Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To spend years and years wishing you could be young again, only to discover that it's actually happening, but not exactly as you imagined. n. The fear the you are getting so old that people will start treating you like a baby
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Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: un-ex-RETro-SPECT
Sentence: Gloria was a renowned unexretrospectologist who had spent years and years researching a cure for the disorder in hopes of preventing it affecting her. However, it had happened anyway. She now could do cartwheels on a balance beam in a tiny pink leotard, albeit with arthritic bent knees, false teeth flying out of her mouth and flabby arms akimbo.
Etymology: unexpected + retrospections (in the noun form of the word, suffix eon is used in place of the usual ion to represent the years and years)
A retrospectorant might cure that. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-21: 07:28:00
Or a night on the town with a retrosexual. - Clayton, 2007-06-21: 09:45:00
Created by: pungineer
Pronunciation: meth/thooz/al/eyes
Sentence: Henry felt as fit as a fiddle, since retiring he had taken up hangliding, white water rafting and book keeping, he felt as young as a kitten. His wife felt like she was going through a strange second stage of motherhood as she was keeping Henry in adult incontinence drawers so he could do all his activities with confidence... Her health care provider told her it was a classic case of methuselism.
Etymology: Methuselah - really old fictional character + ise - overused verbotomy suffix thanks for Ozziebob's inspiritional sentence...
very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-14: 12:25:00
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: jerry/a/triks
Sentence: Geriatricks is a miserable joke played on people in the prime of life
Etymology: geriatrics + tricks
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: yooth-duh-kay
Sentence: Grandpa was suffering from youthdecay, which was causing a severe case of glumdisease
Etymology: youth, decay, tooth decay
That can have nasty complications with longperiodontitis. - petaj, 2007-06-21: 03:50:00
A cavortee is fairly unlikely, i suppose - galwaywegian, 2007-06-21: 06:16:00
No doubt he'd eventually develop gingivigoritis. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-21: 08:05:00
Not if he uses youthwash. - Clayton, 2007-06-21: 09:43:00
maybe an orthodontryst with some dental floosie would help - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-21: 10:42:00
Sounds like orally good time. - Clayton, 2007-06-21: 11:13:00
(insert oral roberts joke here). - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-21: 11:24:00
Very well. Grandpa had to settle for oral, because he left his roberts at home. - Clayton, 2007-06-21: 20:13:00
Created by: cococo
Pronunciation: ho - pee - ung
Sentence: He was Hopyounging in his last days
Etymology: Hope + Young
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: fresh-en-faze
Sentence: The diapers, the long naps, even the constant drooling didn't bother Harold, it was the urge to crawl around on the floor that disturbed him, he thought - he must get his happy knees back from his son in a hurry!
Etymology: fresh (new, young) + phase (a thing of varying modes or conditions manifests itself to the eye or mind)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Nap-pee-dayz
Sentence: Bob's wish to be young again had finally come true. Having been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease he could no longer fend for himself and had reverted back to having a mental age of three. He was certainly back in his nappydays!
Etymology: Nappy(a piece of absorbant material wrapped around babies to absorb bodily functions)ORIGIN abb.Napkin + Days = Nappydays. See also Happydays. A comedy following a group of teenagers growing up in the 1950's, when their lives where full of fun and being young thought nothing could ever go wrong in life.
funny, he became a fonz de leon - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-14: 12:24:00
Isn't this a sad definition? Good word, TJayzz. - Nosila, 2008-08-14: 21:44:00
Very clever. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-15: 06:03:00
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: youth + an + azh + ah
Sentence: Heck, I don't remember that, I've been undergoing youthanasia.
Etymology: Well, we've all heard about Ponce deLeon and his fountain of youth, maybe this is it!

Today's definition was inspired by Robert J. Sawyer's Rollback, and the never-ending search for the magic pill that will make you young again. The funny thing is that when the rejuvenation does happen in the real world, it's usually a disaster -- and a source for inspiration. Thanks Rob! ~ James
ivonce - 2008-08-18: 09:40:00