Vote for the best verboticism.

'Wow! She never looked that good when I was dating her...'

DEFINITION: n., A syndrome afflicting the recently separated in which the "ex" (i.e. ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, or even an ex-mother-in-law) appears to be more attractive than ever before. v., To be attracted to your "ex".

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: sex/as/pur/a/shun

Sentence: According to the grass is even greener theory, sexaspiration occurs when the thought of someone else being interested in your ex rekindles your desire.

Etymology: sex + ex + aspiration (desire) (not to be confused with exasperation, which you may be feeling right now if you’re reading this)


There's also sexpiration...when you'll just die if you can't have them back! - Nosila, 2008-08-19: 18:02:00

Clever construction. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-20: 05:42:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ob/sex/ive

Sentence: Jimmy was 'single' again, without any prospects and ran into his 'ex' Jenny and quickly fell into an obsexive state, wanting to be back with her. He began to obsex about his situation and this obsexiveness caused him to imbibe huge quantities of alcohol in a very short period of time.

Etymology: obsessive + ex


which would make Jimmy a very obnoxious obsexive - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-18: 12:36:00

... maybe a very obnexious obsexive - Stevenson0, 2007-09-18: 14:15:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ret - roh - fat - yew - ay - shun

Sentence: Gilbert had a major case of retrofatuation when he saw Melissa for the first time after he called of their engagement, and he found that while he thought he had grown tired of her and bored with their relationship, he was suddenly taken aback by her beauty and presence.

Etymology: Blend of retro (go back) and infatuation.


very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-19: 15:59:00

I like it. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-20: 05:31:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dek reed ny see

Sentence: When Gerald went to the Social Mixer, he was stunned to run into Velma after all this time. When they had been married, she had been a housewife, with no fashion flair or poise. In fact the beautiful bride he had met in high school and married ended up being a boring, one dimensional frumpy woman. That was when he had a mad affair with his secretary, Lola. When Velma found out, she moved out and sued him for divorce...he was stunned and it cost him a bundle for his indiscretion. Now here she was, slim, attractive, well dressed and practically oozing sex appeal. In fact, he decreednicey! when he saw her. He also could not fail to notice the hunky guy she was with, who was drooling over her and with whom she was clearly smitten. With more red wine in him than actual courage, Gerald went up to them and told her she looked great. She thanked him for opening her eyes and giving her the money to move on and get a better, more glamourous life. At that point the song blaring over the system was Cher singing, "If I could turn back Time..."

Etymology: Decree nisi( a decree issued on a first petition for divorce; becomes absolute at some later date) & Decreed (decided with authority) & Nice (pleasant or pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: pee-na-ko-LUV-a

Sentence: Bob knew that his romance with Roxie was on the rocks, but when they met, by hap, at a bar called O'Malleys it was re-instantaneous pinacoluva. On seeing that it was Roxie, bliss-bombed Bob yelled: " you're the love that I looked for, come with me and escape."

Etymology: From "Pinacolado" & "luv." Based on Rupert Holmes' hit, "Escape" (The Pina Colado Song) about a man unhappy with his current relationship agrees to meet a woman at a bar only to find that she is his current lover and that they have still have so much in c


another great sentence - porsche, 2007-09-18: 13:19:00

ditto - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-18: 13:20:00

A vote, and a thank you for bumping "Precious and Few" out of my head. - purpleartichokes, 2007-09-18: 14:06:00


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Created by: muchiny

Pronunciation: PRI-us-amare

Sentence: [n. He looks so down when she walks by holding hands with her boyfriend, he might have priusamare.] [v. I'm sooo priusamare over my ex righ now...]

Etymology: Prius - Before in Latin Amare - Love in Latin

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ekshoōalitē

Sentence: Now that they are separated Mark finds that Lisa exudes exuality. To make matters worse, she was promoted and is now Mark’s boss.

Etymology: ex (a former husband, wife, or partner in a relationship) + sexuality (capacity for sexual feelings)

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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: for/mur/gon/con/clu/shun

Sentence: It is a formergoneconclusion that an ex will look more appealing after the break up.

Etymology: former + gone + foregone conclusion

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: ex-fat-you-ayshun

Sentence: Barbara always rushed to break up with her partners because the rush of the exfatuation was much more thrilling. She was perpetually exfixed.

Etymology: ex + infatuation


great word petaj - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-18: 12:40:00

Very nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-18: 18:04:00


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Created by: justinchau

Pronunciation: Ex-gog-gools

Sentence: After empirically proving the +10% in attraction perception due to presence of beer, scientists have also recently proven the presence of an Ex results in a +50% attraction phenomenon dubbed 'exgoggles'. Many a broken-up couple have reunited to each other's dismay due to a combination of both exgoggles and beer goggles. Scientists are now trying to prove the phenomenon of 'beerphones'.

