Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n., The shock and embarrassment felt after innocently implying that you are much younger, only to discover that everyone actually knows how old you really are. v., To be embarrassed when caught lying about your age.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: birth-day-bash-full
Sentence: the looks on everyones faces as i started my speech with 'thankyou all for helping me celebrate my 40th birthday' made me feel very birthdaybashful
Etymology: birthday, bashful, birthday bash
Interesting choice of words incorporated in your unique appealing tender creation. - silveryaspen, 2008-02-05: 07:11:00
Created by: bananabender
Pronunciation: FIB-ruh-LAYJ-shunz
Sentence: She counted the candles, realised that they had somehow discovered her real age, and immediately felt strange and more than a little unwell. She saw looks of horror descend over her friends' faces and noticed others trying to hide their laughter as the involuntary muscle twitching affected her. She was aging twenty years before their very eyes! Such is the eerie phenomenon of fibrillagetion.
Etymology: Blend of fib, age, rage, and fibrillations (Fine, rapid twitching of individual muscle fibers with little or no movement of the muscle as a whole.)
Another great blend of so many appropriate concepts and words. - silveryaspen, 2008-02-05: 07:04:00
great sentence to accompany the cartoon - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-05: 09:29:00
Great sentence and word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-05: 15:45:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: (h)yoōmilēājd
Sentence: Joyce was humiliaged when her coworkers threw her a surprise party. Somebody was clever enough to obtain a copy of the newspaper from the day she was born,as registered with HR, not what she had been telling people for years. OOPS! Busted!
Etymology: humiliate (make someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect) + aged (that has been subjected to aging)
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: ak NAHL age ment
Sentence: When Miss Leed walked into her surprise 50th-birthday party, she suddenly understood that everyone had known for a long time what her real age was. Her becoming speechless was an indicator of aack-knowlAGEment of her realization, since she had never been known to lack something to say. One of her coworkers slapped her on the back and said, "Come on, do the math. You just got your 20-year pin last year. You couldn't have started working as a doctor when you were 19!"
Etymology: AACK (expression of embarrassment or shock) + knowledge + age (A play on the word "acknowledgment")
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˌkutˈfɛs/
Sentence: Before my so-called friends could sell me over the hill, I decided to cut my losses and cootfess that this was actually the 10th anniversary of my 29th birthday and not my actual 29th birthday.
Etymology: cootfess - from "coot" + "(con)fess" sell over the hill - from "sell (down the river)" + "(gone) over the hill"
Was it the hootfest over his real age that made him cootfess? Catchy word! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-05: 18:29:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Fib - ro - mi - AJ - ya
Sentence: Eloise felt the reddening of her face as a wave of fibromyagea swept over her when she realized she'd been caught exaggerating her youth.
Etymology: Fib + my age (a play words on the malady fibromyalgia)
A painful realization, apparently. Interesting blend. - Tigger, 2008-02-05: 02:56:00
good one! - galwaywegian, 2008-02-05: 07:20:00
nice blend! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-05: 15:49:00
nice blend but its to hard to pronounce - purpleman, 2008-02-05: 16:54:00
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: trom - age - tized
Sentence: Jennifer looked great. After 38 appointments with Dr. Slinky, all of her fine lines and wrinkles had disappeared. She was convinced that she could pass for at least 15 years younger. What she totally forgot to consider was that she had living relatives who knew when she was born. Her worst fears came through when her relatives pitched in to rent a billboard on Route 290 going towards downtown Chicago as a birthday surprise. It bore the familiar "lordy, lordy, Jen is forty" cliche and featured some prize pictures of her, such as her birth photo, the day she lost her front teeth and the day she got her first bra. After Jennifer finally drove past the billboard, she became traumagetized.
Etymology: Traumatized (having physical or emotional shock inflicted) is the base word but the word Age is inserted in the middle of this word.
nice word - Jabberwocky, 2008-11-28: 15:30:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: Un - Can - Dulled
Sentence: Samantha became totally uncandled when she ran into one of her former high school chums. She was out celebrating her 40th birthday with her new boyfriend Charles and her friend, Jill kept mentioning their upcoming 40th reunion. Samantha was gettied worried about the puzzled looks that Charles kept giving her. She started to hope that he was a bit more illiterate than she had thought.
Etymology: Candle is derived from the good old birthday candle that is used to signify a person's age. This word is prefixed with "Un" which has been used to signify a loss of composure in such words as unhinged, unglued and undone (she's come undone).....
Created by: loxhobabl
Pronunciation: gile-stone
Sentence: Karen perpetrated a >guilestone at her birthday get-together.
Etymology: guile, milestone
Created by: Maxine
Pronunciation: rinkul rankul
Sentence: "Are you implying that I'm OLD?" raged a wrinklerankled Robin. "I am NOT OLD! I am thirty-three!" (She was forty-two.)
Etymology: wrinkle, rankle; rank, ran, ankle; rink, ink, inkle.
Fun word! Fun sentence. But funniest was your last six words in the etymology! Clever mindworks and minedwords! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-05: 07:29:00
Excellent verboticism! Truly made me laugh out loud. Etymology is cool too.....but...inkle? lol - Mustang, 2008-02-05: 07:32:00
good word, but wrinkleranklerankrananklerinkinkinkle is even better! - galwaywegian, 2008-02-05: 07:47:00
Great word and etymology! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-05: 16:30:00
nice - purpleman, 2008-02-06: 20:00:00
Verbotomy - 2008-02-05: 00:55:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-02-05: 06:56:00
Had so much fun with your definition remistram! All kinds of related verboticisms popped into my mind, some of which I couldn't resist putting in my sentence as I sat here laughing out loud. Everyone's great creations made me laugh more. Fun definition!
ErWenn - 2008-02-05: 10:09:00
I've made it a point to let my friends know that on my birthday cake, I expect one candle for every year of my age. (Next is the big three-oh.) You can't stop getting older, so you might as well enjoy the fire hazard that your birthday cake is slowly becoming.
remistram - 2008-02-05: 12:05:00
Can relate - turned the big 4-0 in January....ack!
Verbotomy - 2008-02-06: 07:14:00
Yes the fires are getting bigger ~ James
silveryaspen - 2008-11-28: 14:10:00
Lots of fun and funny sentences today!
Nosila - 2008-11-28: 21:50:00
When I red your story I knew it was one in vermilion!
Verbotomy - 2010-04-23: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James