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'Don't kitty me!'

DEFINITION: v. To collect all the emotional energy you receive from one person, and then share it with the very next person you meet. n. Emotional transference.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: mood - swa - ping

Sentence: Terry was an expert at moodswapping. He would get into an argument with his boss and take it out on his wife. After a wonderful day with his wife, he would be nice to the checkout clerk at the store and so on.... He always carried the most recent interaction on to the next person.

Etymology: mood, swapping

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Created by: garlinger626

Pronunciation: emo-shun-er-sha

Sentence: Sorry about slapping you earlier, I let my emotionertia get the best of me.

Etymology: emotion and inertia

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Created by: tangledupinblue


Sentence: After being fired, he hysteriotransferred to the people around him for the rest of the day; he even told the barista to "Hurry it up--oh, wait, you can't do that, can you, you stoned slacker? You're fired. I don't need that watery crap you call coffee anyway."


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Created by: ahwinters




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Created by: norallama

Pronunciation: Kuh-theckst

Sentence: I burned the toast, ripped my hose, and then, of course, cathexted all over my assistant the very first chance I got.

Etymology: From "cathexis," meaning "emotional energy" ... and "Next!"

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Created by: Carole

Pronunciation: ee motey dump

Sentence: Cecil was completely floored by the vehemence of Conny's latest emotedump.

Etymology: emote/ emotion. dump/ drop, let go of load.

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Created by: adobrodt

Pronunciation: ree-flex-i-ven-uhm

Sentence: Jenny met Bob after the disastrous art show and commenced to reflexivenomize on him for forty-five minutes.

Etymology: From reflection and VENOM

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: ee-moat-ee-kon-due-it

Sentence: As she angrily replied to his email with colon, left bracket..she knew she shouldn't be mad at him...but she'd just got off the phone with her mother... she was a classic emoticonduit

Etymology: emotion, conduit

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: ang-storm

Sentence: After receiving a tongue-lashing from his wife, Bob angstormed the poor dog for getting dog food crumbs on the floor.

Etymology: angst, storm

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /k&n-'vIb/

Sentence: Krisna was a very well-balanced person, partly because he would convibe any negativity he received onto his computer. His computer, on the other hand, was just plain miserable.

Etymology: from convey + vibe

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Carole - 2007-01-02: 22:55:00
Good one Peta, yours has the same meaning as mine. Emotedump.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-08-07: 09:28:00
Hey, Our Twitter feeds were slowing down the Verbotomy site because Twitter was hacked. See: I have removed twitter until they get it fixed. ~ James