Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To prepare for holiday events where you must chat with irritating co-workers or nagging relatives, by consuming just enough alcohol to make you feel "relaxed". n., A person who arrives at a party pre-inebriated.
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Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: poot/rum/in/tum/tum
Sentence: When he received his invitation to the Christmas lunch he took the little drummer boy's advice and putrumintumtum.
Etymology: put + rum + tum (as in tummy) + pa rum pum pum pum
Hysterical!!! - libertybelle, 2007-12-18: 10:36:00
I need to ruminate on this one! Very clever and offbeat! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-18: 16:17:00
Created by: mizzverbz
Pronunciation: sackference
Sentence: The man kept a reasonable sackference away from the securtiy gaurd
Etymology: The 'uera' in which some individuals are surrounded
Created by: Maxine
Pronunciation: al ku 'haw lur ayt
Sentence: Ruth hates her inlaws, but she'll be fine if she alcoholerates before their party.
Etymology: alcohol + tolerate
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: fest-STOND
Sentence: Bryant arrived at the office party and began his celebrations ahead of the crowd and being in great spirit for the Christmas holiday his office mates found him delightfully festoned on the 'punch' when they began arriving.
Etymology: Blend of 'Fest' (festival, holiday) and 'Stoned' (intoxicated or dazed from drugs; high)
Hahah....Good one, Mus! - metrohumanx, 2008-12-19: 00:43:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: HOP - tuh - mist
Sentence: After a couple of "steadiers" Bob, a hoptimist with a 'corona' of confidence, marched smilingly into his workplace's Christmas party, greeting heartily fellow-workers who normally 'drove him to drink".
Etymology: HOPTIMIST: Blend of hop(s), used in beer brewing. Consider slang "On the hops", and Optimist: One who feels that things will work out well. STEADIER: (sl) a beer to steady the nerves. CORONA: 1.A crown 2. Mexican beer. DRIVE TO DRINK: Make s.o so irritate
Created by: Redrover
Pronunciation: pre-tox-uh-cate
Sentence: The only way Marsha could get through Christmas with her family was to completely pretoxicate herself into a totally medicated state.
Etymology: pre=before intoxicate=to make drunk
Excellent! - Mustang, 2007-12-18: 19:00:00
Created by: nolabrarian
Pronunciation: fest-i-cay-ted
Sentence: Knowing he would be cornered by employees with varying emotional disorders and negligble social skills during the office holiday party, Jim festicated himself at his local bar.
Etymology: festively (holidays) + medicated (booze)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: JOL-ee-Tip-uhl
Sentence: After a couple of "steadiers" Bob, a hoptimist with a 'corona' of confidence, descended upon his workplace's Christmas party like a festilence, and jollitippled fellow-workers who normally 'drove him to drink".
Etymology: JOLLY: Slang. slightly drunk; tipsy 2.Informal. to talk or act agreeably to (a person) in order to keep that person in good humor, esp. in the hope of gaining something. "They jollied him along until the job was done." 3.To cause to be jolly; to make good-natured; to encourage to feel pleasant or cheerful; -- often implying an insincere or bantering spirit; hence, to poke fun at. [Colloq.] TIPPLE:to drink (intoxicating liquor), esp. repeatedly, in small quantities.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kandēhamərd
Sentence: Joe didn*t really mean to show up at the company holiday party woozy. The boss gave him a large box of rum-laced chocolates as a gift and he sampled a few to be polite and then a few more. By party time he was candyhammered.
Etymology: candy (a sweet food made with sugar or syrup combined with fruit, chocolate, or nuts) + hammered (drunk)
Verbotomy - 2007-12-18: 03:37:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird Thank you yellowbird ~ James
metrohumanx - 2008-12-19: 00:45:00
What's it all about......Alkie?
silveryaspen - 2008-12-19: 01:11:00
Is it just for the moment we live? What's it all about when you SOT it out, Alkie?
Verbotomy - 2009-12-23: 01:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird. ~ James
KliffEl - 2018-12-20: 03:07:00
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AlexVovCsmef - 2018-12-20: 05:28:00
Доброго времени суток, Господа и Дамы! Да, не суровы будут ко мне и простят меня админы ресурса сего )), но как-то на глаза попадался текст, вроде
Merdariongof - 2018-12-20: 08:22:00
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violakuprina - 2018-12-22: 06:42:00
Good Monin Pliz .
kristinakuxi - 2018-12-22: 17:37:00
work and support pliz . Network and aftedark .