Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To engage in intimate activities with your "ex", even when you know that you will never, ever, get back together again. n. Intimate activities undertaken with an ex-lover
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: RebelNovice
Sentence: "I ran into my ex last night at the bar, and one thing led to another... and we ended up back at my place for a little retrosex."
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: for-knee-cloe-zyer
Sentence: it felt nice and familiar but she couldn't forget how irritraiting he'd become...this was strictly forniclosure
Etymology: fornicate, closure
Very nice, sum's up the definition impressively! - allwise, 2007-02-16: 05:42:00
I agree. Here's a vote. By the way, I've looked all over this place and can't find a single teller to cash in my points. - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-16: 15:26:00
Yeah, but if I could just get some forniclosure, that would be ok... - allwise, 2007-02-19: 02:55:00
Created by: theyellowbunny
Sentence: John and Susan felt compelled to interbye knowing this is how high school reunions go.
Created by: mickey666
Pronunciation: ECKS-seks
Sentence: "I had the best exsex with Mona last night," Travis beamed. "I shoulda divorced her YEARS ago!"
Etymology: ex + sex
Created by: allwise
Pronunciation: bo-nus-eks
Sentence: They ha a horrible break-up, but since neither of the cared to please the other anymore, the bonusex was amazing!
Etymology: bonus + sex
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: ree-manse
Sentence: When Gloria hads recurring bouts of regret over breaking up with Mark she engages him in remance, finding opportunities here and there to cuddle and make out, though she has no desire to rekindle the relationship itself.
Etymology: Play on the word 'romance' with prefix 're' - to do over
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: am oor jen cee
Sentence: It happened each time Tina and Tom had to meet over something. Although divorced, the old magic was still there and they found they would experience an amourgency, which needed immediate attention...kind of like what you see on those Cialis commercials on TV.
Etymology: Amour (French for love expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance) & Emergency (a sudden unforeseen crisis (usually involving danger) that requires immediate action)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: eks seks or sizzum
Sentence: Ida hated her now ex, Randy Gote, but decided on the day they had cleaned out the apartment they had once so happily shared, to host an exsexorcism. True to his name and being a retrosexual he obliged, and true to hers, Ms. Norgasm lived up to her name. As they "did it" they listened to the nostalgic tunes of Boney M...
Etymology: Ex (Previous spouse/lover) & Sex (activities associated with sexual intercourse) & Exorcism (freeing from evil spirits)
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: sex + post + fact + oh!
Sentence: Once in a while she gets drunk and lonely and shows up at 3 AM for a little sexpostfacto.
Etymology: sex & "ex post facto"
Oooooh. Lawguistics. Good one! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-16: 18:02:00
This is smarter than my own word! - Discoveria, 2007-02-16: 18:23:00

ErWenn - 2007-02-17: 08:10:00
You know, if everyone could vote an unlimited number of times, or if there was a ranking system, instead of a voting system, that would take care of several problems at once. It would fix the late-post deficiency as well as the too-many-good-words problem.
Discoveria - 2007-02-17: 09:33:00
Maybe no new words should be displayed until there are at least 10, so you won't be tempted to vote until there's a sizeable batch of words.
ErWenn - 2007-02-18: 10:16:00
Or even just switch the vote to yesterday's verboticisms while people are creating today's.
Discoveria - 2007-02-18: 18:37:00
That would have the added (mostly good) effect of giving me something to do on Verbotomy on Saturdays.
Hey ErWenn and Discoveria, We could try either of these options. Would you be interested in a test week using an alternative voting sytem? Let me know ~ James (