Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., An animal, usually a much loved pet, whose dead and departed owner has bequeathed a huge sum of money solely for its comfort and care. v. To leave part or all of an estate to a pet animal.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: MissHyde
Pronunciation: Hair-i-tage
Sentence: He leafts his hamster a huge hairitage. I wonder what it'll do with it !
Etymology: hair heritage
Created by: Sarahbarah
Pronunciation: Well-ah-nim
Sentence: My friends fish was known as a welanim after she died because she left over 3,000,000 dollars for his care.
Etymology: Wel-Comes from "wealthy", refferning to large amount of mon anim-comes from "animal", pets are all animals
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: bill eeeeeee un (h) ayr (h is discretionary)
Sentence: The first thing the billionhare did after the ingeritance came through, was have that ear reduction surgery she had promised herself. She had always felt like a kangaroo trapped in a hare's body. she hoped that eventually she would have the courage to have the pouch enhancement surgery and any other readjustments down under which proved necessary.
Etymology: billionaire, hare
Wowie Zowie ! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-22: 04:48:00
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-22: 14:10:00
Love it! her name WARREN Buffet? - Nosila, 2008-08-22: 21:14:00
I like it; great tale also. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-24: 23:35:00
Created by: SethelMerman
Pronunciation: Ben-eh-fish-ee-air-ee
Sentence: Goldie got everything being the benefishiary. I feel like getting tanked.
Etymology: Beneficiary: someone who inherits + fish: an animal
Smart! (how'd I miss that?) - DrWebsterIII, 2012-10-24: 11:27:00
Sethel! That's the perfect word! - hyperborean, 2012-10-24: 14:28:00
Great word...just for the halibut! - Nosila, 2012-10-25: 01:02:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pet/thet/ic
Sentence: When Charles Ronson Daily the III wrote his will, he had written into it, what is known among normal people as the pethetic clause, which stated that his beloved animal, in this case his dog Alphonse, would inherit his entire billion dollar corporation.
Etymology: pet + pathetic
You hit the right sentiment with that one. - Scrumpy, 2007-09-21: 08:03:00
good one! - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-21: 09:48:00
It's one of my pethates, too. After all, eventually, everything goes to the dogs. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-22: 07:04:00
Created by: yifan
Pronunciation: pe-th-ea
Sentence: the petheir was taken good care of after his master passed away
Etymology: pet+heir
my very first word here. - yifan, 2008-08-23: 17:41:00
welcome! - galwaywegian, 2008-08-24: 15:15:00
Aye! Aye! Veryclear and effective - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-24: 23:48:00
Created by: gazissax
Pronunciation: "air-hare"
Sentence: I am suing Grandpa's heirhare for my fair share of the estate.
Etymology: heir -- one who inherits hare - rabbit, bunny, common household pet
Created by: gabngar
Pronunciation: Pet-Uh-fak-tur
Sentence: The rich widow decided that her dog would be her petafactor.
Etymology: Pet+benefactor
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: fill-OOD-uh-cree-chur
Sentence: Joe was a wealthy mortgage broker, but his dearth of endearing qualities left him without friends, family or hares. Just before his demise, he left his estate, including stork options, to the only living thing which did not despise him - his groundchuck, Speedbump. A thorough analysis of Speedbump's petfolio revealed him to be the wealthiest PHILUDICREATURE in North America , and got him on the covers of both Forbes and People magazines as "The Financial World's Richest Rodent"- A title envied by by many Cheap Executive Officers.
Etymology: Prefix PHIL-loving : having an affinity for (late latin)+LUDICROUS: meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish + CREATURE: a lower animal; especially : a farm animal Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin creatura, from Latin creatus, past participle of creare.....thus: PHILUDICREATURE
After a week of petsitting, I'm back. Now we can ALL sing along: - metrohumanx, 2008-08-22: 04:39:00
always lots of pun and games on Fridays - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-22: 15:29:00
I think Joe was a "philudicrit" - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-24: 23:53:00
Mister Slater's Parrot was a philidicreature- but a lovable one. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-25: 07:31:00

Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB. Thank you OZZIEBOB! ~ James
ErWenn - 2007-09-22: 16:44:00
Lots of obvious ways to go today...I think today's winner will likely be the one who got here first.
Today's definition was suggested by OZZIEBOB . Thank you OZZIEBOB . ~ James
GENIUS!!! (how'd I miss it)
Yesterday and today's definitions are giving me deja vu. Haven't we done these once before?
maybe we have to branch out and come up with definitions
EVERYONE HAD A GREAT WORD!!! but i'm giving Sethyll the crown today