Vote for the best verboticism.

'If this snow flea dies...'

DEFINITION: n. An individual, or an organization, which profits by selling fear of imminent global destruction and/or eternal damnation. v. To profit from the prophecy of doom.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: eek oh stor shun ist

Sentence: the faculty head accused him of inventing fictitious insects and other ecostortionis practices

Etymology: extortion and ecology


This is not ecostortion! Snow fleas are are real! Google them... - wordmeister, 2007-02-06: 09:04:00


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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: hOly-cost

Sentence: The preacher hailed fire from the pulpit. Telling his flock to donate money to his cause, or they could be damned for eternity. He uses the old holycost trick to extract money.

Etymology: holy, as in religigous/holocaust, devastation or destruction/cost, as in money

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: green/van/gel/ist

Sentence: He was a god to the environmentalists, the ultimate greenvangelist, the financial savior of their eco-organization.

Etymology: green + evangelist


great word - porsche, 2007-02-06: 12:26:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ärməgetn

Sentence: Earth End, Inc. is armagettin it while they can. Their ”Repent now. Pay less later” t-shirts have done well but their best seller by far has been the fire-and-brimstone-proof cash box.

Etymology: armageddon (the last battle between good and evil) + getting (acquiring)

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: mor-al-tear-or-ist

Sentence: Jackie was a moralterrorist using fear and please of decency to appeal to her audience.

Etymology: morals + terrorist

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: frite/stocker

Sentence: I am the frightstalker - give me your money

Etymology: Fright + stalker + Night stalker

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Created by: Javeson1

Pronunciation: proff-fit-ter-or-ist

Sentence: Profiterrorists are making a bad name for those conservation groups that actually have a legit cause to defend.

Etymology: profiteer+terrorist

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Created by: allwise

Pronunciation: Seel-seils-man

Sentence: -Brother Josheph is our new zealsalesman. he will be promoting our cause at the bible-channel from 3 to 5 every wednesday, except during hollidays.

Etymology: Zeal - to be fanatic about a cause, and be convinced in such a degree that every other concern is put back. A salesman is a person who tries to convince other people that their product is invaluable to such a degree that all other concerns is put back.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /&-'pä-k&-"lEch/

Sentence: Some environmentalists will tolerate corporate interests because they hope that they will bring attention to worthy causes even if their motivations are purely selfish, while others warn that too many apocaleeches will harm the public opinion of the cause.

Etymology: From apocalypse + leech


Nice one! - BMott, 2007-02-06: 03:05:00

Thanks. - ErWenn, 2007-02-06: 19:11:00


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Created by: quippingqueen

Pronunciation: gloom/gam/ing

Sentence: Gloomgaming is a surefire way to keep young kids off the street and empty their parent's pockets.

Etymology: gloom +gaming

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: darth/tray/der

Sentence: Dearthtrader was a huge man in a black mask who prophesied famine and doom in exchange for cash donations

Etymology: dearth (famine)+ Trader + Darth Vader


Luke - I am your father - give me a dollar - porsche, 2007-02-06: 10:34:00

Very shrewd. My favourite so far. - Bulletchewer, 2007-02-06: 11:54:00

may the force be bulletchewar - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-06: 12:17:00

Good one Jabber! I wonder if Dearth can make raspy breathing noises and proselytize at the same time. - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-06: 18:04:00


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Created by: adbern

Pronunciation: sodo-gamor

Sentence: When teh world goes farther this way, it will be like sodogamor

Etymology: Sodo and you know...

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Created by: riflesandkids74

Pronunciation: Keh-pok-uh-list


Etymology: Apocalypse - Capitalist

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Created by: iwasatripwire


Sentence: George was a bleeding-heart sucker, always sending money to the apocapeddlers on TV.

Etymology: apocalypse + peddler

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Created by: chofu67

Pronunciation: a pok a lip chant

Sentence: The apocalyptchants are merely hucksters who profit from their ability to scare people with gloomy scenarios of the near future.

Etymology: apocalypse = merchant

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Created by: josje

Pronunciation: fake emotions

Sentence: they are playing with fakemotions

Etymology: fake ande emotions.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: shock-bro-kerr

Sentence: he was a lousy husband, a hopeless father and a horrible man... but by god he was the best damn shockbroker i'd ever met

Etymology: shock, stockbroker


Good one! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-06: 07:19:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: non-pro-phet

Sentence: Arnold used his law degree to represent nonprophet groups such as the "Save the Baby Snow Fleas," "Cockatiel Habitat Destruction Awareness" and "Stop Stepping on Ants or You're Going to Be Sorry" foundations.

Etymology: prophet: a predicator or soothsayer; chief spokesman of a movement or cause + nonprofit: charitable organization that is not required to pay taxes on collected contributions because it is not permitted to seek profits

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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: End-vend-der

Sentence: The two endvenders made completely different predictions: the Republican warned that terrorism would destroy Western civilisation, while the Democrat was convinced global warming was the real threat to the free world.

