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'Wow, you're hot!'

DEFINITION: v. To reject a compliment. May indicate low self-esteem, or false modesty, or even a psychopathic aversion to flattery. n. A person who has difficulty accepting praise.

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Created by: rfrey121

Pronunciation: Re-jec-lament

Sentence: Suzy gave Richard a rejeclament when he tried to tell her that he like what she was wearing.

Etymology: Rejec- to throw clament- praise

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Created by: alphabetapolothology



Etymology: compliment & mace

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Created by: meganhardy

Pronunciation: mal-zee-dah

Sentence: Bob tried to give Megan a compliment but she malzedad it because he was a big creep.

Etymology: Mal- bad Zeda- zeda


LOOOOOOOOOVE it - meganhardy, 2013-09-30: 14:59:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: FLAT-er-e-buff

Sentence: Due to self esteem issues impressed upon her as a child and teen, Marjorie had a difficult time accepting any sort of compliment and would generally react with flatterebuff and denials of any special qualities.

Etymology: Blend of 'flattery' (excessive and insincere praise) and 'rebuff' ( reject (someone or something) in an abrupt or ungracious manner.

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Created by: chofu67

Pronunciation: com pli shield

Sentence: Before finding the right medication and therapy, he would complishield every favorable statement directed towards him.

Etymology: Compliment and shield

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Created by: ColeyPTrain

Pronunciation: Se-Me-Day-Nigh-Yul

Sentence: Amber responded to the man with a semidenial and then changed her mind to a straight no.


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Created by: ahwinters

Pronunciation: com-plih-ver-shun

Sentence: Her compliversion prevented her from dating.

Etymology: Compliment + Aversion

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Created by: specks28

Pronunciation: Reh-Tro-Zee-Duh

Sentence: Billy was wearing a Retrozeda-looking shirt. A lot of people looked and said, " Look at that blast from the past."

Etymology: Retro- backward;back Zeda- Mr.Grzeda

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Created by: kyotonils

Pronunciation: lôd-ə-păr'ē

Sentence: She must be a middle child. She laudaparries even harmless compliments, not just flirting.

Etymology: laud (praise) + parry (fencing term meaning to deflect)

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Created by: DrDurrer

Pronunciation: med-e-con-she-us

Sentence: she was medoconcious of her looks and therefore never dressed to impress.

Etymology: medi- average concious- how one feels about themselves

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2011-01-11: 09:16:00
Hey Verbotomists, Sorry for the double re-run. Here is a new one for today ~ James