Etymology: Ex+Beergoggles.

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Created by: AlouattaPigra

Pronunciation: Ehcks Luh Stah Main Ee Uh

Sentence: "It's simply a case of Exlustamania." Faeralo said with an intensified confidence. "Or at least thats what the doctor said about my recent re-interest in Hariimu." Zyaen looked at him deer eyed. "Hariimu? As in She-who-almost-ruined-your-life-Hariimu?" "The same, but I guess thats why he labeled me a Exlustamaniac." Snorted Faeralo with content.

Etymology: Ex- meaning Previous, Lust- To be attracted (without thought), Mania- To be mad, or crazy

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ob/sex/ive

Sentence: Jimmy was 'single' again, without any prospects and ran into his 'ex' Jenny and quickly fell into an obsexive state, wanting to be back with her. He began to obsex about his situation and this obsexiveness caused him to imbibe huge quantities of alcohol in a very short period of time.

Etymology: obsessive + ex

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: ree GREK tuh kuhls

Sentence: Harold thought his "ex" looked more beautiful than ever as he watched her through his rose colored regrectacles.

Etymology: (regret: a sense of longing for someone gone) + (spectacles: eyeglasses


Clever! Drawing on the beer-goggles idea. :) - Rhyme79, 2012-10-19: 12:28:00

Hilarious idea! - Discoveria, 2012-10-19: 17:00:00


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Created by: morikvendi

Pronunciation: eks-attract-ism

Sentence: George suffered from classical example of exattractism when he saw his ex-girlfriend with another guy, shining like she never shone before.

Etymology: ex - past, attractiveness

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: eks chant ment

Sentence: When Smedley ran into his ex-wife, Sharon, he barely recognized her. She was coiffed, slim, fashionable and apparently madly in love with her companion. After his initial jealousy, Smedley found himself falling under exchantment. Smedley, however, was no Prince of Darkness, so he was unable to even catch her eye...she was smitten by her new hubby,Ozzie.

Etymology: Ex (previous or former love) & Enchantment (a state of capturing interest as if by a spell)

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Created by: DaddyNewt


Sentence: Jimmy had the worst pangmorse of them all.

Etymology: pang +remorse

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mag net ex ism

Sentence: Dewey Wanter saw his ex Sophia for the first time after their messy break-up at a cocktail party at the Physics Faculty. She hung on the arm and every word of the handsome and urbane Dr.Axel Eration. Sophia had apparently gotten over Dewey long before he got over her. She looked radiant and the whole time they had been together, Dewey never felt as attracted to her as he did now. The magnetexism he felt for her was stronger than at any time during their courtship. Was it because forbidden fruit seems sweeter or that a fine diamond looks more sparkly in a gorgeous setting? In this case, that setting would be the arms of the rugged Dr. Axel. Was this a theory that Dewey wanted to hypothesize about or was he just fission to have a reason to have an Axel to grind?

Etymology: Magnet (a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts)& Ex (former spouse/love interest) & Ism (a belief)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: betta morf oh sis

Sentence: Why was it that bettamorphosis was at its worst when you hadn't yet replaced your ex, he thought. She looked a hundred times better than she did last week. Hell, even her date was better looking than she used to be!

Etymology: metamorphosis, better

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: ex/dreem/ist

Sentence: When he saw his ex in another's embrace he became an exdreamist

Etymology: ex + dream + extremist

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Created by: mattbear

Pronunciation: gohn-track-shun

Sentence: A week after Julie dumped Ian, he got a bad case of gonetraction and started begging for her back.

Etymology: gone + attraction


Or how about "goneheria?" - readerwriter, 2008-08-19: 05:27:00


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Created by: frenchprof

Pronunciation: Eek-scellent, adjective, an ironic spell, what is ironic, spooky.

Sentence: Dude in purple: "I think I am not gay." Other dude: "Eekscellent!"

Etymology: Ancient Griffin, Eek from "Ikse" or "ironic" and "sceel" which means "spell"

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: des-IRE-re-bound

Sentence: When he saw how great Nicole looked after their divorce, Thom's desirrebound for her led him to find a pretty younger wife.

Etymology: Desire and Rebound. The extra 'r' is so it is pronounced correctly and not des -ur-RE-bound

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Ex-mag-ne-tray-ted

Sentence: Since dumping Clare for a younger model last year, Charles couldn't understand why he felt so exmagnetraited toward her everytime he saw her out with her new toyboy. In fact he was so drawn to her again that he was thinking of going under the knife in the vain hope of winning her back.

