Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n., A gallant gesture which does not produce the desired effect because of poor execution. v., To offer a small gesture of assistance, which backfires as you trip over your own kind intentions.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Lidipop
Pronunciation: Klob-er-jess-t
Sentence: when i realized the good intention had gone badly, her "clobbergest" was just the begining of a series of unintentional punishments!!! :)
Etymology: Clobbering(to defeat overwhelmingly)+ gest/gesture(something said or done by way of formality or courtesy)= clobbergest
I was thinking also that a guest was being clobbered. - petaj, 2007-10-27: 02:02:00
Created by: mustkeepsanity
Pronunciation: mis-sis-tans
Sentence: When Cindy dropped her pencil Fred bent down to pick it up for her. The problem was that Cindy also bent to get it, and Fred ended up headbutting her in the nose. He's since learned not to offer his missistance to others.
Etymology: miss+assistance miss (To fail to accomplish or achieve) assistance (Aid, help)
Created by: mryder
Pronunciation: in-ept / swah-ve / itis
Sentence: Billy would have loved to open the door for the pretty girl; however his ineptsuavitis set in and he ended up getting himself trapped in the door.
Etymology: inept-ORIGIN originally in the sense unsuitable: from Latin ineptus, from in- ‘not’ + aptus ‘fitted. Suave-ORIGIN Latin suavis ‘agreeable’ itis (suffix)— ORIGIN from Greek -ites
Created by: Chickp
Pronunciation: Goof-E-nice
Sentence: He was going to put his coat over the puddle when he goofiniced and stepped on his shoelace and landed in the puddle instead.
Etymology: Goof - to make a mistake, + nice - to be kind to another person.
Created by: libwen
Pronunciation: mag 'nan a moopz
Sentence: If it weren't for his spectacular magnanamoops while trying to refill Jill's wine glass, Greg would certainly be on a second date right now.
Etymology: magnanamous + oops
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: JA-BOWL
Sentence: As Dan had been planning for months, he finally decided to take his chance when suddenly he got his neck caught in the dore, all the while while jaboling Diane.
Created by: runner
Pronunciation: wip jest your
Sentence: Ted suffered a painful whipgesture while trying to hold the door open for Lisa.
Etymology: whip: move briskly, gesture: an act toward another person
Created by: Kevcom
Pronunciation: rea-ko-meeme
Sentence: Danny shot a helpful recomime to the old lady waiting on the subway platform at Glencairn, Glencairn station, but was unfortunately left behind and delayed by the slowness of the old lady, and by the speed at which the doors open and close on the rocket.
Etymology: recoil + pantomime
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ur/bean
Sentence: John's attempt to be urbane, chivalrous, courteous, polite and just plain well-mannered became urbean when his head got jammed in the doorway helping a damsel in distress.
Etymology: urbane + Mr. Bean
Would never have thought to go down the Mr. Bean road. Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2007-10-26: 19:01:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: jest chur
Sentence: While trying to impress Inga on their first date, Jeremy used all his polite charms to ensure she thought him a true gentleman. Allowing her to go first buit trying to stay with her, he got caught in the fast moving doorway. Although his intention was good, his attention was not and he got caught in the door. "Son of a gun", she thought. "His jesture proved to me that he does not know how to handle a revolver. I guess he is not quite of the calibre I thought he should be".
Etymology: Jest (act in a funny or teasing way;activity characterized by good humor)& Gesture ( something done as an indication of intention;show, express or direct through movement)

Today's definition was suggested by ErWenn. Thank you ErWenn! ~ James
After you. No after you. No after you. No after yooooooeeeeouwwww!
Kevcom - 2007-10-26: 07:38:00
Awesome cartoon James! That is so funny - I was almost dyin' of laughter of the expression on the guys face...
Thanks to Kevcom and Petaj for your hurteous thoughts and magnanimistakian clobbergestures ~ James
Lidipop - 2007-10-26: 10:19:00
I actually printed this one's so good, well done!!!
We must not forget to thank ErWenn again for his generous courteslip. ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-10-26: 18:57:00
Yes, thank you ErWenn and James. Fabulous contributions from you two!
yellowbird - 2008-09-24: 11:49:00
Haven't we seen this definition before?
petaj - 2008-09-26: 04:19:00
Yep - looking forward to some new ones
Today's definition was suggested by ErWenn. Thank you ErWenn. ~ James