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'Hurry up we need to get in line!'

DEFINITION: v. To hurry up and wait. n. A person who compels you to prepare quickly for an activity which they know will be delayed, postponed or retarded.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: him-PROMP-too

Sentence: Edgar was beyond anal...he was totally obsessed with being early to even those events that had little if any significance and his friends jokingly (though with some chagrin) referred to him as himpromptoo, which had no effect whatsoever in deterring him from his self appointed rounds.

Etymology: Blend of 'him' and 'impromptu'

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: kyoo-tard

Sentence: The plane landed, immediately all the queuetards stand up and eagerly get into line to exit the plane.

Etymology: queue-line of people; retard-slow AND dumb

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ak/sel/er/weyt

Sentence: John must be early for everything, especially on business trips out of town. This panic causes him to accelerwait. He rushes to the airport only to have to bide his time for hours waiting for his flight.

Etymology: accelerate + wait


Nice one! - Tigger, 2008-04-22: 23:33:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: pro - crass - tin - hay - st

Sentence: In Edgar's procrastinhaste, he woke up the children four hours earlier than they needed to in order to catch the limo to the airport; just to make sure everyone was ready on time. Needless to say, his family was not speaking to him as they all sat waiting and ready in the living room for three hours.....

Etymology: procrastinate (put off, delay or defer an action to a later time), haste (overly eager speed)


You knew my Dad, he was always 4 hours early to go to the airport... - Nosila, 2009-06-05: 14:20:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: skoot sweet

Sentence: Jerry figured that jet lag was not really caused by the effect of travelling long distances in a short period on the human body. No, he knew it was really the effect of scootsuite on passengers. You know, where you race to line up and wait to run to yet another lineup and wait and eventually end up at an airport gate and have to wait forever for the plane to arrive, deplane, clean-up and reboard passengers. It often was hours before you actually got on a plane. the gates they were like hotel rooms, without the beds, comfortable seating or other basic amenities (like room service. In other words, jet lag was the act of being tired out even before you finally boarded the plane!

Etymology: Scoot (run or move very quickly or hastily) & Suite (apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel)) & rhymes with Tout de suite(French for At Once)

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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: hi/per/sha

Sentence: While travelling on their honeymoon, newlyweds Guy and Gail O'Leo had unfortunate encounters with Newton's lesser-known "Scofflaws" of Motion: Scofflaw #1(Rule of Hypertia) - An object in motion tends to remain in motion, and an object at rest is usually at the wrong departure point (thus rapidly substituting the state of "hyper" for the state of "inertia"). Scofflaw #2 - The velocity (V) of any person in motion is directly proportional to the traveller's distance (D) from his or her departure point; but inversely proportional to the amount of luggage (L) he or she is toting, and the amount of time (T) he or she has before departing.

Etymology: hyper + inertia


I absolutely love this one! Classic! - pieceof314, 2008-04-22: 09:16:00

Excellent word! - ErWenn, 2008-04-22: 09:49:00

You could probably sell tee-shirts at the airport with these 'laws' on them, although the people most apt to buy them would be running to their gates and ticket counters. Very amusing. - Tigger, 2008-04-22: 23:20:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: spēdilā

Sentence: Phil is not the most polite driver we know. He cuts from lane to lane trying to get ahead of slower drivers only to be stopped by a traffic signal. He will speedelay all the way to work to get there 2 minutes earlier than someone who goes with the flow of traffic. His biography may well be entitled ”Rushing to the Red Light”.

Etymology: speed (rapidity of movement or action) + delay (be late or slow; loiter)

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Created by: philhealy

Pronunciation: HER-ee-up-held

Sentence: Jan had to arrive at the airport three hours early just because Thomas was such a hurryupheld. No matter what time their flight left, he insisted they leave early so they would "get a good seat in the terminal," as Tom liked to joke. Jan didn't think it was humorous.

Etymology: hurry up (phrase)-used when instructing another to act with a greater amount of haste. upheld - to be hindered by something.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈblɪtˌsɪts/

Sentence: The blitzsitz is an important strategy that is difficult to maintain because, like many preventative techniques, its usefulness is only noticeable when it is not used.

Etymology: from Ger blitz "lightning" + Ger sitz "sitting"


I found out today that "sitzkrieg" is already a word! - ErWenn, 2008-04-22: 09:48:00

interesting - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-22: 12:30:00

My grandpa would've taken a blitsitz bath in anticipation of developing hemeroids. - stache, 2008-04-22: 20:07:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: hay sten wayst

Sentence: You have seen him hundreds of times on airplanes. The guy in the back row who grabs all of his stuff. He never checks bags, just crams his overhead with tons of luggage. As soon as the plane lands he jumps into the aisle, ready to sprint out the gangway. Except the plane hasn't docked yet, others are in his way with the same idea and he cannot jump over them to get to the front of the line-up. He is guilty of hastenwaste, because he has to impatiently stand there for twenty minutes. This traveller never has a connecting flight or someone waiting for him...he just has to beat all the others out the cabin door!

Etymology: Hasten (hurry;act or move at high speed) & Waste (spend thoughtlessly;useless or profitless activity)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-22: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-06-05: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by Nosila. Thank you Nosila. ~ James