Etymology: Ex(Former spouse/partner) + magnet(a person or thing that has a powerful atttraction) + trait(a distinguishing characteristic) = Exmagnetraited

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Created by: jermainechambers44

Pronunciation: x-ree-gret

Sentence: Why is it everytime you see an ex-girl or boy friend you have to fight of that feeling on exregret that always follow shortly after?!

Etymology: Ex=(ex-girl or boy friend) Regret=(to wish you had made a diffrent decision than the one you made in the past)


ex-cellent - Nosila, 2010-01-26: 17:37:00


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Created by: brimuth

Pronunciation: rozy-speck-you-lies

Sentence: Whenever John saw Jean, his ex-girlfriend, he would subconciously rosiepeculise and view her as a beauty, which he had failed to notice before.

Etymology: To see things through "rose-tinted" spectacles i.e. much better than they really are!

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Created by: wordslikevenom

Pronunciation: Oc-u-lex

Sentence: Henry VIII looked down upon Kathryn's body and for a brief moment felt oculexative now that she had gone.

Etymology: Ocular - Of or relating to the eye. Ex- previous or former. -ative Of, relating to, or associated with.

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Created by: badthing




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Created by: Scrumpy

Pronunciation: ri-moht-stoo-ng

Sentence: Jim was afflicted with a bad case of remotestewing when he witnessed his ex's picture on the dating site.

Etymology: A derivation of remote viewing. remote + stewing (as in desire)

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Created by: WordKing77

Pronunciation: Long-ad

Sentence: my ex is so hot, I think i have Longad syndrome.

Etymology: Longing-wanting; mourning Sad: Negative emotion

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Created by: SethelMerman

Pronunciation: A-Mor-for-ment

Sentence: Steve realized his amourforment at the exact moment Raquel's lips met Raul's.

Etymology: Amour: love + former: in the past + -ent: suffix.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: iksītng

Sentence: Words cannot EXpress the emotion of Tim*s first EXsighting since their breakup. She looked so EXotic, so EXceptional he thought he might EXplode. He knew he had to make his EXit and EXpunge the thoughts he was having.

Etymology: ex (former) + sighting (manage to see or observe)


mrskellyscl exquisite word - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-26: 05:05:00


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Created by: hellohime

Pronunciation: Roseglassing - Rohz-Glah'sing

Sentence: You're Roseglassing over your entire relationship.

Etymology: From the saying "Looking at life through rose coloured glasses". Meaning that your past looks better than it actually was.

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Created by: leomar

Pronunciation: ex-bog-gam

Sentence: ex=x bog=ibog gam=tagam


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: sow er grow ps

Sentence: He felt severe sourgropes as he watched, "Frigid Brigid" his ex wife, gyrate across the dance floor practically copulating with that young spanish prince as the crowd screamed thier approval.

Etymology: sour grapes, grope

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Created by: Filthy




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: RET-ro-trak-shun

Sentence: It had been several months since Freddie had called off his and Lucy's engagement and when he saw her at the party with her new fiance he was taken aback at how gorgeous she was and he suffered a major wave of retrotraction and felt much regret for having dumped her earlier

Etymology: Blend of 'retro' (go back) and 'attraction' (n. the act, process, or power of attracting)

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Created by: ScrabbledEgg

Pronunciation: buh-bahy-poh-ler

Sentence: Joe could hardly stand her before they broke up, but now can't keep his eyes off of her. He's buh-byepolar.

Etymology: Buh-bye as in "See ya...don't let the door hit you in the ass!" + bipolar as in "bipolar disorder"


A great turn of words! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-18: 08:48:00


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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: jel/us/tee

Sentence: Never in a million years did Jerry think he would run into his ex at his new "Dance Like the Stars Do on Dancing With the Stars on ABC 11:00 PM Eastern, 8 PM Pacific" class. Not only was he shocked when he saw that she had finally lost that "last" 162 pounds, but also by the sudden pangs of jealusty he felt as he watched her practicing her Samba with Ferrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrnando.

Etymology: Jealous: Jealousy typically refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival. Lust: crave: have a craving, appetite, or great desire for


Ole, lumina, love your word and the class name, that would make me sign up for it! Cheers! - Nosila, 2008-08-19: 18:00:00

Nosila-Your comment starting with "Ole" made me happy...happy to know YOU to rrrrrrrrrroll you rrrrrrrr's. :) - lumina, 2008-08-19: 18:25:00


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Created by: orrychimaru




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Created by: Sievehead




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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: hub-ah-dah-hub-ah-dumpt

Sentence: as she walked in the room, everyone, including her ex-boyfriend could tell she was hubbadahubbadumped

Etymology: hubbadahubbada, dumped


MrDave2176 Very onomotapiea about the way one feels. - MrDave2176, 2007-09-18: 13:34:00


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Created by: joelb

Pronunciation: reh-tro-TRAK-tiv

Sentence: She looked quite retrotractive as my regret sank in.

