Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A state of heightened, subconscious awareness that allows drivers to "safely" navigate and control a vehicle without watching the road. v. To drive without bothering to watch where you are going.
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Created by: bettyann9
Pronunciation: pree-smash-i-nayh-shun
Sentence: The B-52's lulled me into a gentle state of presmashination shortly before I crashed into the rear end of the semi.
Etymology: pre=before + smash=crash + nation=suffix denoting a mental state.
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: RODE-tri-pee
Sentence: Last night was so roadtrippy! One minute I was in Anaheim, the next I was in Cucamonga.
Etymology: road + trippy
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: katnapigāt
Sentence: Some mornings are rougher than others. Few hour of sleep, light traffic and mostly straight, boring roads can tempt James to catnapigate his way to work. More than once the rumble strips on the shoulder of the highway have been his friend.
Etymology: catnap (a short, light sleep; a doze) + navigate (travel on a desired course after planning a route)
Created by: acarr23
Pronunciation: Sleep a tomo ney
Sentence: The driver suffers from sleepatomomney.
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: suhb-drihv-ehn-AY-shuhn
Sentence: Alex somehow managed the 18 miles from Bootlick to Possum Holler on a mixture of cold medicine and subdrivenation.
Etymology: Portmanteau of "driven", "divination", and "sublimation"
Created by: tonya87
Pronunciation: Sn-oo-z-ear
Sentence: Sometimes when I am stressed I can't help but snoozeer
Etymology: Snooze/steer
Created by: Paige
Pronunciation: ante crash som ni a
Sentence: While Shannon was driving down the windy road late last night she was slowly drifting into antecrashsomnia.
Etymology: ante: before crash: crash somn: sleep ia:
love - sammrorkeydork, 2011-02-17: 11:31:00
Created by: amicain
Pronunciation: driver-sleep-insolmia
Sentence: When a persons is not able to drive without falling asleep. May cause death upon moving.
Etymology: driver-sleep-insolmia
Created by: bigmeat
Pronunciation: auto-somn-ia
Sentence: Sue was experiencing autosomnia on her way home from the bakery yesterday
Etymology: Auto-Self, Somnia- Sleep
How creative! - bigmeat, 2011-02-17: 11:32:00
Verbotomy - 2007-03-13: 01:00:29
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes.
Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-09-30: 00:22:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James