Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. An individual, or an organization, which profits by selling fear of imminent global destruction and/or eternal damnation. v. To profit from the prophecy of doom.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: riflesandkids74
Pronunciation: Keh-pok-uh-list
Etymology: Apocalypse - Capitalist
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: shock-bro-kerr
Sentence: he was a lousy husband, a hopeless father and a horrible man... but by god he was the best damn shockbroker i'd ever met
Etymology: shock, stockbroker
Good one! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-06: 07:19:00
Created by: DaddyNewt
Pronunciation: flim-o-fiz-um
Sentence: I will not be taken in by your flimophism
Etymology: flimflam + sophism
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: prah-feh-TEERS
Sentence: Not many people seemed to see that those predicting catastrophe from global warming have also been propheteers.
Etymology: Based on Prophet (one who predicts) and is a play on the word profit.
Created by: w5lf9s
Pronunciation: horro.caus.tic
Sentence: "How can you live with such a horrocaustic? - His every move is driven by his fear of dying tomorrow
Etymology: from "horror" + "holocaustic" pertaining to great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: ar-ma-GED-dik
Sentence: When the world did not stop turning on February 6th, Bob realized he had been suckered in by yet another armageddick.
Etymology: Armageddon, ...
Created by: iwasatripwire
Sentence: George was a bleeding-heart sucker, always sending money to the apocapeddlers on TV.
Etymology: apocalypse + peddler
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: a pok a lip prof fit eer
Sentence: Arma Getton was an opportunist who found personal gain through spreading dire warnings and market trends in global warming, meteor crashes and other disaster potential. He made so much money from all his tax-free organizations and obedient followers, that he was able to afford 6 private jets, many gas-guzzling vehicles and often was seen wearing fur coats. At least his last days on our dying planet would be made more comfortable for this apocalyprofiteer!
Etymology: Apocalypse (a cosmic cataclysm in which God destroys the ruling powers of evil;the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the apostle & Profiteer (someone who makes an excessive profit, usually due to the misfortune of others).
Created by: josje
Pronunciation: fake emotions
Sentence: they are playing with fakemotions
Etymology: fake ande emotions.
Created by: BMott
Pronunciation: Kash-e-side
Sentence: "Good afternoon, this is Tracy with the Ecosave Organization. If you don't donate $10 today our world will end." Justin said "Hey, that's cashicide! Lose my number!"
Etymology: Cash - Money : Cide - From Suicide, if you don't donate you are essentially commiting suicide.
ErWenn - 2007-02-06: 22:47:00
Too many good words; not enough votes.
squirreleater - 2009-09-11: 17:23:00
I would have gone with republicans