Etymology: retroactive + attractive

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Pronunciation: day'-zhe-blind-side

Sentence: When Pat sat down for the movie s/he choked on the Kool-Ade, whilst dejablindsided by Chris's new formidable beauty

Etymology: DEJA-VU (Fr. feeling of already seen + BLINDSIDE (blind-sid from an unseen or unexpected direction


hyperborean The return of Angrogynous Pat and Chris! - hyperborean, 2012-10-22: 10:46:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: ex-vizh-uhn

Sentence: Troy was clearly experiencing exvision when he realised that he was getting a crush on his ex-girlfriend's mother.

Etymology: ex + vision

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: ex-site-ment

Sentence: Poor Bruno couldn't help himself. In his exsightment upon seeing Blanch looking so good in the arms of another man, he immediatley poured his drink down the back of her dress. Another use: Exsighting was Bruno's secret passion and the reason he moved so easily from internet matching site to internet matching site. Or as an adjective: Ensconsed in envy, Bruno eyed Blanch exsightedly.

Etymology: A play on excite, meaning to stir up strong feeling in, with sight, meaning something seen


great options - love the word - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-19: 15:58:00

Love the word...but them I guess I'm exsightable! - Nosila, 2008-08-19: 17:58:00

I love this one! - lumina, 2008-08-19: 18:24:00

Clever - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-20: 05:31:00


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Created by: grahaff

Pronunciation: mo-at-tha-bef


Etymology: Mo - More At- Attractive tha- than Bef- Before

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Created by: Jenna

Pronunciation: en-vee-eks

Sentence: Carl came down with a big old case of ENVIEX when he saw Sheila looking so fine with that new guy!

Etymology: envy + ex

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ex/ass/pur/ay/shun

Sentence: According to the grass is even greener theory, exaspiration occurs when someone else is interested in your ex, which in turn rekindles your desire.

Etymology: ex + aspiration (desire) (not to be confused with exasperation, which you're feeling right now if you're reading this)


I formerly aspired to be as good at Verbotomy as you. But I have since de-spired knowing it's hopeless! Good word! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-18: 08:31:00

Loads of practice trying to keep up to Stevenson0, purpleartichokes, rikboyee, galwaywegian, osomatic and now there's a whole new crop of exceptional verbtomists - I'm losing steam - Jabberwocky, 2007-09-18: 12:33:00

Oh, dear Jabberwocky...Lose your steam, but don't lose your faith! We new ones need your newrichment. - readerwriter, 2008-08-19: 08:01:00


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Created by: astorey

Pronunciation: bad-meer-A-shun

Sentence: Todd knew going to his ex-sister-in-law's funeral was the right thing to do, and was already feeling proud of himself--even smug--for being a stand-up guy. That just made him all the more surprised (and ashamed) by the wave of badmiration that came over him when he saw his ex-wife process in, followed by her mother, who seemed to be hotter in grief than he could ever recall her being before. He slinked out of the service before the end.

Etymology: Bad, as in "not good" combined with admiration--the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising.


funny twist - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-19: 15:59:00

I likey. - lumina, 2008-08-19: 17:16:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ex ap peel

Sentence: When Ronnie saw his former love Sharon in the arms of the tall, handsome Josh, he felt an overwhelming exappeal for her. As the song goes, "we don't know what we've got till it's gone..."

Etymology: Ex (former spouse/mate) & Appeal (attraction;attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates) & WordPlay on Sex Appeal (attractiveness to the opposite/same sex)

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: Reer - gog - uhls

Sentence: Spike felt his stomach churn when she walked in the room, his reargoggles filled his heart with regret once he saw his ex in her new sweatsuit.

Etymology: Rear (behind) - Goggles, similar to beer goggles, an altered reality

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: ex/spell

Sentence: Wow! Pete thought, I know this ain't right but I can't help thinking she's got me under an exspell.

Etymology: Inspired by expel, to remove perhaps an idea or desire. From. Ex- see def. + Spell. a certain type of magic involving old ladies with pointy hats and noses with warts on who toil over large vats of a secret concoction.


Bewitching! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-20: 05:35:00


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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: uh-track-shun-ree-ack-shun

Sentence: My ex-mother-in-law looked ravishing today, worryingly. I know it's just an attractionreaction, just a natural reflex to splitting up. The heart always wants what it can't have!

