Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A person who has the highly developed ability to communicate on a direct level with any type of animal, except for human beings. v. To talk to animals because you know that communicating with people is useless.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: theCountess
Pronunciation: feather-brain
Sentence: Boring old definition of featherbrain: an emptyheaded person Verboticized new definition of featherbrain: an emptyheaded person who uses only fowl language
Etymology: Featherhead: noun, Old English; to have feathers for brains
It must be fowl play.. or maybe vowel play :P - dochanne, 2009-05-18: 03:19:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: a/see/see/ate
Sentence: Jonathan was in sync with all varities of animals and able to assisiate with them at will.
Etymology: St Frances of Assisi (who could communicate with animals) + associate
nice twist - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-28: 11:08:00
I hadn't a clue until I read your etymology. Very nice. - stache, 2008-03-28: 12:41:00
Hard for me not to vote for this one. Great minds, and all that stuff! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-28: 23:36:00
Created by: 1245678
Pronunciation: giv-en-up-on-hue-man-is-um
Sentence: if you cant communicate with other fellow human beings you suffer with givenuponhumanism.
Created by: queenjane75
Pronunciation: var-min-ist-er
Sentence: Having lost the backing of the people, Hillary surprisingly turned to varministry.
Etymology: varmint+ minister= varminister
Created by: Kevin0719
Pronunciation: cree-ah-calm
Sentence: Eli would often sit and chat with the possums right before we ate them, but once he was at the dinner table he showed his creacom colors by only chittering and humping the table leg.
Etymology: "creature" and "communication"
funny sentence, kev. you from alabama, or mississippi? gotta be one of the two. or arkansas. maybe texas? - stache, 2008-03-30: 20:49:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: loon a tik
Sentence: Fauna could always understand all animal voices and in particular had a great rapport with all forms of waterfowl. She could translate duckdialect, goosegarble,swanspeak and in particular, loonlingo. In fact, the people she ignored thought her a loonatic, when she spoke loonatalk!
Etymology: Wordplay on Lunatic (a crazy person;insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon) + Loon (a waterfowl)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: kun-FI-doh
Sentence: Poor purpleartichokes. Having had only 4 hours sleep the night before, nobody could understand the malformed sentences and willy-nilly thoughts she tried to convey. She couldn't wait to go home and confido with Ernie. He always understood her.
Etymology: confide, fido My word is already found by verboogle, however, it is an herbal medicine for male problems.
bark bark purple - yap yap ruff ruff ruff? (please respond with an appropriate response) - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-28: 11:22:00
YAAAWWWWWNN!! Grrrrrrrumph. Lick, lick, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-28: 11:59:00
What a funny, fun word. - stache, 2008-03-28: 12:44:00 your word! Sounds like an Irish drinking song refrain: Confido diddle-ee-ido-daiday! But I guess we should consider your word in Ernest...! Cheers - Nosila, 2008-03-28: 23:03:00
Created by: Banky
Pronunciation: zho-or-ah-kil
Sentence: "The Master demands a sacrifice, David," said Harvey, his canines bared as he paced along the fence next door, "He finds your limited faith insufficient." The labrador stopped and stared through the chain links at him vacantly. David held his head in his hands. Could this be happening? Was he a zooracle or just losing his mind? Either way, he had to silence the persistent animal, so he would silence him with sacrifice. "My fealty to the dark lord will be apparent by this afternoon." He disappeared into house and grabbed his .44 caliber Bulldog revolver, and stalked to his car. The tires squealed and the Ford Galaxie sped off into the city. When the car was a waning mirage the two teenage boys stepped out from behind Sam Carr's house, cackling with laughter and holding a walkie-talkie. "That Berkowitz kid is an IDIOT!" the taller of the two said, as they walked to the black lab and unstrapped the other handset from the dogs collar.
Etymology: zoo - prefix relating to animals, oracle - a chosen person who can interpret normally unintelligible communications from non-human sources
I considered 'oracle' as a component. I was thinking along the lines of, 'animoracle.' Nice combination. - stache, 2008-03-28: 01:27:00 er, dog. - stache, 2008-03-28: 01:38:00
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-28: 11:24:00
Wow, Banky! Very imaginative theory on the 'Son of Sam' serial killer story, (in case anyone didn't catch that), and, I might add, chillingly morbid. Great stuff. - Tigger, 2008-03-30: 03:42:00
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: ostrich-size
Sentence: Jennifre, engaged deep in a coversation with a snow leopard at the zoo, ignored the sneers and giggles of people passing by. The cat-whisperer, ostrichized from society, knew that her feline friends were her true companions
Etymology: Ostrich + Ostracize
Yes, her hippie parents named her Jennifre. - youmustvotenato, 2011-10-21: 10:27:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: critr-patr
Sentence: Angelina had a tough time communicating with most adults but had a gift of critterpatter, a unique ability to communicate with creatures of all kinds.
Etymology: 'Critter' (creature) 'patter' (talk)
cute word - mweinmann, 2009-05-18: 22:44:00
super - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-22: 13:12:00
nice - galwaywegian, 2010-06-04: 03:32:00
Verbotomy - 2008-03-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by leechdude. Thank you leechdude. ~ James
stache - 2008-03-28: 01:36:00
Great 'toon, as usual. Thanks for the def, too, leechdude.
stache - 2008-03-28: 17:48:00
thanks, JW.
stache - 2008-03-28: 17:50:00
oops. wrong box.
Verbotomy - 2009-05-18: 00:01:01
We are starting our summer season at Verbotomy today -- which means we are re-doing some of favorite Verbotomies from the past. Today's definition was suggested by leechdude. Thank you leechdude ~ James
readerwriter - 2009-05-18: 10:06:00
Whew...thanks for the update! I thought it was reducks...
Verbotomy - 2009-05-18: 10:28:00
Reducks revisited... ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-06-04: 00:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by leechdude. Thank you leechdude. ~ James
LunnonFurl - 2018-06-06: 13:27:00
Israfaceneeme - 2018-06-06: 19:12:00
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