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DEFINITION: v. To have a medical condition or illness and yet continually deny it, even after your doctor has diagnosed it. n. A person who steadfastly refuses to accept a medical diagnosis or to follow the prescribed treatment.
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Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris
Pronunciation: In-Cred-You-Low-Know-Sis
Sentence: Izjhii looked at his left nipple-swollen now to the size almost that of large rodent. "The doc said I need it removed or I will die, but I know, that I will be just fine." Loriin's eyes widened. "Fine? So very incredulognostic of you to disregard a professional opinion with your High school level education based self incredulognosis." The next day Izjhii was buried in his best leisure suit.
Etymology: Incredulous: unwilling to believe + Diagnosis: discovery of ones disease.
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: Dye-hag-nor
Sentence: He must know he has it, but he diagnores it all the time.
Etymology: diagnose+ignore
Created by: balku4
Pronunciation: aw-dee-sfowll-teer
Sentence: youre a antidisfollowdoctor
Etymology: look at the word you will see
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: dee-nie-al-file
Sentence: Here rests Bill, He'll be here a while It was a heart attack You dumb deniaphile.
Etymology: denial + phile
Love that epitaph! Nice work. - Jamagra, 2008-04-09: 09:31:00
Sad tale of poor Bill. Nice work! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-09: 20:54:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dis-mis-noh-sis
Sentence: The doctor may have his opinion about what is wrong with Jerry but he has own dismissnosis. In his world denial trumps knowledge any day.
Etymology: dismiss (to discharge or remove) + diagnosis (the process of determining by examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition)
Created by: SethelMerman
Pronunciation: Dee-ni-zi-shun
Sentence: Flo urged him to go see a doctor, but there was no use arguing with a denysician.
Etymology: deny (to declare untrue or to disclaim a connection to) + physician (a doctor of medicine.)
Created by: ordep
Pronunciation: medi si nay yal
Etymology: medical + denial
Created by: queenjane75
Pronunciation: pro-crass-tin-fek-tour
Sentence: Three-fifths of the Varsity Footballers in our high school are procratinfectors, having convinced themselves that the itch "down there" is just dry skin. It sure is strange that Marla has the same itch.
Etymology: procrastinator+infected
i love the look on the dude's face in the cartoon! - queenjane75, 2008-04-09: 19:35:00
Yes, he looks like a fungi... - Nosila, 2008-04-09: 19:53:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: die-ag-NO-such
Sentence: Wilbur refused to accept any sort of diagnosis of an existing ailment, and would declare it to be a diagnosuch, thereby avoiding having to deal with any fear or having to apply a remedy.
Etymology: blend of diagnosis and the term 'no such'
diagbolically good - Nosila, 2009-05-28: 10:42:00
Wilburnished the art of denial.....good word. - mweinmann, 2009-05-28: 12:11:00

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James