Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: Something, or someone, that appears to be warm and fuzzy but is, when you get close, sharp and prickly.
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Created by: chofu67
Pronunciation: trick you lent
Sentence: He seemed so nice on the internet, but his harsh criticisms and vile asides revealed a truly trickulent side.
Etymology: tricking + truculent (cruel, savage)
Created by: GreatRandew
Pronunciation: dev-ang-el
Sentence: Joey was a real devangel. In public he wore suits and smiled a lot, but in private he preferred leather and chains.
Etymology: devil = the new angel + angel = the new devil
Created by: toadstool57
Pronunciation: grem-linn
Sentence: Lynn is the perfect "ggod girl" , till she PMSed then she turned into GREMLYNN.
Etymology: Gremlin/Lynn
I love it! - purpleartichokes, 2007-01-23: 20:19:00
Created by: egonschiela
Pronunciation: ang-gora-tak
Sentence: Hermione was being a complete angoratack again, despite Hugh having gone to the trouble of buying wine and flowers on his way home.
Etymology: from angora (the softest, most beautiful fluffy wabbit fur) and tack (a small sharp nail with flat head). Most applicable in Hermione's case.
Created by: sodium
Pronunciation: hug-me-not
Sentence: At first, Jane seemed like a nice girl, but after a few drinks it became clear that she was a classic hugmenot.
Etymology: variation of forget-me-not flower
Created by: bondfool
Pronunciation: Ah-dOW!-a-bull
Sentence: Those kitten paws are just adowable.
Etymology: Adorable+OW!
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: confewsting
Sentence: he was stung by a most confusting creature.
Created by: allwise
Pronunciation: dev-ang-el
Sentence: Joey was a real devangel. In public he wore suits and smiled a lot, but in private he preferred leather and chains.
Etymology: devil = the new angel + angel = the new devil
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: PRIK-ah-choo
Sentence: "Don't EVER try to pet my Prickachu!" Carol bristled.
Etymology: prick + Pikachu (pokemon)
Created by: Javeson1
Pronunciation: trick-yoo-piynz
Sentence: Some cacti look cute and fluffy, but when you go to hug them you find out they are trickupines.
Etymology: trick+porkupines or trick+you+porkupines (i just noticed this, wasn't intended, lol)
allwise - 2007-01-23: 02:28:00
he he, nice sentence =)