Etymology: End+vender. Vender: seller. Suggests "engender", to induce something (such as a feeling of fear).


This is good! Become an endvender -- a salesman for the apocalypse! - wordmeister, 2007-02-06: 09:00:00


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Created by: rolanddeschain

Pronunciation: fobe-or-tune-ist

Sentence: "You're such a phobortunist!" the Nephilim growled through the rain at Noah, who was standing guard at the concession stand outside the gangplank leading to his ark.

Etymology: phobia (fear) + opportunist (one who takes advantage of a situation for personal gain)

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: ar-ma-GED-dik

Sentence: When the world did not stop turning on February 6th, Bob realized he had been suckered in by yet another armageddick.

Etymology: Armageddon, ...

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: a pok a lip prof fit eer

Sentence: Arma Getton was an opportunist who found personal gain through spreading dire warnings and market trends in global warming, meteor crashes and other disaster potential. He made so much money from all his tax-free organizations and obedient followers, that he was able to afford 6 private jets, many gas-guzzling vehicles and often was seen wearing fur coats. At least his last days on our dying planet would be made more comfortable for this apocalyprofiteer!

Etymology: Apocalypse (a cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil;the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the apostle & Profiteer (someone who makes an excessive profit, usually due to the misfortune of others).

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Created by: bobditty

Pronunciation: shoe-blob-e-um

Sentence: I always get emails from shoeblobiums.

Etymology: shoe blob- something that is really anoying but you don't try to get rid of it.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: bay - kal - ips

Sentence: In the time of the Bankalypse, there were great stirrings in the plunderworld. Many evil people stashed enormous sums of currenseer at the First Bank of Hades. They were fire and brimstone profiteeers who had taken up donations from fearful citizens.

Etymology: bank, apocalypse


mrskellyscl good word! - mrskellyscl, 2009-09-03: 15:01:00


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Created by: paintergrl1313


Sentence: that doomprofit says he'll tell you when the world ends for five bucks.

Etymology: Doom + Profit

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Created by: w5lf9s

Pronunciation: horro.caus.tic

Sentence: "How can you live with such a horrocaustic? - His every move is driven by his fear of dying tomorrow

Etymology: from "horror" + "holocaustic" pertaining to great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: en-VIE-roe-scam-uhr

Sentence: I was almost hooked, until the enviroscammer said, "And if you donate now, you'll recieve this nifty "think green" sticker for your Hummer."

Etymology: enviro(ment) + scammer

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: poors seer veer

Sentence: There's always been a company who can purseerveer through the doom. Prudential Insurance was around when Noah built the Ark. They sold him flood insurance, boat insurance, travel insurance,livestock insurance and pet medical insurance. Why do you think they have a rock on their logo? It's not the Rock of Gibralter, but Mount Ararat. There was a good faith clause in their policy.

Etymology: Purse (A sum of Money) & Seer (an authoritative person who divines the future; a person with unusual powers of foresight) & Veer (a general direction in which something tends to move)and Wordplay on Persevere (be persistent, refuse to stop)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: uh-nahy-uh-loo-kruh-tiv

Sentence: As much as the end of the world, as predicted by the Mayan calendar, has been in the news Jill decided to make some money from it. She has started a company that produces calendars that only go to December 21, the supposed last day for Earth. It has proved to be very annihilucrative.

Etymology: annihilation (Utter destruction. ) + lucrative (productive, well-paid )

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Created by: coffeeman885

Pronunciation: glo-ba-fear-ism

Sentence: The company used globafearism to keep a strong monopolistic stance in the market.

Etymology: global - world-wide; fearism - the act of imparting fear.

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Created by: Ecke21

Pronunciation: Re luge irs

Sentence: The Reluegers have no concern for the human race at all, they can only see their need for world domination.

Etymology: Relueger... religious liar

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Created by: Bulletchewer

Pronunciation: Nek-row-foe-bee-core/korp

Sentence: The most famous of all necrophobicorps, the church, became popular with the genius natives of Africa and the Southern States.

Etymology: From "necrophobia" with is the (irrational) fear of death and "corp" which is an abbreviation of corporation, and two letters short of corpse.


pretty creepily accurate but good word - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-06: 12:23:00


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Created by: Madamemojo




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ärməgetsəm

Sentence: Pastor Bob is the head of the Church of Armagetsome. His fire and brimstone, doom and gloom sermons are sure to fill the collection plates. **You can*t take it with you** he is sure to tell his fleeced flock. He spends the incoming money as if he believes his own proclamations. Amen!

Etymology: Armageddon (a dramatic and catastrophic conflict, typically seen as likely to destroy the world or the human race) + get some


mrskellyscl LOL! - mrskellyscl, 2009-09-03: 05:59:00


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Created by: lauramy

Pronunciation: flee-mong-er

Sentence: The fleamongers always call just as you sit down to dinner.