Etymology: Attraction - a force drawing together, enticement. Reaction - response, reciprocal action.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: in-ex-a-door-a-bull

Sentence: Since his second marriage, fickle Phil was in a bad way. He found his first wife absolutely inexadorable.

Etymology: inexorabe (inescapable) + adorable (lovable)


Welcome back, petaj! - Nosila, 2010-01-26: 17:38:00

petaj Thanks Nosila, my visits here are few and far between now - petaj, 2010-01-28: 06:03:00


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Created by: kaykay790

Pronunciation: die-a-re-gret

Sentence: Dave was suffering from an extreme case of diarregret after seeing Cassie in the local Starbucks drinking a tall cup of "Caramel Manheisfine"...oh and a coffee too.

Etymology: A blend of the words "diarrhea and regret". They can't stop talking about how they wish they would have kept the ex.

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: roo + gret

Sentence: How I do rurgret the day I gave up the single finest woman I'll ever have, until I meet a new girl anyway.

Etymology: rue + regret

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Created by: staggolee

Pronunciation: LOO-zerz-ex-FA-byoo-luh

Sentence: I saw John's ex-girlfriend, and she was losersexfabula!

Etymology: Modern American English metrosexual.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: eks-ah-peel

Sentence: Even though he had "been there, done that," he was no match for her exappeal.

Etymology: Eh, this word's kinda obvious - I found a sappy book with this title... if I think of something better, I'll change it if I can.


works for me! - galwaywegian, 2007-09-18: 06:24:00

OK, I won't change it to boomerbang or ho-yo ("Exual Healing" playing in the background on the did'er,didjou?). - purpleartichokes, 2007-09-18: 06:47:00

Those artichokes seem to be the new superfood! Certainly seem to be hitting a purple patch! - galwaywegian, 2007-09-18: 07:02:00

Great word! Boomerbang is awesome too. We've all been down the boomerbang regret road on a Saturday morning. After the exappeal has worn off! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-18: 08:40:00

You beat me to it! - Osomatic, 2007-09-18: 14:12:00

Sorry Oso! - purpleartichokes, 2007-09-18: 15:52:00


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Created by: Pepper


Sentence: Verb. To exfatuate I don't want to see him, I don't want to exfatuate.

Etymology: From the word: Infatuate which means "To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment"

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: ri-PEL-bahynd

Sentence: Repalbind consists, at first, of repel; later on, hopefully, repal.

Etymology: Blend of REPEL: To repulse; resist; oppose; reject; RE: again, anew; PAL: buddy, brother, partner, chum, crony, sidekick, mate; BIND:To exert a binding or restraining influence; form a chemical bond with.


interesting blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-19: 16:00:00


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Created by: cpjax


Sentence: after she screwed him over big time she made a exmorphosis to attract new guys


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: veks-en

Sentence: Rudy used to take his wife for granted. Now that they are divorced, she is a vexen.

Etymology: vixen (foxy female) + ex (former) + vex (to irritate; annoy; provoke)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: my-ex-u-al

Sentence: After the breakup, it only took a few days for Gene to realize he was myexual. Seeing Carol at the party, he knew that the attraction he felt for her now was "different" than before. Carol, back on the market, was looking fine after going on the Jenny Craig diet and getting her face peeled. Gene was more confused than ever about his feelings and he was afraid of what might happen if she saw him, so he went into the bedroom closet and stayed there until she left.

Etymology: wordplay on bisexual

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Created by: hooterbug

Pronunciation: ex/ap·peal

Sentence: Marvin couldnt quite get over the fact that his old girlfriend Marla had such exappeal at the company Christmas party. He very much regretted that Marla had taken him up on his suggestion that she needed to get her "sexy back" by getting very large and noticeable breast implants.

Etymology: Combination of Ex and Sex-appeal (Physical attractiveness or personal qualities that arouse others sexually)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ob/sex/ive

Sentence: Joe was 'single' again, without any prospects and ran into his 'ex' Jenny and quickly fell into an obsexive state, wanting to be back with her for only one reason. He began to obsex about his situation and this obsexiveness caused him to imbibe huge quantities of alcohol in a very short period of time.

Etymology: OBSEXIVE -noun - from OBSESSIVE (to think about something unceasingly, or persistently) + EX (a former boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-09-18: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Scrumpy. Thank you Scrumpy! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-26: 00:16:00
Today's definition was suggested by Scrumpy. Thank you Scrumpy. ~ James

jermainechambers44 - 2010-01-26: 16:02:00