another three days. He remembered the last time he waited for the latest video game console to come out -- he took his time and got there 36 hours before the release date and was 9th in line. He wasn't going to let that happen again. He was going to anticiwait as long as it took to be first in line.
Etymology: Anticipate + wait
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: spēdilā
Sentence: Phil is not the most polite driver we know. He cuts from lane to lane trying to get ahead of slower drivers only to be stopped by a traffic signal. He will speedelay all the way to work to get there 2 minutes earlier than someone who goes with the flow of traffic. His biography may well be entitled ”Rushing to the Red Light”.
Etymology: speed (rapidity of movement or action) + delay (be late or slow; loiter)
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /ek-SPEE-dee-angkst/
Sentence: Judith liked to be 'fashionably late' for most events, but her father, a retired military officer, was habitually early for everything — he had expediangst. So when she went to meet her parents for dinner, arriving fifteen minutes late, and saw that her father had already ordered and was almost finished with his meal, Judith knew she'd be hearing about her laziness for the rest of the evening. Her mother, at least, was still lingering over her salad, trying, in her own quiet way, to alleviate the coming conflict.
Etymology: Expediate - to hasten or speed up the progress of (from Latin, expedītus "set the feet free"); and Expedia (travel website) + Angst - a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish (from Old High German, angust; from the root of "anger")
good word, Tigger - Nosila, 2008-04-22: 08:39:00
nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-22: 12:28:00
Great word and sentence true of ex-military friends: even a game of golf is a forced march. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-23: 05:44:00
Verbotomy - 2008-04-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-05: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James