Etymology: flea + monger (a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way)

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Created by: InviDoll




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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: prof fear teer ing

Sentence: Angelina hated working in the call center taking money from people for profeartearing

Etymology: from profit and to make profiteering. From fear and causing fear. and tear instead of teer because it makes the baby Jesus cry.


you are a prophet! - Alchemist, 2007-02-13: 07:05:00


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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: green-fleece (pretty obvious)

Sentence: The girl was from the Jackalopes Forever Foundation, which I found out later is nothing but a greenfleece.

Etymology: Greenpeace (environmental activist group) + fleece (to swindle out of money)


Good word sodium! The question is, did you donate? - wordmeister, 2007-02-06: 00:26:00

Excellent! Even better as a verb, but it works as a noun too. - ErWenn, 2007-02-06: 01:13:00

cool! can I get a sticker? - Alchemist, 2007-02-06: 08:27:00

It just rolls off the tongue. It's worthy of adoption by the general populace. - chofu67, 2007-02-06: 11:00:00

very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-06: 12:19:00

Whoops! Dangit. I didn't mean to "join the group." Sorry, sodium, I'm not trying to snag your play! - Osomatic, 2007-02-06: 13:53:00


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Created by: DaddyNewt

Pronunciation: flim-o-fiz-um

Sentence: I will not be taken in by your flimophism

Etymology: flimflam + sophism

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Created by: chris

Pronunciation: apokk-er-lip-tik

Sentence: MegaCorp had long found that employing a professional apocalyptick was the surest way to sell all their products - from medicines and religious tracts all the way up to nuclear shelters.

Etymology: apocalypse + tick (an irritating blood-sucker that can be hard to get rid of)


good one - porsche, 2007-02-06: 10:40:00


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Created by: BMott

Pronunciation: Kash-e-side

Sentence: "Good afternoon, this is Tracy with the Ecosave Organization. If you don't donate $10 today our world will end." Justin said "Hey, that's cashicide! Lose my number!"

Etymology: Cash - Money : Cide - From Suicide, if you don't donate you are essentially commiting suicide.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: prah-feh-TEERS

Sentence: Not many people seemed to see that those predicting catastrophe from global warming have also been propheteers.

Etymology: Based on Prophet (one who predicts) and is a play on the word profit.

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Created by: sodium

Pronunciation: green-fleece (pretty obvious)

Sentence: The girl was from the Jackalopes Forever Foundation, which I found out later is nothing but a greenfleece.

Etymology: Greenpeace (environmental activist group) + fleece (to swindle out of money)


Good word sodium! The question is, did you donate? - wordmeister, 2007-02-06: 00:26:00

Excellent! Even better as a verb, but it works as a noun too. - ErWenn, 2007-02-06: 01:13:00

cool! can I get a sticker? - Alchemist, 2007-02-06: 08:27:00

It just rolls off the tongue. It's worthy of adoption by the general populace. - chofu67, 2007-02-06: 11:00:00

very funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-06: 12:19:00

Whoops! Dangit. I didn't mean to "join the group." Sorry, sodium, I'm not trying to snag your play! - Osomatic, 2007-02-06: 13:53:00


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Created by: grrigiveup




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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: ha-bin-gain-er

Sentence: Reverend Wilkes found that donations to the collection tray generally increased after his more doom-laden sermons. He was wary of being seen as a harbingainer, but the way he saw it more funds to mend the church roof was hardly proheteering – it was to the benefit of his entire flock, after all.

Etymology: harbinger (a thing which tells of the onset of something) + gain (to obtain to one's advantage)


good one - Nosila, 2011-01-21: 07:59:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: exploiter

Sentence: He had been described as an eco-opportunist for his greenfleecing activities, but ecsploiter fitted better with his selfish point of view.

Etymology: eco (ecology) + exploit (capitalize on)


Nice one! - BMott, 2007-02-06: 22:50:00


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Created by: ahwinters

Pronunciation: Gor + Hor

Sentence: That global warming thing really got her riled, she dedicated her life to the path of a true Goreqwhore after that.

Etymology: Al Gore + Whore

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: divid end of the world

Sentence: Susan's non-profit was a cause to raise funds for the end of the plight of the snow flea. Although their plight was grim, they multiplied 1000 to one and re-bred themselves faster than many other critters. However, Susan's superior math and persuasion skills made her a steep profit on her non-profit. In fact, it was her dividendoftheworld philosophy that eventually raised the attention of the tax department!

Etymology: Dividend (a bonus; something extra) & End of the World (an unpleasant or disastrous destiny)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: greeeen sleeeee veeeeeen

Sentence: This greensleeveen was a small smooth adorable ecothief, more a laprachaun than a leprachaun with a great line in blarney and the morals of a whore.

Etymology: green sleeveen (Irish; a sly obsequious smooth-tongued person [from Irish Gaelic slíbhín] :It isn't any wonder at all that a child would be a liar and a sleeveen and a trampler of the roads with the first man that nods to her when her mother is a foolish person that she can't trust. —Mary, Mary)

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ErWenn - 2007-02-06: 22:47:00
Too many good words; not enough votes.

squirreleater - 2009-09-11: 17:23:00
I would have gone with republicans